Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3886: Yang Yang's new invention

"Let's go back." Lin Feng patted Xiaobai's shoulder, Xiaobai nodded, and moved forward with Lin Feng's side, carefully guarding the little things on her body, for fear that the little things would be unhappy.

The little things on his body put too much pressure on him, just like the majesty of the owner, it dare not resist at all!

Seeing Xiaobai cautiously, Lin Feng shook his head.

This is the oppression that the dragon's blood brings to the monster beast.

The aura on the little thing is very strong, and it is the body of a monster. Xiao Bai can easily predict that this is a little different from Lin Feng. Lin Feng's dragon breath is hidden well most of the time. So it will not be noticed.

Lin Feng took the people all the way and returned home. The parents were still working. The couple got a piece of Lingcai Linggu Elixir in the back of the mountain, which decorated the whole back very beautifully.

Lin Feng could perceive that the breath of his parents has increased.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

It is very exciting for Lin Feng that his parents can accept cultivation.

It is a happier thing for Lin Feng to be able to see his parents become stronger, and walk with him in the future.

The road ahead is too long, and the family can always be together, even if it is a little harder, Lin Feng is willing.

"Xiao Feng is back!" Mother Yang first discovered Lin Feng's body and immediately waved to Lin Feng, "Xiao Feng, let's go home and rest for a while. Your father and I will be busy for a while."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Yang's father and Yang's mother brought the last thing back last night with a small bamboo basket. There were fresh vegetables in the bamboo basket, and Yang's mother was smiling.

"Look, the vegetables your father and I planted are just right!" Mother Yang said to Lin Feng with a smile, "We will make you a delicious meal."

Lin Feng nodded.

"What about them?" Lin Feng pointed to other cultivators.

"Most of the daytime I went out to practice. As for Yangyang, a few researchers are hiding on the side of the mountain to do scientific research. Our Dasheng Village is now getting bigger and bigger, and the surrounding cities and villagers are faintly facing away. As we move closer, Yang Yang has more and more things to do."

"The two boys, Sifeng and Xiaobian, don’t stay home every day, and don’t know what they’re up to. Lin Ling is busy cultivating. Xuan Xuan can’t come back from studying outside. Our two old men guarded all day."

While Father Yang said, Mother Yang looked at Lin Feng sadly at the same time. This guy, as soon as he went out, he would not be home for a few years, and he did not give a message to the family. This made Father and Mother Yang fear all day long.

Now that his son came back, Yang's father and Yang mother's mood immediately improved.

"Xiao Feng, wait a minute, my father and I, go and prepare a table for you that you like to eat. By the way, you go and greet Yangyang to come back. This kid is reluctant to leave him to work all day. In that place, you said he is still so young, how can his body survive?"

Yang's father and Yang's mother whispered to Lin Feng.

Hearing what his parents said, Lin Feng nodded.

Looking at Yang Yang's appearance, Lin Feng knew in his heart that this guy must still be worried about the previous things.

Qianjimen gave this kid a heavy hammer.

"I'll go see him." Lin Feng whispered.

Mother Yang nodded.

"It's okay for you father and son to talk, but don't worry too much. There are some things that you can't rush."

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

At the top of the mountain, a huge building lay there on the top of the mountain, and Yang Yang was lying on the roof.

Lin Feng flew up, Yang Yang looked back at Lin Feng, and said nothing.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry.

"What do you want?" Lin Feng looked at Yang Yang with a smile, "Beer?"


Lin Feng nodded and moved his mind, and immediately a few cans of beer flew into Lin Feng's hands.

"Why is it so melancholy? Is there any difficulty?" Lin Feng turned his head and looked at Lin Xiangyang. Lin Xiangyang sighed after drinking a can of beer in one gulp, and said: "Here, it is really exactly the same as the earth. "


Lin Feng nodded. The construction of Dasheng Village originally referred to the garden architecture on the earth. There was a kind of antique taste, and the green mountains and green waters lingered, Lin Feng's whole body and mind were relieved.

"I just talked to my mother for a while." Lin Feng turned to look at Lin Xiangyang, "Is there something unhappy?"

"It's a matter of research." Lin Xiangyang whispered, "but overall there is no big problem, just some small problems need to be dealt with, dad, don't worry, let me tell you, grandparents are too worried. "

Yang Yang's voice increased a little, "For a genius-like scientific researcher like me, the most important thing is to do more research. Grandparents make a fuss every time they see something happening here."

Lin Feng shook his head.

"They are for your own good."

"I know." Yang Yang stuck out his tongue, "I know it clearly in my heart, by the way, Dad, I will show you the new things we researched."

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then moved forward together.

Yangyang took Lin Feng inside.

A big guy is displayed on it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This thing is my latest invention and it is still being improved. "Yang Yang said with a smile, "It's specially used to deal with the strong people above the Daluo Jinxian. I have added a lot of things in it. I also asked the eldest brother, the second brother, the eldest sister, the second sister and the younger sisters to help together. , If the research is successful, we can deal with the powerhouses of the Daluo Jinxian level in batches. By the way, there are other things in it. "

"These materials were brought back from outside the sky by the eldest brother. They are very hard. They are used to make a shell and can withstand the attack of Daluo Jinxian with great strength."

Yang Yang introduced as he walked, and Lin Feng followed Yang Yang.

This guy is a great guy.

Although just listening to Yang Yang's introduction, Lin Feng can imagine that if this person becomes, then Yang Yang will break through the threshold of Da Luo Jinxian.

This is an achievement that spans history!

You know, most of the main purpose of machinery is to deal with the strong under the Daluo Jinxian. The strong above the Daluo Jinxian have the ability to communicate with the world, and they have to use machinery to deal with them. Great discount.

Of course, the sniffing and holding under Da Luo Jinxian also needed more help.

The reason why Qianjimen is famous below is that Qianjimen can meet all their needs.

Lin Xiangyang walked around the big guy.

"How is it?" Yang Yang turned his head to look at Lin Feng, and said proudly, "Isn't it awesome!"

Lin Feng Chao Yangyang gave a thumbs up.

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