Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3909: Keep going

"That is, believe it, this kid has brought out a lot of good things over the years. Do we have to be shocked every time?"

The people below were discussing in a low voice. Lin Feng stood among a group of people, and Lin Sifeng was able to get so much affirmation in front of everyone, which made Lin Feng also very satisfied.

This affirmation is the accumulation of time and the result of Lin Sifeng's hard work.


Someone yelled, everyone was quiet, and one by one looked at the cutting table.

"It's a piece of material, a small piece of meteorite from the outer world. Although it is very small, it is very complete. The price is definitely more than one hundred thousand top-grade immortal spirit stones." A disciple stepped forward to check it, and said seriously.


The voice of gulping saliva came from below.

However, the following disciples have not stated their position. Although a piece has been opened, they know that one piece does not mean anything. The most important thing is the follow-up. If the follow-up can be opened, then it is true...

Thinking of this, several people stood up straight and watched.

"Second piece!"

Lin Sifeng walked to the second block and said with a smile, "Wait for the surprise."

The people below stopped talking this time, and straightened their eyes to look ahead, waiting for the surprise to appear.

"Who will verify?" Lin Sifeng stepped aside.

"I'm here!" A young man walked up, took a look, and immediately put him in his sleeve, "Brother, make a price, we are still good friends for life!"

"One hundred thousand." Lin Sifeng pointed to the price of the rough stone and said with a smile.

"I want this one!" Before the third stone was opened, the disciple below immediately jumped up and determined the destination of the three stones.

"Don't worry, let's go ahead and tell you that I lied to you." Lin Sifeng smiled and stood aside. "Don't worry, what the Demon King said before is still worthwhile, so please wait for the result with peace of mind."

The hearts of everyone gradually began to heat up.

Lin Bian gave Lin Sifeng a thumbs up in the corner.

"Sifeng, I will convince you!" An aristocratic disciple who stood closer to Lin Sifeng gave Lin Sifeng a thumbs up.

They are not the best in the family, but the best are busy with cultivation. They are in charge of the family. Although the level of cultivation is not very good, they have a lot of things in them.

Knowing Lin Sifeng, one is because of Lin Sifeng's heroic restaurant, and also because of Lin Sifeng's personal belongings. Of course, they can maintain such a good relationship because of Lin Sifeng's character.

They can absolutely guarantee the quality of the things that come out of Lin Sifeng’s hands, without any ambiguity.

For example, this time the rough stone.

No one can guarantee that this thing will win 100%, whether it is a novice or a veteran, but Lin Sifeng told them that he has a batch of rough stones, and the quality of the things mined from each stone can be guaranteed. .

They didn't believe it at first, but when the two stones were driven down, they already trusted it absolutely.

Trusting this thing does not come just as it says, but once it comes, it definitely deserves everyone's trust.

The people who had some thoughts were quiet at this moment, and their eyes fell behind Lin Sifeng.

Lin Sifeng was not in a hurry. He just stood there with a smile and looked at him. After a piece of rare material ten years ago was drawn out of the third rough stone, Lin Sifeng gave way.

"These three rough stones were found by everyone. I am only responsible for mining. Now, are you satisfied with the results?"

"Sifeng, go along!"

"Don't pretend to be forced!"

"Let's choose the rough stone first!"

Everyone bypassed Lin Sifeng and went straight in to find the original stone.

"I'll arrange for the master to come over." Lin Bian immediately went out upstairs and went straight down. Soon, Lin Bian brought the five cutting masters who were currently free in Zhongzhou City.

These cutting masters didn't have time to catch their breath. These young masters and sons came immediately holding the stone. You have one piece and two pieces for me. Although everyone doesn't buy much, there is nothing left.

"Dad, how?"

Lin Bian asked Lin Feng in a low voice.

"I made it." Lin Feng said with a smile, "Although it is far worse than the auction, there are so many gambling gambling grounds in Qianjimen. Now we have only emptied two small gambling gambling grounds. The largest one will dig out again, and I will find the spies to inquire about the remaining ones who are not sure."

Lin Feng whispered.

"Dad, I am more familiar with this." Lin Sifeng put a map in Lin Feng's hands, "I have cleared all the gambling grounds of the owner, dad, look at it." Lin Sifeng put the drawing In front of Lin Feng, "The remaining eight companies cannot confirm the owner. I have already contacted your father and your friends, and it has nothing to do with them. There really is no one with a thousand opportunities, so it can only be that. The boss thinks he is unlucky."

Lin Sifeng touched his nose and said with a smile.

"It's very fast."

Lin Feng glanced at the drawing, and after memorizing the eight addresses, he put the drawing away.

"I see, you brothers should prepare first. Let's have a big auction next month~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and give Qianjimen a gift."

Lin Feng's mouth curled up.

Originally, he was not prepared to take action against the Qianjimen at this time, but since the Qianjimen are here, Lin Feng is not a fool, you are here, let me let you go, it is absolutely impossible Things.


Lin Feng read it silently in his heart.

This is just the beginning.

This batch of rough stones was quickly cleared up when a group of people were still not satisfied.

Lin Sifeng handed over the storage bag to Lin Feng.

"Dad, this is what we can get now, although not much, but one day tomorrow should be enough."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Thank you." Lin Feng also let out a sigh of relief when he took the storage bag.

"Hey, Dad, you can go out and get us resources at ease, and leave the rest to us. You have to believe that your sons can definitely handle it!"

Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

Yes, the sons can definitely handle it.

Over the years, he has been fighting outside, and the children have taken care of the back very well, which made Lin Feng feel very comfortable.

"You are my pride." For a long time, Lin Feng said seriously to the two children.

"Let's go!" Lin Sifeng and Lin Bian turned around and went out to look directly. There were two cutting masters working below. Those secret rough stones were not taken by the invited cutting masters.

"Thanks, everyone!" Lin Feng personally served food to the two of them, "Are you still used to it?"

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