Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4003: Hand over to 2 women

For Qingshan Academy, Lin Feng can be said to have the best memory.

Whether it was everyone fighting together or the help of Dean Hongshan and Dean Dan, they all gave Lin Feng a good memory.

"Brothers, Lin Feng would like to ask everyone to take care of them in the future."

"President, this is what we should do, not dare to be it!"

Seeing Lin Feng being so easy to talk, several people's faces also smiled.

It can be said that they are all genius alchemists, each of them is very capable, but when they graduated, it is inevitable that they have made their own different choices on the road of choice, without joining any forces or sects.

Xiaobai has already told Lin Feng that the skills of these alchemists do not need to be inferior to those cultivated by the sects, or even better, but because they are used to freedom, they have lived very well these years. Difficult, also in Divine Soul City, because of their maverick and fighting power underground, they are often bullied by other Divine Souls.

After seeing these situations, Xiao Bai and Zhao Qingluo carried out the troubles together. With Zhao Qingluo's fighting power here, many spirits couldn't come over and ask for trouble.

When Lin Feng was in the official property of this group of people, this group of people was also in the official property of Lin Feng.

As for Lin Feng, Lin Feng has always been the unbeatable myth of Qingshan Academy. He can lead the entire Qingshan Academy to the top of the five academies with one person's power and become the object of worship by all academies. Lin Feng's credit is indispensable for all this.

"President, these are the members and resources of our Small Bone Society, and there are two others who are helping to refine the pill, so they did not come up, but this time the president, we are willing to give you to the new president, we Knowing that you are very busy, if you need our help, just tell us, but there are some things that we may not be able to do well. The president can arrange for someone to come over."

Everyone looked at Lin Feng with a smile on their faces.

Xiaobai had already told them that Lin Feng had his own team behind him, and they were all very powerful, with superb management capabilities, much more powerful than those of them who were free and undisciplined.

With Xiaobai’s persuasion and Lin Feng’s own skills, they are very at ease with Lin Feng. Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Feng has an easy-going attitude and can help them a lot, as long as they can To meet their needs, in fact, a small bone is not a big event for them. The most important thing is that the little ghost will be able to hand it over to Lin Feng, so that Lin Feng will carry forward. For them, it is actually far more in their hands than the small bone. It's always better than good enough.

"Then...I will take over, but for some special reasons, I can't manage it. Things here are still the same as before, but let's change the name. The name Xiaoguhui is too ugly. We will call it the Great Sacred Society in the future. ,how is it?"

Lin Feng's gaze swept across everyone's faces, "As for our members, besides me, many people will join them. Those are the next backbone elites of our Great Sacred Church. They will be responsible for external affairs. You only need to be at ease and protect everything you need to protect. Don’t worry, you will also assist in the management at that time, but you can rest assured that the managers I selected are definitely good enough and they can take all Everything is done well, even if it’s an external battle, if someone comes to bully you, you don’t need to worry anymore. Their combat power is enough to kill those spirits in seconds."

Lin Feng's voice was not high, but it lifted all the members of the Small Bones Society.

What Lin Feng said can benefit them!

"it is good!"

Several people nodded without hesitation.

Everything was handed over. As for the name, it was up to Lin Feng to decide. They were all immortals, and it was pretty good to get shelter. At this time, they didn't want to talk about their so-called backbone!

Spine, that is based on sufficient strength!

Besides, talking about backbone in front of Lin Feng, the alchemy master, they really don't have this need!

"Then... I'll introduce my two wives to you first. I'm often away. If you have any difficulties, you can inform her, and you can hunt the soul beast." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Several people straightened their bodies immediately, and there was a little more expectation in their eyes.

As Lin Feng's words fell, Yu Tong and Zixia walked in.

The face of the second girl has gone through some simple treatments, and it is a little fuzzy, but everyone can still see that the face of the second girl is very beautiful, and she should be a peerless beauty.

They had met Xiaobai’s wife and Dean Hongshan’s niece. Not only was she superb, she was also one of the best women in her heart, and she was also one of the best beauties. As for Lin Feng’s breath, Xiaobai also said occasionally , All of them are national beauty and heavenly fragrance.

At this moment, they can be regarded as meeting.

After seeing it, everyone felt envy.

Sure enough, heroes match beauties~www.wuxiaspot.com~Real heroes are all occupied by beauties.

"This is Yutong, this is Zixia. They are all my good internal helpers. Next, they will help you to handle everything in the Great Sacred Assembly. Do you think it is okay?" Lin Feng's eyes swept across everyone. .

"I have read your information, and Xiaobai also told us. To be honest, you are still lacking in management in terms of management, and for alchemists, you are not only about improving your cultivation. , And still need to refine the pill at all times, the Great Sacred Society is going to develop, it is bound to collect more spirits, but I can guarantee that you are the backbone members of the Great Sacred Society, no matter what, the Great Sacred Society will give priority to satisfy you guys."

Lin Feng meant that their interests are still there, but they are not suitable for management matters.

A group of people were silent and bowed their heads and did not speak there. Although Lin Feng's words were very gentle, these words still hit their inner world, and a group of people bowed their heads.

Everyone knew in their hearts that what Lin Feng said was the truth, so after hearing what Lin Feng said, everyone was silent for a while, and instead they agreed.

"We are all casual cultivators, and we are not good at management. Previously, the president and the president's wife handled our affairs. Then you will handle it. We can rest assured." Zhang Han stood up and said straightforwardly, "We are just We need a shelter from the wind and rain. As alchemists, we hope that our skills can be fully utilized instead of being trampled on."

Lin Feng nodded and turned to look at the second woman.

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