Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4031: Opportunism

Chapter 4025 Opportunism

Xuanyu's greed flashed for a moment, but it quickly converged. He knew very well that the baby in front of him was not something he could leave if he wanted it.

"This...how to use it?"

Looking at the console, Xuan Yu looked around with a look of excitement, and looked excited.

A light flashed.

Lin Feng's body fell behind Xuan Yu. At this moment, his whole body's cultivation base seemed to be undulating, completely ignoring his intention.

"Candle shade, you come!"

Chitaki whispered to Candle Yin, "This guy is too stupid!"

"You can be less nonsense!" The candle said in a shabby way, "Such a good young man, don't take it badly."

"Bah!" Chitaki groaned, and stopped speaking in silence.

A divine sense of the candle Yin penetrated into Xuanyu’s head. Xuanyu tried to control a few buttons. Then, bullets and light went directly to the disciples of the Qianchimen below, and the disciples of the Qianchimen still Without a reaction, the bullet penetrated their bodies.


A small explosion sounded from below, blood and water fluttered, and the Anxie Corpse Yin sect disciples had no time to protect themselves, so they spurted and fell to the ground.

The speed was so fast that Xuan Yu hadn't reacted for a while.

After a while, Xuan Yu licked his lips.

"good stuff!"

Seeing this scene, Xuan Yu's eyes immediately brightened, controlling Liusuo and rushing towards Tang Zaitian.

"You slow down!" Chitaki reminded Xuan Yu, Xuan Yu didn't care about it at all, his eyes were directed at Tang Zaitian.

This old thing is now the top priority!

Seeing the big guy who rushed over, Tang Zaitian's eyes flashed with surprise, then he sneered and grabbed it directly. Tang Zaitian's hand kept zooming in, and Xuan Yu had already controlled Liu Shuo. Shuo left, leaving quickly, a gloomy flash across Tang Zaitian's face.

The speed of this thing was somewhat beyond his expectation!

It can be faster than the shuttle of his thousands of opportunities!

good stuff!

A flash of heat flashed in Tang Zaitian's eyes, and he softened Liusuo's shot, "This thing will soon be mine."

Tang Zaitian's voice is not high, but Xuan Yu can hear it clearly.

"You think too much of the old things. Do you think this world is all around you? This is yours, and that's yours. You say you are not tired every day. Does anything belong to you? "Xuan Yu sneered, with disgust in his eyes, "Come on, eat me!"

The bullet rushed directly towards Tang Zaitian.

These bullets hit Tang Zaitian, even with Tang Zaitian’s cultivation base, he had to let go of the opportunity to seize Liusuo to deal with the big guy in front of him. However, its shots were fast enough, but they were constantly facing it. The continuous big guy, his cultivation base can't be dealt with at all.

The strength of Liusuo surpassed Tang Zaitian's expectations.

Where did this big thing come from?

Intuition tells Tang Zaitian that this thing is related to Lin Feng, but now Lin Feng's breath has completely disappeared in the formation.

Xuanyu was babbling while fighting.

"Old stuff, no, I just attacked you casually, you have to avoid it, you don't really think that this baby can be yours!"

"Old stuff, do you take yourself too seriously?"

While controlling the battle, Xuan Yu was chattering, very excited, Lin Feng continued to be promoted, but Xuan Yu still had broken thoughts in his ears.

"Tsk tusk, old stuff, this tear gas can be comfortable!"

"Old stuff, go east, go a little east, oh, how did you know that I will attack the west too? I'm embarrassed as soon as this happens to meet me!"

"Oh, did this hit someone's little chrysanthemum? I felt my chrysanthemum tighten. I said, old man, how does it taste?"

"Tsk tusk, I can't bear to look at the way your **** blooms!"


"Xuanyu!" Tang Zaitian's face became gloomy, and the pain in the back made Tang Zaitian's face reddening, and his eyes stared at Xuanyu.

"I'm going to kill you!"

"I'm not good at this, sir, don't be so enthusiastic!" The mysterious jade scholar Lin Feng gestured and said with a smile, "Tsk tusk, I didn't expect it, you like such a great gift, I knew you liked it. It's so amazing, I shouldn't have kept it before!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, Lin Feng can't see such a good scene now!"

Xuan Yu's voice became more and more arrogant. Liu Shuo continued to fight under Xuan Yu's control. Although Xuan Yu talked about nonsense, the battle was still well controlled and very careful.

So Liu Shuo could only endure it silently, but Xuan Yu seemed to have too much fun.

The resources on them are limited.

Moreover, because they are only so large in size, all the remaining resources are in Lin Feng's hand. Only Lin Feng can fill these resources. Obviously, Lin Feng is now being promoted, and Lin Feng cannot come. Fill them with resources.

"You slow down, our resources are limited."

After a while, Chitaki reminded Xuanyu and said, "If all the bullets are used up, we can't help you. It will take some time for the master to complete the promotion. We don't want any situation with the master."

"Furthermore, if you don't control the resources to fight, then you will have to fight with your bare hands. You don't want to fight with your bare hands!"

Chitaki's voice was not high, but Xuanyu slowed down.

Xuanyu’s previous excitement has completely calmed down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and nodded, "I know, I will be more cautious."

Seeing that Xuan Yu slowed down, Tang Zaitian's speed increased, and he attacked Xuan Yu directly. Xuan Yu kept evading Tang Zaitian's attacks. At this time, the two sides stayed together and looked somewhat evenly matched.

There are Liu Shuo’s out-of-search and Xuan Yu’s own cultivation is not low. With Liu Shuo’s assistance, Tang Zaitian has the heart to deal with Xuan Yu. At this time, he had to correct his mentality. Is heavy.

The few big guys in front of them are obviously not so easy to deal with.

Xuan Yu was not idle, and from time to time he attacked the disciple of the Thousand Chance Sect below. These bullets could destroy the qi in his body. Although Tang Hao had been protecting the disciple below, when he shot, It is inevitable that they will still have reservations and even choose to escape. At this time, Xuan Yu will not hesitate to take action against the disciples below.

In some respects, Xuan Yu and Lin Feng are both opportunists.

(End of this chapter)

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