Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 3935: Guilty

Although I don't know who made the shot against him, such a shot has struck a bell in Lin Feng's mind. Some people are coveting his treasure, and these people are not something he can deal with.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was only a momentary matter. If it was a little longer, his body was covered with the aura of the mid-stage chaos. It is estimated that he is reasonable and unclear.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and hugged the second daughter out of the valley.

The disciples of Qianjimen and the disciples here have been right together, not only the disciples of Yuanmen, but also disciples of other sects are full of resentment for this raid of Qianjimen.

"This time is really good." Yu Tong said with a smile, "The Thousand Chance Sect has sent so many elite disciples out this time, we finally have a chance to deal with these guys thoroughly."

"A bunch of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves."

Zixia snorted.

"Crazy girl, be careful!" Lin Feng grabbed Xiao Nishang.

"It's okay, that Tang Hao's cultivation is good, I will meet him!" Xiao Nishang licked his lips, watched the battle below, and said with a serious expression, "I don't believe I can't solve that guy! "

Hearing Xiao Nishang's words, Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

This crazy girl, it is estimated that he would not listen to him at this time. Seeing the girl's appearance, Lin Feng could only shake his head.

"This guy's cultivation base is very powerful. You are not good for you if you rush to make a move at this time."

Xiao Nishang waved his hand.

"Don't worry, I know that guy has what you need, so I'm going to shoot and grab it for you. This is what we belong to." Xiao Nishang turned to look at Lin Feng, and said solemnly. "Wait for my news!"

After speaking, Xiao Nishang rushed directly towards Tang Hao.

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

"Let's go too!" As he said, Lin Feng and her two daughters rushed up. An old man suddenly appeared beside Tang Hao, and the attack fell on Xiao Nishang's body. Xiao Nishang was suddenly attacked, and his whole body was thrown away. After leaving, Lin Feng caught Xiao Nishang, and the second daughter had already confronted the old man.

"I'm fine!"

Xiao Nishang stood up, wiped off the blood from the corners of her mouth, and the aura in her whole body became stronger and stronger. Although the battle just now had a little impact on her, Xiao Nishang had completely awakened at this time, and looked at the opposite person. The enemy, the refrigerant tube snorted, "I don't believe it anymore, this guy dare to attack me a second time!"

Lin Feng quickly followed Xiao Nishang.

Four people dealt with one person. Although the old man's cultivation base was strong, he was quickly under the siege of the four people. Tang Hao never made a move, just staring at the attack in front of him with a cold face.


Lin Feng said to Tang Hao with his mouth.

Tang Hao snorted coldly, and stepped back a bit, watching the old man deal with the four people, his eyes were gloating, this time with the elders, he didn't believe that this kid Lin Feng could leave with such peace of mind!

This time, he must kill Lin Feng, this **** kid!

Seeing the gloom on Tang Hao's face, Lin Feng shook his head. This guy's mind was too dirty.

"You have a thousand opportunities, it's not that I said you, look at you, the whole of your shoots are from the cockroach and the thief, it's useless!" Lin Feng suddenly spoke and said solemnly.

"Boy, you can say it again sincerely!"

The old man's expression turned gloomy for an instant, looked down at Lin Feng, and said viciously.

"I said that your school is a group of cockroachers!"

Lin Feng said solemnly, "Should I tell you the second time? The second time is the same result. Your school is all the cockroach and the thief, what I said is the truth!" Lin Feng waved his hand and said with a smile. .


The old man pointed at Lin Feng, the flames all over his body seemed to burn instantly, his eyes swept across Lin Feng's body, and the speed of his shots became more and more rapid.

Fengtong's sword lay in front of Lin Feng, blocking the old man's last attack, and the corner of Lin Feng's mouth hooked.

"I admit that your cultivation level is very high, but now so many elders of the sect are watching you here, do you really think you can run away today?" Lin Feng smiled happily. "Tsk tusk, the method of the Thousand Chance Gate is good, the nightmare beasts we have worked so hard to kill, you just take it away, are you embarrassed?"

What Lin Feng said is called sincerity.

The old man took a step back.

"what did you say?"

"I just said what I just said. I said, old man, if your ears are not good, you have to go for treatment. Don't have to give birth or do it a second time. I am not a repeater. Over and over again, don't you find it annoying, I still find it annoying!"

Lin Feng speeded up his shot.

The old man looked at Lin Feng with a cold light in his eyes. Lin Feng was not afraid, and still shot without hesitation.

"Boy, this is your own death!"

The breath of the old man's whole body suddenly let go.

"Ah, the elder of Thousand Chance Sect is bullying and is going to kill me!" At this moment, Lin Feng's body quickly backed away, and he was so handsome.

"You!" The old man pointed to Lin Feng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with an incredible look. How could this kid say such things? What does it mean that he wants to kill this kid!

This **** kid!

This kid is clearly calculating him!

Seeing the smile on Lin Feng's face, the old man's attack was somewhat restrained, but the next moment, Yuan Qi's anger shot directly directed against the old man.

"Thousand-machine gate is right, my yuan gate is unmanned, can't you?"

On the one hand, he suppressed his attack, while on the other he shot with anger. The old man at Qianjimen was directly fed out by Yuan Qi’s attack several hundred meters away, looking at the person in front of him with a gloomy face.

What an angry shot!

The old man widened his eyes and looked at Yuan Qi, who stood in front of Lin Feng and snorted coldly.

"Let's fight and bully me a little disciple of Yuanmen, what are you capable of?"


Seeing Yuan Qi, the old man sneered, "Are you going too far?"

"Lin Feng, come out and tell him I am not too much!"

"From the perspective of the sect, the seventh elder is just protecting the lives of our Yuan sect disciples, nothing wrong!" Lin Feng said with a smile, "The elder did a good job."

"Boy you!"

The old man pointed at Lin Feng, his whole body trembling.

"You are turning black and white!"

"I'm telling things from facts, everyone can talk, you can ask everyone's opinions."

Lin Feng was still frank.

Seeing the frankness on Lin Feng's face, the old man came silently, looking at Lin Feng, Yao Zi's eyes were a little more complicated.

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