Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4120: Rescue is coming

Lin Feng had a smile on his face. Hearing what Lin Feng said, Yu Kexin laughed, then nodded and said: "I know, don't worry, my grandfather is here, let's not deal with the old guy Bai You. Bai You is definitely not Grandpa's opponent."

Probably it was Yu Xingyi's arrival. Yu Kexin was a bit more playful at this time. This kind of cuteness that only manifests in front of his family made Lin Feng's heart warm, and he missed his family too.

Lin Feng looked at the front.

Yu Xingyi was an out-and-out veteran immortal emperor, and Bai You was obviously not enough in front of Yu Xingyi.

"This kind of guy should be given a good beating." Seeing Bai You's non-committal appearance, Lin Feng said with a narrow smile, "It's nothing more than a dogged old thing."

"The point is, this dog has no owner. After all, it has been abandoned by the owner." Yu Kexin said with a smile, Bai You's body trembled, and his eyes fell on Lin Feng and Yu Kexin.

Yu Xingyi snorted coldly.

"Why, Xin'er made a mistake?"

"No." Under Yu Xingyi's pressure, Bai You shook his head, "Nothing was wrong."


Yu Xingyi snorted coldly, and Bai You's body quickly disappeared in front of Lin Feng and Yu Kexin.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and fell to the ground.

Just now, he was still holding on. At this time, the old and the new hurt came up together. Lin Feng's appearance was as embarrassed as he was embarrassed.

"Go back first." Yu Xingyi glanced at Lin Feng and Yu Kexin. He admired Lin Feng. Lin Feng had a gentleman's demeanor. What's more, it was Lin Feng who protected his little girl at home.

"Grandpa Ancestor." Yu Kexin pouted and walked to Yu Xingyi's side, "This Bai You is too disgusting, isn't it a pity that we just let him go like this?"

Yu Xingyi shook his head.

"Although Bai You is hateful, it can't cover that this old thing is from someone else's family, and we can't demand too much of other people's things, right?" Bai You's gaze swept across Lin Feng and Yu Kexin. Finally fell on Lin Feng.

"Little brother, if you have anything, let's go to the Yu family first, let's talk about it. Don't worry, you will be Xin'er, my guest of Yu family.

Yu Xingyi took Lin Feng and Yu Kexin directly out.

Liu Suo hid in Lin Feng's body and did not dare to speak.

Taking advantage of the gap, Lin Feng took a hidden pill.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief when there was a pill to hide the innate Lingbao breath in his body.

After Yu Xingyi took Yu Kexin and Lin Feng back, he directly threw Lin Feng into the formation to recover. Lin Feng was not polite. The center of Juling Town was probably where Yu Xingyi practiced himself, and Lin Feng practiced well inside. After a while, Lin Feng flew out of it when his cultivation level was almost fixed.

The aura on his body became stronger and stronger, and when he felt the aura on his body, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth.

He likes this feeling.

Yu Kexin waited for Lin Feng outside.

"Grandpa Grandpa, is Lin Feng okay?"

"Don't worry, this kid is very clever. The aura on his body has already been covered up. He has arranged his aura very well, and it's okay." Yu Xingyi said with a smile, "It's just that the battle is too strong, so he's all at heart. I'm tired."

Yu Xingyi looked at Yu Kexin and said with a smile, "On the contrary, it is you. You have been talking about others dozens of times in just one day, girl, tell me honestly..."


Yu Kexin stomped and turned his head, "I...I was worried about him. After all, he was like this because of me. Otherwise, at his speed, he would have already left without me."

Yu Kexin lowered her head, her head buried in her neck.

Seeing Yu Kexin's appearance, Yu Xingyi shook his head.

"The boss didn't want to stay, in a blink of an eye, my mind was turned toward other people's homes, and toward other people's homes!"

Yu Xingyi shook his head and said.

"Grandpa Grandpa!"

Yu Kexin stomped her feet. The girl who is usually a female man lowered her head at this time, with a shy look, "Although that is what I say, I still don't know Lin Feng... Lin Feng..."

Yu Kexin looked at Lin Feng.

She didn't know whether Lin Feng would stay for her.

"A man's world is the vast ocean and sky outside. If you love him, follow him, girl, you must always remember that Yu family is your home, if he betrays you and abandons you, whatever At that time, as long as you come back, you will always be Yu Jia’s eldest lady, but love is a wonderful thing. Now that you feel it, don’t miss it, you know?"

Yu Xingyi looked at Yu Kexin, frowned and said.

Yu Kexin raised her head to look at Yu Xingyi, something in her eyes began to change little by little, and Yu Kexin sniffed.

"I know, Grandpa Grandpa, but I don't want to leave the Yu family. Lin Feng is a bird in the sky. If he wants to, I'll wait for him to come back. If he doesn't want to, I will put my thoughts away. Okay. For the rest of the day."

Upon hearing Yu Kexin's words, Yu Xingyi sighed.

"You girl!"

Yu Xingyi patted Yu Kexin's head, "Grandpa Grandpa at this time is extremely envious of the person inside who took your heart away."

Yu Kexin stuck out his tongue and stopped speaking.

"Let's go, let's go back first. I guess this kid won't come out after a good bite." Yu Xingyi shook his head, feeling that the spiritual power inside was converging towards Lin Feng, and said somewhat dumbfoundedly. .

Yu Kexin nodded and left with Yu Xingyi.

After half an hour, Yu Kexin came back to guard Lin Feng.

For three days in a row, Lin Feng came out contentedly. Looking at the silly woman guarding the door, Lin Feng was taken aback, and his body softened a lot.


Yu Kexin turned around~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing Lin Feng come out, he immediately leaned in front of Lin Feng and said:

"You...you came out, how is it?"

"I'm fine, thanks a lot."

Yu Kexin smiled, "It's all because of me that you are like this. I should do something for you."

The two of them slowly walked towards the front, experiencing life and death together, because Shi Ningxue’s grievances became very thin to Lin Feng at this time. Lin Feng patted Yu Kexin on the shoulder and put an identity badge. To Yu Kexin.

"This, it's my shop in Soul City. If you have anything to beat the female line, or if you want something, just go find me here and leave a message to the shop Xiaoer."

Lin Feng said to Yu Kexin with a gentle smile on his mouth.


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