Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4220: Holy Mountain【94/100】

Lin Ling whispered, "Dad, do me a favor when you come, I can solve the woman in Sama, but his father is a trouble, dad, take the time to help me deal with it."

"The Lord of the City has reached the Great Perfection of Luo Tianshang, two realms higher than me. It is not easy to deal with that fellow Yao Ziyi."

Hearing what Lin Ling said, Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded.

"Dare to bully my daughter, whether it is the city lord or the immortal emperor, it won't work."

Lin Ling nodded.

Xuanyu and Zhao Xuan fell far behind and didn't mean to follow.

Lin Ling glanced back at the two people.

"Dad, where did you find the stupid big guy? It's funny that these two people are following you so stupidly."

When they heard Lin Ling's words, Zhao Xuan and Xuanyu twitched their lips.

They are not not going forward, but looking at the person in front of them, they are scared!

Thinking of Blade Lin Ling's unhesitating shot, the two still felt chilly below.

"Haha, well, we mainly don't want to disturb you and Brother Lin. After all, your father and daughter haven't seen each other for a long time, so we just follow behind and have a look."

Xuan Yu said with a smile and waved his hand, "It's most important that you communicate with your father more."


Zhao Xuan also nodded.

"We have been with Brother Lin for a long time, and it's not too late for a while. On the contrary, you can't see it easily. Please communicate more."

Both Xuan Yu and Zhao Xuan were behind, and they had no intention of going up.


If this is to get together, they will die!

The grandmother in front of her was not a foolish master.

The two squeezed tightly below, slowing down the speed of affection even more.

Lin Feng just smiled when seeing the two people.

Lin Ling turned his head and continued to talk to Lin Feng. The father and daughter rarely have time to get along like this. Most of the time along the way, Lin Ling said that Lin Feng was listening, and the father and daughter were peaceful.

Seeing such a well-behaved Lin Ling, Zhao Xuan and Xuanyu looked at each other. Soon, the two of them began to slowly move towards each other. Lin Ling's attitude was calm, and the two of them quickly removed the scars and forgot to hurt them. Fighting fiercely.

"Young man!"

Seeing this scene, Ji Shuo sighed.

"I'm still young after all, and I don't have as many thoughts as the elderly. It's all right in the blink of an eye, really rare!"

"Hey, I still saw such a cute human once!"

Ji Shuo leaned together and said with a smile, "I really don't know how these two boys grew up."

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Stop this one!"


Ji Shuo shut up immediately. Lin Ling had a good heart for the master, so it would be better for them to ridicule less. After all, the less master is much more fun than the master.

"The holy city ahead." Lin Ling turned his head and said with a smile, "This experience is really cool."

Lin Ling shook his body, "Dad, go in and find a place to settle down. I still have some things to deal with. It's estimated that it will take a while before I can come to see you dad. You must pay attention to your safety."

Lin Ling waved his hand and advanced into the city.

"Young Master is not with us anymore."

Seeing Lin Ling left first, Ji Shuo was depressed again.

Especially Chitaki Boqi and Hou Tu, they have been together for the longest time, and they regarded Lin Feng's child as their own treasure. When Lin Ling was gone, their faces were full of dismay.

"Just go to deal with something, and I will be back soon." Lin Feng paid the immortal spirit stone into the city, "Everyone first go in and take a rest. Anyway, on this road, we will have a meal and lodging. This will I can finally have a good rest."

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said.

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Ji Shuo nodded and followed Lin Feng to the front.

With Lin Feng leading the way, although the people behind were somewhat uncomfortable in their hearts, they still quickly adapted to the current situation. Following Lin Feng, all of them were excited.

As soon as he walked into the holy city, Lin Feng's breath seemed to pause.

In the next moment, the invisible power of thought shrouded Lin Feng's side, and Lin Feng could feel that these power of thought were continuously gathering towards Lin Feng's brain.

The power of these thoughts is very weak, but for Lin Feng, a person who has not been in contact with thoughts for a long time, it is a long drought and the rain, and the whole brain is refreshed.

A long time ago, Lin Feng had known the benefits of these powers of thoughts to the brain, especially when fighting, the power of thoughts could definitely achieve different effects.

Feeling the strength of his body, Lin Feng's mouth twitched, and his whole mood followed.

At this moment, the surrounding environment moved.

"the host!"

A voice sounded and Lin Feng opened his eyes.

"Although this power of thought is good, it is rejected by everyone. There will be bad things in it, which is not good for cultivation." Zhu Dong said with a serious face, "Master, be careful. Up."

"Is that so?"

Feeling some evil thoughts that almost entered his brain, Lin Feng nodded. ,

"Most of the monks in the Western world are based on the power of cultivating ideas. Their spiritual power is inherently strong, but such a power comes at a price, that is, they are different from our ordinary cultivators."

Candlestick paused before speaking.

"The power of their minds in their practice will also produce demons. The demons that are generated will spread out a little bit along with their practice and spread throughout the Western world. After these breaths spread, it will not only affect the practitioner himself. , There is also a lot of harm to outsiders."

Zhu Ming explained the situation to Lin Feng~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng nodded.

People came and went on the streets of the holy city, and many of them carried the smell of incense, and walked past Lin Feng with a pious expression on their faces.

"There are mostly believers in the Western world. These believers deeply believe in the power of the Buddha. They go along the way and the place they want to go is the holy mountain. The holy mountain is the largest Buddhism in the Western world. Most of these believers go there."

Zhu Dan gave Lin Feng a simple explanation, and Lin Feng nodded, his gaze also fell to the front.

"Let's go to that holy city, too!"

Lin Feng tickled the corner of his mouth and said with a smile.

"There are 108 Buddhist legends in the Western world, but most of the temples have long since disappeared, especially in a great war 30,000 years ago. All Buddhism was defeated by the holy mountain and finally assembled into the holy city. With the Holy Mountain, this has been united for 30,000 years."

Xuan Yu walked forward and whispered, "Brother Lin, are you going to watch or go up as religiously as these believers."


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