Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4247: 3 years【Friday/30th】

"What has wings?" Dongfang Jiuxiang waved his hand, "Dongfang Batian didn't find anyone, it doesn't mean that the kid is no longer alive, but this space is only so big, and there is no other hidden space. The kid is probably from the previous Those who fled through the passage prepared by Qianjimen, that's it."

Dongfang Jiuxiang's mouth hooked.

"This kid is good at it."

Hearing Dongfang Jiuxiang's words, the three brothers glanced at each other, then nodded, and said, "I see, third brother, let's go down and prepare for the tribe. This time, although the tribe has little damage, the mortal world is not at all. Well, at this time, we still have to spend a lot of time to deal with all this."

"Go!" Dongfang Jiuxiang waved his hand, "Be careful, although people are gone, we have to beware. Maybe that kid really exists here. If we let Qianjimen know, we won't have any good fruits."

Hearing Dongfang Jiuxiang's words, Dewo and Jonah nodded, turned and left.

Dongfang Jiuxiang went to the depths.

The entire dragon tomb was evacuated by Lin Feng. Dongfang Jiuxiang walked inside and looked at the depths of the clean dragon tomb. Dongfang Jiuxiang always felt as if he had lost something. Suddenly, Dongfang Jiuxiang's body trembled. .

treasure house!

The Dragon Tomb not only contains the blood of the dragon, but also all the treasures of their entire space. This is their treasure house and the Dragon Tomb!

Dongfang Jiuxiang's entire body trembled!

Damn, they were fooled by that kid!

"Dewo, Jonah, come back soon!" Dongfang Jiuxiang quickly called the two people over, "You now leave quickly to find the trace of the kid, first contact Mengbu, we have supported Mengbu for so many years, it is also Mengbu It's time for the cloth to give us a starting point!"

Dongfang Jiuxiang looked at the two people and said, "Lin Feng has taken away our treasure house, which contains all our savings for so many years. It must be taken back, otherwise it will be a huge loss for us!"

"Second brother, how could this happen? We have so many things in our treasure house, and that kid can't take it away!"

"Isn't it difficult for the kid to take it, or the Thousand Chance Gate?" Dongfang Jiuxiang widened his eyes and said, "You know how the Thousand Chance Gate has been to us over the years. Besides, what are our things, Thousand Chance. The door may not be attractive!"

"But in our treasury, there seems to be a lot of dragon secrets."

Jonah whispered, "Third Brother, could Dongfang Batian take our things?"

"This..." Dongfang Jiuxiang was a little unclear for a while.

If this is taken by the Eastern Tyrant, it is also possible. The material resources in the treasury are actually not many. The most are the things passed down from generation to generation. The secrets about the dragons and the blood of the dragons are even returned. There are many things left to them by the dragons.

Those things are the supreme treasure, passed on from generation to generation.


Dongfang Jiuxiang raised his head and said, "If Qianjimen took it away, he would have told us." Dongfang Jiuxiang said.

"But here, there are many disciples from Qianjimen. Will those disciples tell me? It's a different matter, brother, don't forget, those disciples are not fuel-efficient lamps! "

Dewo gritted his teeth and said, "These years, the disciples of the Thousand Chance Sect have taken a lot of good things from us!"

Dongfang Jiuxiang was silent.

"Besides, Lin Feng's life or death is uncertain now, it is impossible to take so many things away!"

Hearing Dewo's words, Dongfang Jiuxiang sat there. After a long time, he nodded and sighed.

"It's better to pay more attention. This time, we failed to complete Dongfang Tyrant's things. Compared with Dongfang Tyrant's resentment towards us, you should pay more attention when you go out."

Hearing Dongfang Jiuxiang's words, the two nodded.

"Brother, you said, how did Lin Feng find out that we are acting?"

"Lin Feng is very shrewd, and he may not fully believe what others say, maybe some loopholes have appeared somewhere."

Dongfang Jiuxiang waved his hand and slowly closed his eyes, "You pay more attention to the outside. By the way, restrain our disciples. If Lin Feng is not dead, with that guy's ability, he may not let our disciples go. Up."

Hearing Dongfang Jiuxiang's words, the two retreated.

Dongfang Jiuxiang waved his hand and the door closed in front of him. He breathed a sigh of relief, his expression a little more tired.

He didn't know the future things, but he had to do a good job now.

"Lin Feng..." Dongfang Jiuxiang sneered after pondering the name for a long time.

After three years in the blink of an eye, the whole space was quiet.

Three years ago, the three tribes did everything they could to help Thousand Chance to capture a young man. It has long since passed. All life here has been quiet and the space has returned to its original state. It’s just in private, everyone knows that they are lost. A very important thing.

I don't know who took the entire treasure house away, and I can't find any breath anymore.

The three of Dongfang Jiuxiang, the leaders, attended the banquet of Qianjimen during this period, and the whole space was rare and peaceful.

In this peace, a small gray thing slowly floated up on the river, and a head poked out from it.

"Master, there is no one." Tai Yang whispered to Lin Feng, "We should have been sent into a gap by the water. This is under the cliff, and there was nothing inside~www.wuxiaspot.com~Lin Feng's body slowly came out of the water, and Shixi Suo accompanied Lin Feng.

"Haha, it really came out!"

"This time I was suffocated. There was only one day out of the space for ten days. We have been in it for decades!" Chitaki flew around and said with a smile.

"Master, go, let's kill those three old guys now to vent our anger!"

"Be low-key!"

Lin Feng sat on Bo Xunsuo, "It's only been three years since the outside. Let's keep a low profile. Maybe Qianjimen is still looking for us at this time. You said we just went out so recklessly. The door was caught early, and I said, you don’t want to fight the Qianjimen again!"

Thinking of the last battle, everyone immediately fell silent.

How dare to fight? The last time they fought, they were dead!


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