Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4132: Dongfang Yu (Seven/One Hundred)

A teenager stood there.

"Is Qianjimen poor? He sent your Excellency out to deal with me?" Lin Feng tickled the corner of his mouth.

"Lin Feng, right?" Dongfang Yu raised his head and glanced at Lin Feng, then smiled, "Dongfang Yu is in Xia."

Lin Feng watched with interest, and did not answer Dongfang Yu's words, but looked up and down Dongfang Yu.

Dongfang Yu and Dongfang Ming are somewhat similar. These two people should be brothers.

"This time, I don’t mean to fight with you. I just hope that you can hand over the spirit of Hall Master Tang. Of course, my Thousand Chance Sect is not for you to hand over for no reason. As long as you are willing to hand over it, we Qianjimen is willing to cancel the pursuit of you."

Dongfang Yu hooked the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "What do you think?"

Lin Feng stood there with his arms folded without speaking.

Seeing Lin Feng didn't speak, Dongfang Yu's heart was still somewhat tangled, but thinking of the above instructions, Dongfang Yu had to stand up again.

"Or, let's make some concessions appropriately, don't you?" Dongfang Yu looked at Mule's body on Lin Feng's body, and said with a smile, "It is not a wise move to be an enemy of Qianjimen, but If you are willing, we are willing to cancel those hostility with you. From now on, we will live together peacefully."


Lin Feng sneered.

"What peaceful coexistence, I killed Tang Zaitian, I killed you so many disciples of the True Dragon Dagger of the Thousand Chance Sect, your Thousand Chance Sect is now floating over to cooperate, do you think it is possible?"

Lin Feng tickled the corner of his mouth, "Or do you think I'm a fool?"

The next moment, Lin Feng's breath rose instantly.

"Dongfang Yu, do it."

Lin Feng looked at Dongfang Yu with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes, "Let's... solve it soon!"

"Do not……"

Dongfang Yu walked a few steps behind, "I said, I don't have the idea of ​​fighting, I just came to negotiate with you." Dongfang Yu's voice didn't rush, Lin Feng smiled, and then he said:

Unrest and inaction, Lin Feng sighed.

"I said, Qianjimen must be no one."


Dongfang Yu pointed at Lin Feng, and finally swallowed his words.

"Lin Feng, you are asking for trouble."

Lin Feng nodded.

"Don't worry, I'm a person, there are no other advantages, just asking for trouble, you should believe that no one can beat me." Lin Feng still smiled like something.

Dongfang Yu's eyes narrowed.

As a new generation of intelligence from Qianjimen, Dongfang Yu is nothing but smart, but at this time, when facing Lin Feng, Dongfang Yu suddenly became a little hesitant.

Lin Feng's appearance in front of him was completely invisible.

"Lin Feng, don't you really think about it? You have to think about it. I can give you the conditions that I can give you. You can't give it to someone else." Dongfang Yu raised his head and looked at Lin Feng, biting He gritted his teeth and said, "I can get so many benefits, which no one dares to even think."

"I think clearly." Lin Feng paused, then said with a smile, "If your Excellency just came to persuade me, don't waste this time, I am a person, relatively cheap, soft food If you don’t eat, you don’t eat hard meals, and you like to eat just perfect meals."

Dongfang Yu raised his head and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stood there, the aura on his body faintly, able to defeat Tang Zaitian, this is undoubtedly a master, but now Lin Feng's appearance is too calm.

Dongfang Yu couldn't find a reason to deal with Lin Feng for a while.

Seeing Dongfang Yu's appearance, Lin Feng smiled.

"Your Excellency, it's not too early, I won't chat with your Excellency here anymore, goodbye."

After that, Lin Feng turned around and walked outside, seeing Lin Feng's firm eyes, Dongfang Fool snorted bitterly, his eyes filled with dissatisfaction.

This kid, this is clearly intentional!

Dongfang Yu's body was trembling. Soon after Lin Feng left, Dongfang Ming appeared beside Dongfang Yu.

"Oh, isn't this the genius brother of our family?" Dongfang Ming held the folding fan in his hand, with a little surprise on his face, "Ouch, this is...have feces?" Dongfang Ming looked at Dongfang up and down. She looked a little bit surprised and said.

"Who gave you shit?"

Dongfang Yu turned his head and looked at Dongfang Ming.

Dongfang Ming stood there with a dazed expression. When Dongfang Yu looked over, Dongfang Ming was still shaking his fan with excitement.

"Are you here to help me?"

Dongfang Yu asked coldly.


Dongfang Ming directly shook his head and said with a smile, "Help you, I am not so leisurely. Let me tell you this. I have traveled to this point. I saw my lovely brother being wronged here and found it very beautiful, so I came here. Take a look."

Dongfang smiled happily, "Sure enough, the wicked still need to be grinded by the wicked. Little brother, it's not me. You should change your bad temper. If it weren't for the Dongfang family behind you, you With a genius brother like me, you think you can live to this day."

Dongfang Yu snorted coldly, and passed Dongfang Ming's words directly.

"Dongfang Ming, kill someone for me."

Dongfang looked up at Dongfang Ming stupidly, "Kill someone for me, I can satisfy you one condition, even if you want to enter the genealogy of the Dongfang family and become my righteous brother."

The smile on Dongfang Ming's face paused, then he waved his hand and said, "Thank you, little brother, but I'm not interested."

After all, Dongfang Ming turned around and left.

"Dongfang Ming, don't forget. You are just a dog raised by my Dongfang family now. Even if you are my brother, Dongfang will never recognize you."

Dongfang Yu's voice was behind ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mei Dongfangmei seemed to have not heard it, and quickly disappeared into the sea.

Dongfang Ming just left, and two figures, one large and one small, flew over here.

"Uncle, you have to help me, that guy is too hateful, fight with me, he even beat me back to my original form, ooh..." A little guy was lying on Kuaqi's body with a pitiful look. Said.

"I don't care, uncle, I'm going to grow up, I'm going to kill that guy!"

Kuaqi glanced at Jiaojiao's appearance, then sighed, and said, "Let's bear it, it's okay for you to do this, it will save you a lot of trouble."


The petite body was making trouble around Kuaqi's side, and Kuaqi only felt that his head was particularly painful.

"Jiaojiao, stop making trouble, we're going to the central waters soon, don't you really want to go there and play? I'll go out with you for two days, but you have to be obedient."


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