Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4133: 2Meet the girl (eight/one hundred)

As soon as Kuaqi shut his mouth, the little things on his body immediately stopped quarreling. His eyes flashed brightly as he looked at Kuaqi, and the breath of the whole body was lifted up, and Jiaojiao's body was sitting on Kuaqi's arms.

"Uncle, you are so kind."

Kuaqi's face was a bit dark, and seeing this, he swallowed everything when he finally reached his mouth.

Two groups of people entered the central waters one after another, while Lin Feng was playing around with Yutail.

"Master, the door of Qianji has been taken, let's either go to fight or just leave." Violent looked depressed, playing with the little girl like Yuwei every day, don't mention how depressed Violent was at this time.

"It's okay."

Lin Feng shook his head, with a calm expression on his face, "Now it is rare for us to have such a good time to come out to be a European, so let's walk outside with this little girl."

After hearing Lin Feng's words, Violence fell silent again. She was really not interested in this kind of thing that he played every day.

"Are you talking to you?" Fishtail turned to look at Lin Feng, and asked in a low voice.

"No." Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile.

Fishtail frowned and glanced at Lin Feng. She obviously felt that Lin Feng's mind was fluctuating just now. Isn't it something to say?

"Did those old guys from our family follow?"

Fishtail's gaze carefully checked the surroundings, "You can't lie to me."

"I didn't lie to you, my eldest lady, go ahead." Lin Feng made a gesture of invitation, "Who is so leisurely like me to accompany you to go out and play every day!"


Before Lin Feng's words fell, he heard the fish's tail'wow'. Lin Feng was taken aback by the unexpected sound of the fish's tail. As soon as he turned his head, he saw the fish's tail rush out.

"What a cute little baby, Lin Feng, come and take a look, it's so beautiful, it's so cute."

Lin Feng walked towards that side, and Kuaqi was watching. Seeing Lin Feng and Yuwei coming over, the expressions on his faces instantly collapsed. They were all met here when they really shouldn't.

"Lin Feng?"

Jiaojiao raised her head and glanced at Lin Feng, and then at Jiaojiao beside Lin Feng, her face instantly turned cold.

Fortunately, she is still worried about this guy, but this guy actually picks up girls in the Central Sea?

"It's you?"

Jiaojiao gritted her teeth and looked at Lin Feng, her eyes flashed with cold light, "I want to beat you!"

With that said, Jiaojiao rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Oh, cute, don't move." Fishtail grabbed Jiaojiao's body and squeezed Jiaojiao's face, "Lin Feng, look, is she too cute?"

"Stop it."

Lin Feng pulled the fish tail back, and placed Jiaojiao on the ground instead.

Seeing Lin Feng defiantly, he snorted and said, "Lin Feng, you said, why did you avoid me before?"

"I don't have one. You said that everyone is busy in Zhonghai City, so we missed it naturally. I really can't avoid you." Lin Feng touched his nose and whispered, "You're all right. Right?"


Jiaojiao turned her head, with her hands on her hips, she was cute and cute, but now she is more and more adorable.

Lin Feng couldn't help but squeeze a few times.

"so cute."

Lin Feng said with a smile.

Jiaojiao raised her head to look at Lin Feng, facing Lin Feng with anger.

"Uncle is right, Lin Feng, you are a big pig's hoof!"


"Ah, Lin Feng, you know her." Yuwei said with a smile, "I told you that you knew me earlier and let you take him to see me for fun, look, how cute."

All of Fishtail's thoughts were placed on the little girl in front of her, "Really, it's fun."

"Don't make trouble."

Seeing the appearance of the fishtail, Lin Feng was a little bit dumbfounded, "She might be bigger than you!"

"Impossible, I am five hundred years old." Fishtail shook his head and said solemnly.

"Yo, sister!"

Jiaojiao fell on Yuwei's body, "I am almost 500 years old."

"You... are you a demon?"

"No, I am a demons."

Jiaojiao showed two cute little tiger teeth, "But I can smell the fishy smell on you, you are a fish!"

"The fishy smell?" Fishtail smelled the smell on his body, then shook his head, and said, "No."

"No." Lin Feng pulled the fishtail to his side, smiled at Kuaqi, "Long time no see, brother Kuaqi."


"Lin Feng, I want to eat the hot pot you made, hurry up, let's find a place to eat." Jiaojiao said with a smile, lying on Lin Feng's body, "I want to eat it for a long time, but Uncle won't let me find you, and your hot pot can't be sent to Soul City. I'm so depressed now."

"Jiaojiao." Lin Feng was a little bit dumbfounded to get Jiaojiao down. Knowing that Jiaojiao is just a child now, but she wants to be a big girl anyway, Lin Feng sees Jiaojiao lying on her body. It feels weird.

"I'll hold her." Yuwei took Jiaojiao from Lin Feng and hugged Jiaojiao. Jiaojiao wanted to resist, but Yutail was holding her tightly, and Jiaojiao couldn't get rid of it.

"You let me go."

Jiaojiao's face was a little gloomy, "I said you are a woman, you hurt me, let me go!"

"Ah, sorry!"

Fishtail lightened some movements, looked down at Jiaojiao, and whispered, "You are so cute!"

"I'm very beautiful when I grow up!" Jiaojiao glanced over Yuwei's body, and finally stayed for a few more minutes on the pair of big mountain peaks in front of the fishtail. This pair is too big!

Could it be that Lin Feng likes this?

Jiaojiao swallowed her saliva, gestured with her hands in front of Yutail, and then gestured with her figure again, making Jiaojiao very depressed.

He said why Lin Feng didn't care about her, because he liked it so much!

Jiaojiao thought again, yes, sister Lisi is so big too!

Jiaojiao was a little depressed lying on the fishtail body and stopped moving~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A pair of eyeballs kept turning, her eyes scanning around.

Suddenly, Jiaojiao's eyes fell on a small alley, and a plaque hung on the opening of the small alley.

Jiaojiao remembered the place, and a little more smile appeared on her face.

"Let's go." Lin Feng turned his head and glanced at everyone, and said with a smile, "The environment here is good, let's eat on the top floor."

Lin Feng pointed to the top floor.

This is the tallest building in the central waters, the Star Reaching Building.

Lin Feng recites the name. This star picking building is also an industry of Qianjimen, and it should be a profitable industry after Qianjimen in the central waters, especially the top-most position. One position is the top one hundred thousand. Faerie stone.

"Let's go."

Lin Feng walked straight forward. As soon as he entered the Star Picking Tower, the disciple of the Thousand Chance Sect inside became alert to Lin Feng.


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