Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 4249: Flaws【7/30】

Bo Xunsuo lurked, and Lin Feng's breath slowly dissipated, and he entered the Soul City.

As soon as he stepped into Soul City, Lin Feng felt that his center of gravity was very unstable. As soon as he entered, many people avoided Lin Feng from a distance.

Lin Feng looked at himself with doubts in his heart.

Is it possible that there is something wrong with me? Why did these guys avoid him far away?

Lin Feng smiled bitterly, looked up and down, left and right, the doubts still existed on his face, he was fine, nothing happened.

Lin Feng walked to a place with a lot of human rights. As soon as he passed by, the people at noon immediately avoided Lin Feng, as if avoiding some snakes and scorpions.

Lin Feng's face turned black.

If he saw these guys unintentionally just now, it was definitely intentional now.


Lin Feng looked at himself.

"Although I have been cultivating in the Chaos World for 30 years, I am doing well now." Lin Feng spread his hands to look at himself, and inadvertently raised his head, only to see a dark cloud growing on top of his head.

"Oh my God!"

Lin Feng himself was taken aback. He sat down on the ground and looked at the dark clouds in the sky with his mouth slightly open. The dark clouds were floating on his head, and he didn't mean to leave.

"This is the breath for the strong?"

One of Lin Feng’s fingers stuck in, and as soon as the finger pierced into the dark cloud, the dark cloud made a crackling sound. An electric current burst into Lin Feng’s body, and Lin Feng’s body trembled. In this scene, he opened his mouth and smiled.

"I'm Cao, I thought it was something, it turned out to be this thing."

Lin Feng smiled and clapped his hands.

"This Jie Lei is really not at the right time."

Lin Feng played with Jie Lei for a while, with a hook at the corner of his mouth.

It’s not a real robbery, it should be that the person who is about to cross the robbery has this dark cloud. However, the cultivators above are basically in normal form. Lin Feng has really never seen someone who came up with a dark cloud. No wonder these people see it. Her eyes are weird, and her emotions are afraid of the dark clouds on his head.

Lin Feng shook his head.

"Other people's family Du Jie and these guys are fine, then can this thing be infected?"

Lin Feng grumbled and went directly to Danpu. He still had to report peace when he came here. The enmity below was not dealt with, and Lin Feng was not in the mood to come up at the moment.

Furthermore, it is time to leave here.

Lin Feng's gaze swept around. There was still not much change in Soul City. The only change was that wherever he went, everyone avoided him like a plague god, feeling everyone's appearance, Lin Feng With a wry smile, only then did he really understand what it means to avoid being like a snake.

When he arrived at Danpu, it was still the second child.

"grown ups."

Seeing Lin Feng coming up, Xiao Er immediately put on a smile on his face, and walked quickly to Lin Feng's face, bending slightly with respect.

"My lord hasn't come up for a while."

"I was cultivating and delayed some things."

Lin Feng smiled. "I came up to report a safety letter, how are you all?"

"It's all very good, but one is asking when the adults will come up." Xiao Er made a gesture of asking, "This is the spirit tea invented by the young master. This tea can only be drunk on it. the benefits of."

Xiao Er said with a smile on his face.

Hearing Xiao Er's words, an accident flashed in Lin Feng's eyes. After taking a sip, the whole spirit became more energetic as expected.

"Yang Yang's invention is good."

"This is the invention of Young Master Lin Bian and Miss Xuan Xuan." Xiao Er said with a smile, "Young Master Yang Yang's inventions are all displayed here to make money. This small invention has not yet been sold. Young Master Lin Bian said that the output is too high. Low."

"This guy is..."

Lin Feng looked at the quilt in his hand and smiled.

After chatting with Xiaoer for a while, Lin Feng took away a part of the soul source, leaving him with a lot of pills and resources.

Before leaving, Lin Feng also went to the Great Holy Society.

There will be a few women under the control of the Great Sage, and now it has basically become the number one power in Soul City, and the speed of development has also become more rapid. Lin Feng left the message and returned to Bo Xunsuo.

"Master, how is it?"

As soon as he saw Lin Feng coming back, Jisuo immediately leaned in front of Lin Feng, all of them with anticipation, "Are everyone okay?"

"Don't worry, it's all very good." Seeing Ji Shuo, Lin Feng said with a smile, "Everyone is not only very good, but also has a great improvement in cultivation. I don't have much to wait, just come back soon. It brought back some soul sources to Wanjun."

Lin Feng gave the soul source to Wanjun.

"Wanjun, if you bear it, we will go back soon. Once you arrive at the dragon clan, you will recover soon."

"Oh, master, you don’t know. So many soul sources are not kidding. Wanjun has so many soul sources on his body. Although this can’t help Wanjun anything, these soul sources can help Wanjun continuously improve. The power in his body."

"With these power enhancements, this guy can recover without going back to the dragon clan!"

"Go, go, you have been suppressed for tens of thousands of years! I think you can't stand up and talk, and your back pain is not generally comparable!"

"But speaking of it, Master, how did you discover that Dongfang Jiuxiang is a running dog of Qianjimen."

"I was a little skeptical at the beginning. This Dongfang Jiuxiang's attitude was a little strange. Since he rejected me, why did he stay here again? Later, when I was about to be sure, the guy Dewo gave me a certain answer."

Lin Feng smiled ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and shook his body, his whole heart was like a mirror, and the smile on his face was a bit joking. After a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"I'm here, I have never mentioned my name, but Dewo knows my name. This guy knows my name for one reason only, and that is to know me. Why would their hidden tribe know me?"

Lin Feng's mouth hooked.

"Plus, the disciples of Qianjimen are also a bit strange. They wandered outside, all of their faces were random, as if they were walking in front of their own house. Together, I naturally wanted to get it. The operating style of the aircraft door, if there is something they want in it, where would they clamor outside? Dongfang Batian would have broken the prohibition and robbery with someone long ago."

Lin Feng smiled, feeling a little sigh in his heart.

"Sure enough, it was good fortune. I didn't expect that instead of bringing back anything, we discovered such a big secret here, and we can be regarded as gossiping here."

Lin Feng smiled and said.


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