Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 908: it's him

Seeing this text message, although Lin Feng did not say many common memories in the text message, only those few words were enough to make countless memories come to mind in Luo Qingqing's mind. *WwWW.suimeng.lā mobile terminal

The kid who was holding his little hand and wandering around behind his **** all day, now wrote such a ‘language’ poem to confess to himself.

"Xiao Feng..."

Choked up!

Luo Qingqing didn't know why, tears couldn't help but came out of her eyes, she was moved, she was waiting for a long time, she was crying ‘desire’ out of hardship and joy?

No matter what it is, at this moment, when Luo Qingqing saw this text message from Lin Feng, the whole heart was completely'chaotic'.

Thousands of words gathered together and wanted to tell Lin Feng. However, for a while, Luo Qingqing didn't know where to start. Large drops of tears fell, blurring the screen of the phone. Luo Qingqing Qianqian's'Jade' held the phone in her hand, but didn't know what to give Lin Feng back.

But at this time, Lin Feng, who was walking towards the Jin Ou community, became nervous after sending this short message. Although he could also determine the feelings of Sister Qing Qing towards him, he was not 100% sure at this last moment.

"What would Sister Qing Qing think when she saw this text message? Why hasn't she returned my text message? What would she say?"

Countless replies lingered in Lin Feng's mind, but within a few minutes, Lin Feng already felt that it was as long as several centuries. He thought about the possibilities of Luo Qingqing's ‘sex’, but when the phone rang and the text message came, Lin Feng was a little afraid to open it.

"No matter what, no matter what Sister Qing Qing's reply is, I will accept it."

Click on the text message from Cailuo Qingqing, one word "Okay!"

Suddenly, Lin Feng's heart seemed as if thousands of'flowers' were in full bloom at the same time, and a feeling of'spring' and warm and'flowers' bloomed in his heart.

"Okay? Great! Sister Qingqing promised me? Let me guard her forever? That's great! Haha..."

Lin Feng was overjoyed when he saw this one-word text message. Although it was just such a simple word, it was enough for Lin Feng to fully understand Luo Qingqing's intentions.

And Luo Qingqing, who sent such a text message, actually considered it again and again, wiped the phone screen dry, wrote a lot, and finally deleted all of them. All the thousands of words have been turned into such a good word.

"Xiao Feng, no matter what, my sister has made a decision and won't change it anymore. In this life,... it's handed over to you."

After sending the text message, Luo Qingqing burst into tears, and looked at the sky outside the window. Although the sky had dimmed, Luo Qingqing felt that there was no place bright.

"Yeah, yeah... Sister Qingqing accepted me, haha!"

After Lin Feng saw the text message, he didn't reply to Luo Qingqing again, because he knew that no matter how many replies at this time, it would be completely superfluous. Blowing a small whistle all the way, he swaggered towards the new home in the Jin Ou community and walked happily.

Eighteen years of childhood sweethearts, Lang loves concubine, who can imagine the feelings here?

No outsider can truly understand the feelings between Lin Feng and Luo Qingqing, this kind of affection that is already like family love, no external force can separate them.

"Sister Qingqing, don't worry. No matter what, I will guard you for the rest of my life."

The Jinou community is about to come before. Lin Feng pondered. He went back to discuss with his parents, and took Luo Qingqing’s mother and her daughter to live in. After all, the old house has been around for some years, and the quality of the house is up to the standard of a dangerous house. . Anyway, there are so many rooms in the villa here, and it's a waste of money if it's empty, so it's better to let Sister Qingqing and the others live in.

On the highway in front of the'door' of the Jin Ou community, Lin Feng was walking to his new home with a look of longing. Behind him, turning a corner, Liu Yanru, dressed in a nurse costume, was very annoyed by a follower behind him.

"Doctor Yuan, you really don't have to send me home. The law and order in Zhi'an City is really good. I used to go home by myself."

Liu'Yan'ru ​​calmly said to Yuan Hongtian, a young intern next to him patiently.

"That's not going to happen, Nurse Liu, a beautiful'girl' like you may encounter criminals at any time when walking on the road. It just so happens that I can recognize the way, and I can also find it when I come to Nurse Liu's house. Get it!"

Yuan Hongtian said with a cheeky smile.

"What? Doctor Yuan, what are you doing at my house? I really don’t need it. Thank you for your kindness. But I...I can really be alone. Besides, I’m really in danger, Doctor Yuan, I’m here. Didn’t it hurt you?" Liu Yan’ru was already dumbfounded. This intern named Yuan Hongtian only went to Zhi’an Municipal Hospital for an internship this month. I heard that he is still a high-achieving student of Beijing Medical University and has some relatives with the dean. , Taking advantage of the summer vacation of Ma, came to practice.

However, on the first day Yuan Hongtian went to Zhi'an Municipal Hospital, he ran into Liu Yanru, a nurse, and he was shocked. From then on, he went to the nurse desk where Liu Yanru was okay. Today, I have been following Liu Yan Ru home all the time, and even said that he was going to **** Liu Yan Ru.

"Nurse Liu, please don't be polite with me. When I was in school, I was in a karate club. I deal with ordinary small'hustle'. One or two is definitely not a problem." Yuan Hongtian patted his chest. Mouth ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said smugly.


Liu Yanru, who has had many suitors, certainly knows what Yuan Hongtian is thinking. However, he happened to be the dean's household. If Liu Yanru refused too obviously, he might be beaten and reported to the dean.

Just as Liu Yanru was thinking about how to euphemistically send Yuan Hongtian a good person card to make him give up as soon as possible, he turned this intersection and saw Lin Feng walking towards the Jin Ou community, Liu Yan Ru He immediately thought about it, pointed to Lin Feng and hurriedly shouted to Yuan Hongtian, "Doctor Yuan, are you not a master of karate? It was the person in front who made me betray me while I was not paying attention? Let me ask for justice!"

"What? Nurse Liu, there are still such scumbags now in such a bright universe. Okay! Don't worry, I will catch that stinky boy and beat him severely to avenge you."

When Liu Yanru pointed to Lin Feng and said this, Yuan Hongtian felt that he had a chance to behave in front of her. Apart from anything else, he ran towards Lin Feng magnificently.


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