Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 909: Squirting

"Hehe! Lin Feng, you stinky boy, I haven't seen you for a long time. {щww{suimеng][lā}... I didn't expect you to come near my house again? This time, it's just a good time to do my sister. ?"

After seeing Lin Feng, Liu'Yan'ru ​​was delighted, and directly threw Yuan Hongtian's big trouble towards Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng was immersed in the joy that Luo Qingqing had just promised herself, and did not even notice Liu Yanru, the young nurse behind him. However, after experiencing several assassinations, Lin Feng is now always vigilant, and his spiritual consciousness will cover a range of ten meters near him.

Therefore, when the intern Yuan Hong approached him fiercely, although Lin Feng did not look back, he had already noticed him.

"What's the matter? Who is this person? Why did you come straight to me? The visitor was not kind. Could it be that... was the thug invited by Ouyang Feng, who was beaten by me today? But it's not right! This person is nothing at all Martial artist, Ouyang Feng knows my strength, how can it be impossible to send an ordinary person over? That is definitely not the person sent by Ouyang Feng, who else might it be? It seems that I don't know him either..."

Lin Feng was pondering the origin of Yuan Hongtian, but he had already rushed forward quickly, trying to take advantage of Lin Feng's unpreparedness, preemptively, and punch Lin Feng from behind to the back of the head.

But how could he know that although Lin Feng didn't turn his head, he had already seen all his movements clearly. Just before Yuan Hongtian's fist was about to hit the back of Lin Feng's head, Lin Feng flashed away quickly.


Yuan Hongtian missed a punch, his body lost his balance, and he staggered and almost fell to the ground. Lin Feng took advantage of this moment and kicked his **** fiercely, and immediately caused Yuan Hongtian to fall a dog to eat shit, face to the ground, **** to the ground, and fell severely.

"Who are you? So despicable, sneak attack behind?"

Looking at Yuan Hongtian again, Lin Feng once again confirmed that he had never seen him before, and immediately questioned.

"I'm despicable? You are the despicable and shameless rascal. Today, I, Yuan Hongtian, must teach you this stinky rascal who strongly kisses Nurse Liu..."

Although it was a painful fall, Yuan Hongtian thought of the little nurse Liu Yanru looking at him from behind, so he must not be ashamed in front of her, so he stood up with the pain, pointed at Lin Feng and yelled.

"I'm a stinky rascal? What are you talking nonsense? I ‘kissed’ Nurse Liu? What is Nurse Liu?"

Lin Feng was a little confused. The tall man in front of him spoke righteously, slandering Lin Feng as a hooligan, making him feel a little confused.

"Don't admit it? This is what Nurse Liu said personally. You just managed to hide away. Now let you know how good I am..."

As soon as Yuan Hongtian saw Liu Yan's look in the look of expectation from behind, he once again gathered his energy, clenched his fists, and shook his fists at Lin Fengxu, but in the end he suddenly exerted force, right. The leg's swept towards Lin Feng fiercely.

"Nurse Liu said it herself?"

Lin Feng swept away his spiritual knowledge and did not look back, but he had already seen Liu Yanru, seven or eight meters away, and immediately understood what was going on.

After grabbing a'leg' that Yuan Hongtian thought was very powerful, Lin Feng didn't let it go. He smiled and asked him, "Say! What is the relationship between you and Nurse Liu, why do you stand for her?"

"let me go!"

Yuan Hongtian struggled hard, but couldn't get rid of Lin Feng's hand, and shouted angrily, "Do you know who I am? Let go of me! What is the relationship between me and Nurse Liu is your business, you rascal , Will definitely get retribution."

With that said, Yuan Hongtian shouted at Liu Yan Ru who was behind Lin Feng, "Nurse Liu, run! I'm here to contain this gangster, run away! Leave me alone, go to the police, go to the police ..."

Hearing Yuan Hongtian’s fearless face, it seemed that the horse was about to sacrifice heroically, Lin Feng couldn’t help but laughed, loosened his'legs', and said happily, "Come on! You made me want to die. If you want to be a hero to save the beauty, you should consider whether you have that ability, right?"

"You...why did you want to let me go? I...I want to fight with you!" Yuan Hongtian blushed with Lin Feng's words and said unwillingly.

"Didn’t you want me to let go of you? Okay! Are you going to fight me hard? Come on, no matter what karate you use or some messy moves, even if you come over, I will continue Yeah!"

Looking at the appearance of Yuan Hongtian, Lin Feng had already got a rough idea of ​​the matter. It is estimated that he was a suitor of Liu Yanru who was tricked by Liu Yanru to make trouble for himself.


After Lin Feng let go of his legs, Yuan Hongtian did not dare to move.

"What are you? Don't you want to work hard with me? Don't you want to be fair to Nurse Liu? Why are you stupefied now?"

Looking at Yuan Hongtian who was timid, Lin Feng couldn't help but smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will go over now and'kiss' Nurse Liu Qiang again?"

"Dare you? I...I'm calling the police!" Yuan Hongtian knew that he couldn't beat Lin Feng, but there was no other way, he could only say so.

And Liu Yanru at the back really couldn’t stand it anymore, and walked over and said to Lin Feng, “Alright! Lin Feng, don’t play Doctor Yuan. Doctor Yuan is a new intern in our hospital. Specially escorted me home."

"I didn't want to play him, it was him who said that I forced you to'kiss' you, and it was he who came to me to settle the account. What's up to me?" Lin Feng smiled and said to Liu Yan'ru. .

"Nurse Liu~www.wuxiaspot.com~this...what the **** is going on? He...isn't he the gangster who'kissed' you? Why are you still..."

Seeing Lin Feng and Liu Yanru talking and laughing, Yuan Hongtian was stunned. What is going on? Didn't Liu ‘Yan’ Ru just say that Lin Fengqiang ‘kissed’ her?

"Okay! Doctor Yuan, then I'm not busy with you. Actually, Lin Feng is my boyfriend, so..."

Liu'Yan' Ru You held Lin Feng's hand in a decent way, and lowered her head shyly and said, "So, he really'kissed' me!"

"What? He... he is your boyfriend? How is this possible? Nurse Liu, the nurses in the hospital, didn't you say you don't have a boyfriend?"

At the moment when he heard Liu Yan's words, Yuan Hongtian felt that his heart was about to break, and all hopes were completely shattered in an instant, especially when he saw Liu Yan's embarrassment. Like a knife twisted, he did not expect that he had been pursuing so many days of dream "female" god, in the end, he actually had a boyfriend.


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