Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 917: The last day before the college entrance examination

Without aura, the cultivator is nothing. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā!

Therefore, there are only so many ancient Wu ‘men’ sects left in the Huaxia Kingdom where cultivation was prosperous. But those cultivating ‘door’ schools have all disappeared. This state seems to have begun since the Song Dynasty.

Lin Feng vaguely discovered some clues from so many inheritance memories. The disappearance of the cultivator was directly due to the collapse of the earth's spiritual energy. And the collapse of the earth's aura seems to involve a huge ‘conspiracy’.

As for what this ‘conspiracy’ was, Lin Feng had no idea. He can now be said to be the last group of cultivators on the earth. Except for the cultivators who passed the inheritance of innate spirit treasures like Dinghai Shenzhu, the inheritance of the ‘sect’ of cultivation is probably broken on the earth.

"It is said that the spiritual energy of the earth collapsed, and those cultivators who possessed great supernatural powers took their disciples of the'door' sent to another world overnight. There is the legendary realm of cultivation. It seems that it is also somewhere on the earth that requires a special teleportation array to be able to transmit in. When in the realm of cultivation, there are many spiritual treasures brought by the cultivators from the earth, and of course there are many spiritual veins..."

After returning to his home, Lin Feng lay in the'bed' and began to think about the way to find the source of spiritual energy in the future, "If I can find a way to enter the realm of cultivation, I don’t have to be afraid of not having a spiritual energy practice. It is only the concentration of spiritual energy in the realm. , I can already provide ordinary cultivators for normal cultivation. But before that, I must have the ability to protect myself. Maybe my current cultivation base, in the warriors on the earth, has no rivals. But if you encounter cultivators , But it can only be slaughtered..."

Although Lin Feng's heart yearned for the realm of cultivation, he did not dare to easily step into the realm of cultivation. Without sufficient strength, entering the realm of cultivation could only be said to die.

"Treasure hunter, the treasure hunter of the Tianshan school. After the college entrance examination is over, follow the crazy girl's cousin. No matter how much it costs, you must get one back and tame it."

If it weren't for the college entrance examination, Lin Feng would have already prepared to go to Tianshan. But now the college entrance examination is the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day before the exam. Lin Feng didn't want to miss the college entrance examination because he went to Tianshan, so he could only suppress the treasure hunter.

The next day, the ‘brilliant’ sun was shining, but Zhi’an was full of tension. The high school building no longer hears the usual clamor, even the poorest students who usually don’t like to read are so serious today, they put their textbooks on the table no matter what, and forced themselves to read more. page.

On this last day, none of the basic teachers had lectured. They all let the students study by themselves, check the deficiencies by themselves and do the final sprint, and then ask the teacher if they don’t understand.

The early morning class was over in such a tense atmosphere. During lunch, Qin Yanran seemed to be worried, her face was not very good.

"Yan Ran, what's the matter? She looks very worried." Lin Feng found this and asked.

"Lin Feng, I'm afraid...I'm afraid of tomorrow's college entrance examination. What if the exam fails?" Qin Yanran said worriedly.

"Yan Ran, what's so terrible about this? You are the number one in our Zhi'an Yi. If even you fail the exam, there are probably not many people in our province who can get good results."

Lin Feng smiled. He didn't expect Qin Yanran, who has always been a top performer, to have pre-exam syndrome.

"Lin Feng, you're laughing at me again. I'm not the first one now, you are the first one!" Qin Yanran said with a silly mouth and no appetite, moving his chopsticks a few times.

"Yan Ran, the first place in my test is luck. You are the first one deserves your name. Take it easy. No matter how important the college entrance examination is, it is just an exam. You grew up with you Every test is no different. As long as you relax your mind and perform normally, we will definitely be able to pass the test of Peking University together."

Lin Feng really did not expect that one day he would come to provide psychological counseling for Qin Yanran, a beautiful school "flower" student.

"En! Lin Feng, I listen to you. Keep a good attitude and perform normally."

After Lin Feng's enlightenment, Qin Yanran gradually relaxed, nodded, and returned to her previous smile.

It's no wonder Qin Yanran will be nervous, after all, the college entrance examination is the most important exam that determines everyone's future destiny. Thousands of troops have crossed the single-plank bridge, this description is not an exaggeration. Especially for top students like Qin Yanran, the better their grades on weekdays, the greater the pressure, for fear of accidentally performing improperly, so many years of hard work will be abandoned.

Even Qin Yanran was so nervous, not to mention the other senior high school candidates. As a result, Zhianyi wanted to hire some psychological counselors to help some overly nervous candidates and relieve the nervousness before the exam.

In the afternoon, the last class is over.

In addition to the tension of facing the challenge of the college entrance examination, the high school students still have a feeling of reluctance to part with. After all, this is where I have studied for three years. It is now the last day to sit in this classroom and face the familiar faces of my classmates.

"Lin Feng, so fast! I have come to Zhian Yi for more than a month. Today is the last day. I am very happy to have you such a good tablemate in Gao's final stage."

The get out of class bell rang, Xiao Nishang smiled slightly and said to Lin Feng.

"Crazy girl, why are you so sensational? Although, you often calculate me. However, I am also honored to be at the same table as you..."

Lin Feng smiled ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although I haven't known the crazy girl for a long time, it feels like I've known each other for several years, and I feel close.

"Crazy man! Today is the last day. Let's take a few photos together? Just as a souvenir, there will be no chance to return to this classroom again."

Zhang Zhen took the phone, leaned in between Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang, and took several photos in a row.

The farewell sheng has been sounded, the clarion call for the expedition has been played, and the college entrance examination is in front of us. Every third-year student who has left Zhi'an is accumulating strength, waiting for the next two days to work hard. Fight.

"Jianyi, goodbye! Thank you for giving me an unforgettable time for these three years."

After Lin Feng reluctantly bid farewell to Qin Yanran, Xiao Nishang, Zhang Zhen, etc., he looked at the third-year high school teaching building under the setting sun, and don't have a lot of emotion in his heart.


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