Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 918: Drums of War

The afterglow of the setting sun repeats itself every day. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lāPin Book Network

But today, to say goodbye, to leave, this is the end of this high career, but what cannot be forgotten is the shyness of remembering the ‘spring’.

"Tomorrow, the moment of destiny."

When he returned home, Lin Feng also found that his parents had already been waiting for him at home.

"Xiao Feng, come here quickly. Mom made this bowl of Toad Palace Zhegui. If you eat it, you can make sure that you can perform beyond normal in the college entrance examination in the next two days and continue to take full marks!"

With the coming of the college entrance examination, Lin Mu was also nervous, praying and cheering for Lin Feng.

"Thank you mom! I will definitely cheer up. I don't know if the full score is not a perfect score, but I can definitely pass Beijing University."

For the college entrance examination two days later, Lin Feng is confident, and he has been preparing the magic weapon for success in the past two days. The two large stacks of language and ancient Chinese-related materials have already been broken by him. Up.

"Come on, don't be proud! Xiaofeng, can our old Lin family get a college entrance examination champion, you can be trusted." Although Father Lin's expression was a little serious, his inner excitement and excitement were not much less than his wife.

"Parents! I will try my best. After eating, I will go back to my room to review."

After eating the large bowl of Toad Palace Zhegui, Lin Feng returned to his bedroom on the second floor as his final sprint before the college entrance examination.

Language, ancient poems, back-to-back.

Mathematics and Olympiad's topics are not troubled by Lin Feng.

English, vocabulary, grammar, and listening are all familiar.

Comprehensive science, physics, chemistry, biology, all the knowledge points should be thoroughly passed through in Lin Feng's mind.


Unknowingly, after reviewing it as a whole, Lin Feng checked the time, and it was already midnight. However, Lin Feng didn't feel sleepy at all. It turned out that he was also a little nervous. After all, it was about the most important exam in his life, and Lin Feng was still a little nervous no matter how sure.

Like Lin Feng, there are thousands of college entrance examination candidates in Zhi'an City. Not only the top students of Zhi'an No. 1 but also the other second and third grade three candidates, few can sleep peacefully today. Some candidates even took a pill or two of sleeping pills to help them sleep in order to have their energy to face the exam tomorrow.

Of course, not only are the examinees too nervous to sleep at this time, but the parents are also nervous. Mother Lin was lying in the'bed', unable to fall asleep over and over again, and finally shook her husband and said, "Lao Lin, you said...tomorrow's college entrance examination, my family Xiaofeng, can we do it?"

"Guizhu, what are you afraid of? Xiaofeng's quality inspection test is the first place in full marks. Can't it work?" Father Lin said with a smile.

"But I always feel that something is not true. How did Xiao Feng's academic performance go from the bottom 100 to the top with perfect score? It makes me feel a bit like a dream." Lin Mu said again.

"Okay, go to bed! Guizhu, this is a dream, a sweet dream. Our son has a good future, won't he help you realize his dream of opening a restaurant? We have to trust him and make choices in our own life. Going farther and farther, becoming a leader among his peers. My son, Lin Shengli, can you make a difference?" Father Lin said cheerfully.

"That's right! Xiao Feng has such a clever genetic inheritance as my old lady. The top pick in the college entrance examination this time must be our Xiao Feng." Mother Lin also nodded and said.


The next day, Lin Feng originally wanted to sleep a little longer, but was called by his mother at six o'clock. After having breakfast, he hurried to the examination room.

The examination number of the college entrance examination is randomly arranged. Lin Feng's examination room is not in the familiar one, but in Zhi'an two. Come with him, the second location is a bit off, and there are several wholesale markets in the south of the city, which are noisier. However, today is the time for the national college entrance examination. There are already relevant government officials who have asked these stall vendors to withdraw today.

When Lin Feng came to Zhi'an II, the'door' was already full of candidates and parents. The entrance time was half an hour before the exam. The candidates could not enter the venue early. Everyone was in front of the cordon and was anxious. Waiting.

At the same time, Lin Feng also saw a Zhi'an TV station's interview car parked at the'door' of Zhi'an No.2. The TV station’s beautiful'female' reporter Zhou Yun was holding a microphone and reporting "Audience friends Guys, today is the annual national college entrance examination. I am our reporter Zhou Yun. Now at the gate of Zhi'an II, I will bring you the latest situation of the college entrance examination. What you can see is that behind me , These are all college entrance examination candidates and parents..."

"Hey! Sister Yun is really not idle, where is the news, where is her."

Seeing Zhou Yun, Lin Feng instinctively wanted to avoid it, but unexpectedly was caught by Zhou Yun. Immediately he chased the microphone with the microphone, and said to the camera, "Audience friends, very coincidentally, we ran into the little hero Lin Feng at the door of the second. He also took the college entrance examination this year, and it was the second time Zhianyi's touch. 'The first place in the full score of the final exam. Next, let's ask Lin Feng, student, to talk about our views on the college entrance examination this year..."

Originally, Lin Feng didn’t want to take a mirror, but now Zhou Yun directly imposed the camera, Lin Feng also had to smile at the camera and say, “The college entrance examination is the most important exam in the life of students who have been studying for twelve years in the cold window. Naturally, we should go all out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ without regrets, and take the university to our satisfaction."

"Student Lin Feng, what you said is a bit too official and general. Can you talk about your views and confidence in this college entrance examination? Are you sure to win a provincial champion for our Zhi'an City?" In front of the camera, Zhou Yunke Lin Feng was more natural, and she was very skilled in molesting Lin Fengdao.

"Reporter Zhou, I dare not say such big words. I can only say, do my best. At the same time, I also wish all the candidates and students in Zhi'an City will get their own satisfactory results."

After speaking, Lin Feng hurriedly slipped away from the camera, afraid of staying any longer, and maybe what kind of questions Zhou Yun would ask!

Just at this time, the cordon was also released, and the broadcast began to inform the candidates that the entrance began. Lin Feng took his own kit, which contained examination equipment and admission tickets, and walked in from the second big'door' .

The ‘spring’ wind is blowing, the war drums are beating, the soldiers are about to go out, and the battlefield for the college entrance examination is in front of you. Lin Feng walked into the campus of Zhi'an II, looking for his examination room number, but at this moment, there was one person in the crowd, but he stared at Lin Feng.


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