Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 919: Lu Hao's conspiracy

There is a ‘tide’ of people, because the college entrance examination rooms are arranged randomly, so there are candidates from other schools who come for the second exam. <щww.suimeng.lā. . !

In the crowd, one person happened to recognize Lin Feng. However, he didn't alarm Lin Feng, but followed Lin Feng secretly, watching which examination room Lin Feng was going to.

Lin Feng naturally didn't notice so many candidates at the scene. One of the candidates was following his ass. Because he had never been to Zhi'an II, Lin Feng took a lot of effort to find the examination room No. 33 on the third floor of the teaching building on the second floor.

After confirming that Lin Feng was in the No. 33 examination room, the candidate who followed him quickly slipped out with a look of joy.

Chi'an No. 2, the first teaching building, at the entrance of No. 12 examination room. As the captain of the second basketball team, he also came to the examination room and checked his admission ticket for the examiner in the examination room. There was a familiar one behind him. The voice hurriedly shouted.

"Brother Hao! Brother Hao... come here, I have a major discovery!"

The person here is not someone else, it is the iron buddy, the basketball team's deputy captain Hong Tianyi, he was in the No. 10 examination room near the No. 12 examination room. After he rushed over, he hurriedly shouted to him.

"God's will, what major discovery? Is it possible that you picked up the college entrance examination paper and failed?" He walked over jokingly and said with a smile.

"Brother Hao, do you think the college entrance examination papers are all over the floor? Are you picking up one for me to see?"

Hong Tianyi said with a smile, and then said mysteriously, "However, I found someone, Brother Hao, who is really Yuanjia Luzhai, so we met him here."

"Yunjia Luzai? Who is it? God's will, is it our enemy?" Upon hearing this, the ‘Jing’ came and asked with squinting eyes.

"Yes! Brother Hao, do you remember that arrogant kid the next time we went there? Now he was still'mixed' by him to become a little hero in Zhi'an City. Just now, when I was downstairs, I saw He came to our school for the college entrance examination. Hehe! I followed him all the way and finally determined that he was in the examination room No. 33. How about? Brother Hao, do you want to punish him severely and take revenge?"

It turned out that this Hong Tianyi was the one who had just secretly followed Lin Feng's ass. As soon as he confirmed the college entrance examination room where Lin Feng was located, he quickly came back and found the tip.

"Lin Feng? God's will, you mean you saw Lin Feng in our second college entrance examination? Haha! God helped me too! The second basketball court, he caused the face of our second basketball team. After returning , I was also called by the dean of education to scold him, saying that we had lost the face. Huh! This time it is his turn to come to Chi'an II. This is our home court. It depends on how I fix him!"

As soon as I heard that Lin Feng was coming, he immediately came to the "Jing", and began to think about bad ideas.

"Yes! Brother Hao, this Lin Feng is really too arrogant. As far as I know, many people think he is unhappy! We take advantage of the college entrance examination today and punish him severely, the best...hehe! He couldn't take the college entrance examination. Didn't he improve his academic performance by leaps and bounds? We made him unable to take the language test this afternoon on time. Then, let's see how many points he can take." Hong Tianyi thought.

"This is good, God's will, he is in the 33 exam room, right? Ok! I have a way, go...While there is no exam, let's go over..."

After thinking about it, a bad idea flashed in my mind.

At this time, in the exam room No. 33, Lin Fenggang checked his admission ticket, ID card, etc. for the invigilator, and found his exam number No. 19 and sat down. There were many candidates coming in from around him. The examinee recognized Lin Feng.

"Wow! It's Lin Feng, my God! I actually have the same examination room as Lin Feng..."

"Fortunately. Lin Feng and I are in the same examination room. I will definitely be able to perform beyond the normal in this college entrance examination.

"Isn't it? Lin Feng is in front of me, haha... God really helped me!"


In Zhianyi, who doesn't know Lin Feng's name? Moreover, everyone knows that Lin Feng is the first place in the test with perfect scores at a time, and he can be in the same examination room with such a super student. If he can't copy it, he can also increase his confidence! At least you can take advantage of Lin Feng's luck. When you do multiple-choice questions, you may have a higher chance of being'Meng' right.

However, when other candidates in Examination Hall No. 33, they were not so familiar with Lin Feng. Especially when they are candidates for the college entrance examination, they usually don't have much time to watch TV. Many people don't even know the heroic deeds of Lin Feng.

Therefore, when the student next to him was exclaiming Lin Feng's appearance, he was puzzled and puzzled.

"Hey! Dude, why are you so "excited"? Who is this Lin Feng? Is it that great?"

"Yes! Brother, this Lin Feng belongs to you? Is your academic performance good?"


Hearing the questions from other school candidates, the first candidates proudly raised their chests, pointed to Lin Feng and said, "You don't even know Lin Feng? Are you from Zhi'an City? Huh? Lin Feng is not only our little hero in Zhi'an City, but also our number one academic overlord in Zhi'an!"

"What? First place? Tsk tsk... I can have a classroom with him, haha! Sure enough, my mother burned incense in my temple, it was right, Buddha bless! Buddha bless! Amitabha..."

"Huh? No! Brother, are you wrong! I remember Qin Yanran's first place in our class this year? Didn't it always belong to Qin Yanran? Why did it suddenly become Lin Feng? Before? Why have you never heard of him?"


Of course, there are also candidates from other schools ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who have only heard of Qin Yanran's reputation, and some doubts about Lin Feng's first place.

"Qin Yanran is also great. He has always been the first place in our Zhi'an Yi. For three years, no one has been shaken. But do you guess what happened to the last test of the month? Qin Yanran was overtaken by Lin Feng. I lost the throne of the first place. Moreover, Lin Feng, from the bottom 100 or so, got the first full score in the test. You are really ignorant, don't even know this?"

"Fuck! The bottom one hundred, rushed to the top of the full score? Are you kidding, cheating? This is too good!"

"How is it possible to cheat? Our school leaders, as well as those who changed the papers, have repeatedly confirmed that Lin Feng is absolutely relying on real materials. Do you know what a dark horse is? Do you know what a counterattack is? This is a living example. !"



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