Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 928: Super difficult math papers

"What? How is this possible? Uncle Xu, could you make a mistake? Under the C-level Bounty Hunting Order of the Black Hawk Killer Forum, Lin Feng is still alive?"

Hearing Ouyang Xu's amazing discovery, Ouyang Feng couldn't help but frowned. ~~щww~suimеng~lā. . On the mobile phone, he is a young man from Ouyang's family in Beijing, and he has had several contacts with the Black Hawk Killer Forum. He knows that even some of the martial artists who have acquired perfection will sometimes take on some tasks from the Black Hawk Killer Forum to gain some benefits. Although this hunt down order against Lin Feng is only C-level, Lin Feng is just an ordinary high student! It was unusual for Ouyang Feng to be able to live so unrestrainedly under the hunting order.

"Yes! There is little wind. You should know that the Black Hawk Killer Forum’s hunt down order has a seven-day statute of limitations. Presumably during this period, many assassins took this task to kill Lin Feng, but the result can be imagined, Lin Feng is still alive, so... I'm afraid these killers are already..." Ouyang Xu nodded and said.

"Dead! These killers must have been counter-killed by Lin Feng. Damn, no wonder... No wonder he was able to beat me to the ground with one move that day, and even made my whole body unable to move. He points to the'acupoint' method' door. Could it be said that this Lin Feng is a descendant of the ancient martial arts'men' school? Uncle Xu, have you found out his background? What's his disciple? "

Ouyang Feng was startled and continued to ask.

"No, there is little wind. I am also blaming this. The seventeen years before Lin Feng was very normal, an ordinary high student, but suddenly this year, so many unusual things happened. From an ordinary person who doesn’t know the slightest martial arts, he became an unpredictable warrior. Moreover, I also heard that the Xiao Commander of the Xiao family had personally received Lin Feng. It seemed that there was still a gap between Lin Feng and the Xiao family. What's the'transaction'. As for the deeper relationship and news, I can't find out." Ouyang Xu said.

"No wonder...it's no wonder that Xiao Nishang's stinky girl would tell me so confidently that day, as long as I defeat Lin Feng, I really want to marry me. It seems that she already knew Lin Feng's strength, absolutely He is a master in the late stage of acquired. Such a young age is already in the late stage of acquired. It is definitely the disciple of some hidden old guy, Uncle Xu, what do you think we will do next? I can't swallow this breath, I must'kill' him. Moreover, if Lin Feng really joined the Xiao family, it would be a big threat to our Ouyang family."

Originally thought that Lin Feng was just a young son with a slight background, but now Ouyang Feng couldn't find out Lin Feng's background at all, and he became a little worried. However, he has always been avenged, and there is no overnight grudge. Lin Feng made him lose such a big face, he would find a way to retaliate against Lin Feng anyway.

"Shao Feng, we don't know what the ancient martial arts school or the old guy is behind Lin Feng, so it's better not to act rashly...or, if you want to move Lin Feng, don't use our Ouyang family. In the name of ." Ouyang Xu said more cautiously.

"What? What should I do? Uncle Xu, don't you let him go like this? I'm not reconciled, it's a big deal...I will pay and continue to buy him from the Black Hawk forum to kill him, and issue a grade A to kill him... No! S grade chase Killing order, from the treasure house of the family, take out one or two treasures that are enough to make the martial artist in the later stage of the day after tomorrow tempted.

Ouyang Feng said unwillingly, he clenched his fist, apparently he had hated Lin Feng, after all, since childhood, when his dignified Ouyang family was so embarrassed in front of so many people?

"It's not necessary for the time being, there is little wind, but I have a plan here, but I can kill people with a knife." Ouyang Xu said yinly.

"What strategy? Uncle Xu, speak quickly." Ouyang Feng said quickly.

"Isn’t Master Hans of the Lawrence family missing and killed not long ago? Moreover, we also checked at that time that Hans had been to Nazian City, although it was finally found that Hans was missing in the southeast coast. However, Why don't we report to the Lawrence family that Hans was killed and destroyed in Zhi'an City, and the person who killed him was Lin Feng. There is little wind, what do you think? Haha!" Ouyang Xu finished the trick. Smiled twice.

"Haha! Okay, that's it. Then I will tell the Lawrence family that Lin Feng's background is good. It is inconvenient for our Ouyang family to come forward to solve it. Let them send someone over. In this way, our Ouyang family can stay out of the business and sit and watch Lawrence. The family destroyed this Lin Feng! Haha! Uncle Xu, you deserve to be one of our Ouyang family's think tanks. This trick to kill with a knife is really wonderful."

Hearing Ouyang Xu's strategy, Ouyang Feng couldn't help but clap his hands and exclaimed, "Lin Feng, you stinky boy, this time you are not dead!"


But at this moment, Lin Feng in Zhi'an City didn't know that under the ‘yin’ mistake, he actually let the Lawrence family know that he killed that Hans. However, even if Lin Feng knew it, he wouldn't care about it. After all, in the past two months, have you seen any strong winds and waves?

The math college entrance examination in the afternoon is about to begin. After the baptism of the morning language examination paper, everyone's mood is heavy. After all, I have already known the difficulty of the college entrance examination from the perspective of language. After the math test papers were issued, it is conceivable that all the examinees once again whizzed past with 10,000 grass mud horses.

"Fuck! What kind of question is this Nima? It used to be the derivative question of the last question, but the second question appeared. What the **** are the last two big questions?"

"It's over! It's over...Even the multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions above are all difficult!"

"I knew I had taken the initiative to repeat the grade for a year..."


The examination room of the college entrance examination is very solemn ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can not speak, but all the candidates seem to hear the inner wailing of the compatriots around them.

"I'll rub! This year's college entrance examination is really difficult enough. No wonder the difficulty of our last'touching' the bottom exam is so great, almost the same as the difficulty of this college entrance examination. But these questions are still in the syllabus. It’s just that the problem-solving method should be relatively flexible. Yanran should have no problem dealing with these problems. Zhang Zhen is probably a bit dangerous. I hope he can get more points!"

After getting the math test paper, Lin Feng swept down the first question, and knew the difficulty coefficient of the paper. It was indeed one of the most difficult questions in the college entrance examination over the years, but these questions were not a problem for him, so he picked up the brush and started to answer quickly.


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