Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 929: Bet with Yanran

Chapter 929 Betting with Yanran

The difficulty of the math papers is also much higher than in previous years. It is conceivable that when the two hours of examination time passed, the army of candidates who walked out of the examination room were all wailing. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a.

Some optimistic candidates are still facing each other's answers, while pessimistic candidates have thought about nothing and walked out of the examination room in a vague way. Some are even considering their plans to repeat the course for another year next year.

Lin Feng had just left the examination room, turned on his mobile phone, and received a call from Zhang Zhen.

"Crazy man, how are you? This time the math papers are really **** difficult! Could it be that Ge Jun who issued the Jiangsu paper came to our Fujian province? I'm miserable now..." Zhang Zhen wailed It rang in Lin Feng's ear.

"I'm okay, Zhang Zhen, wouldn't you not even be able to get seven or eighty points?" Lin Feng pondered for a while and said, "No! I remember there are several major topics, and I'm reviewing them for you. At that time, I specifically talked about similar questions! At least I got 50 or 60 points of scores for those questions!"

"Hey! That's right! Madman, I was just about to tell you, but maybe the last big question is too difficult. I can't get the twenty minutes, plus the front is a bit wrong. Hey! This time the mathematics is probably not enough It's a hundred and three, maybe only one hundred and twelve!"

Having said this, Zhang Zhen became happy and said with a smile.

"Cut! Die Zhang Zhen, I thought you were here to complain, it turned out that you came to pretend to be awkward!" Lin Feng sighed in relief.

"Haha! Of course, madman, let me tell you, I have never scored more than 100 points in mathematics! This time it is estimated to be more than 110 points. I still have to thank you for helping me make up before the test. After a few days of class, you just said the difficult problems of the variant questions. "Zhang Zhen is really happy this time, but this is also thanks to his very hard work and hard work in the last month. Learning, otherwise, it is difficult to achieve such results.

"It's good to get a score. One hundred and ten points are already very good. This time the math paper is so difficult, it is estimated that the average score will not reach 80 points. Zhang Zhen, your advantage of this one hundred and ten points is very obvious. , The last two sciences and English can't be taken care of, you know?" Lin Feng said.

"Hey! Boss, I have to work hard, and go to the university in Beijing with Yunyun. Hehe... Then I will continue to ‘mix’ with you." Zhang Zhen said triumphantly.

But at this moment, Lin Feng's cell phone called again, and when he saw that it was Qin Yanran, he hurriedly said to Zhang Zhen, "Okay, Zhang Zhen, Yanran is calling, I won't tell you anymore."

Hanging up Zhang Zhen's call and answering Qin Yanran's call, Lin Feng smiled and said, "How about? My monitor, Master Xueba, the math papers, surely you can't be troubled by it?"

"Hehe! Lin Feng, how do you know what I want to ask? Ask me first instead?"

Qin Yanran smiled and said, "This time the math paper is indeed more difficult, but I have no problem, how about you?"

"Of course I don't have a problem, Yan Ran, why don't we see whose score is higher in math?"

Scores, this is an exclusive game for schoolmasters. Lin Feng could only watch a few top students in the class compete with each other. He never thought that one day he could compete with Qin Yanran, who is the first .

"Okay! But don't do math, let's get the total score! Lin Feng, once lost to you, this time I will be serious and serious, and promise not to lose to you." Qin Yanran said with a smile.

"That's not necessarily true. What if I win you then?" Lin Feng smirked.

"I won! What do you want?"

Qin Yanran pretended not to understand.

"That's not good, then I won't win for nothing. Let's do it! Yanran, if I win you, you want to kiss me, how about?" Lin Feng said cheerfully.

"Lin Feng, how can you be like this as a rascal?" Qin Yanran muttered pretentiously.

"What are you afraid of? Yanran, you haven't kissed me anyway? Hey!"

"Shameless, Lin Feng, people... where do they... ever kiss you?" Qin Yanran said embarrassedly.

"Do you want to deny it? Then I can call the whole class to testify?" Lin Feng said.

"Okay! Okay... Forget it I'm afraid of you, all right! But once, give you a gentle kiss, are you satisfied?"

Although she said this to her mobile phone, Qin Yanran's cheeks were already red, and her face was crimson, as beautiful as the sunset on the horizon.

"En! Since Yanran is so refreshing and generous, if I lose to you, I will suffer a bit too. Let's kiss you!"

Lin Feng deliberately said this seriously, but when Qin Yanran heard this, she couldn't help but laughed. "Lin Feng, why didn't I find you so shameless before? If you win, I want me to kiss you, and I win. You, but you came to kiss me. It's not that I'm at a loss when I come over? Where is such a good thing in the world?"

"Of course there is! Hey! Yanran, because the world has such a good you!" Lin Feng said shamelessly.

"Will say it nice..."

"Then you say it will work? No, we can change a bet..."

"Don't don't...Let's do it! It's up to you, lest you come up with a more embarrassing bet." Qin Yanran said, looking at her mother Chen Lu'ping, who came to pick her up, and she was right. Lin Fengdao~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Alright! Lin Feng, my mother came to pick me up. Let's do this first, we're settled. "

"Okay! Yanran, you go home and rest early, and work hard for the exam tomorrow!"

After hanging up Qin Yanran's phone call, Lin Feng's heart was full of joy. He walked to the'door' of the second school. Not surprisingly, his mother, Sister Qingqing and Sister Tongtong were all waiting for him anxiously.

Especially Lin Mu, as soon as she saw Lin Feng, she asked anxiously, "Xiao Feng, how are the math papers? I just heard from candidates who came along the way, this year's math is not so difficult, how are you doing? Have you finished writing it all?"

"Mom! Don't worry! These questions are difficult, but they are for others. I don't look at whose son I Lin Feng is. There is a gene of wisdom and beauty like you, of course. No problem." Lin Feng grinned and slapped his mother's flattery.

"Little bastard, there is some truth to what you said. My son, Zhang Guizhu, how can I be stumped by such a little question? There is no problem. Mom is ready to wait for the college entrance examination results to finish the celebration party for you at Heroes' Restaurant. "Mother Lin said with a smile.


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