Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 948: Those who violate our Chinese will be punishable even if they are far away (6

"Crazy man, look at it! This post is said to be made by Zero, a gun **** from the country of'Bang'. *WwW.suimeng.lā This'Bang' son is really arrogant! It said that we are in China. The cf player is not worthy to be called the Gun God, can only be called the Gun King, and directly call the name to challenge you and the older sister! Madman, or I will send him the password of his room and let him in, you and the older sister will be cruel Give him a lesson! It's really annoying!"

Zhang Zhen was originally a passionate and angry young man. When he saw the arrogant tone in the post, he couldn't sit still, and stood up angrily, wishing to rush to the other side of the computer and tear these ‘sticks’ in half.

"Haha! The gun **** of the ‘Bang’ country? It’s really arrogant enough. I really thought that I developed a cf game and could bully our Huaxia players?"

As a patriotic and passionate young man, Lin Feng saw the arrogant words in that post, and even humiliated the game players in the entire Chinese nation. He was immediately furious and snorted.

"Yeah! Madman, teach him severely. Let him know that they are not worthy of giving shoes to the gun king of China's "Bang" country."

Zhang Zhen immediately said indignantly, but Xiao Nishang on the side frowned, looked at Zero's post carefully, and said, "Zhang Zhen, Lin Feng, don't be "excited" first. This is most likely an issue. Full set."

"Trap? Big sister, what do you mean? Could it be that the person who posted the post is not the gun **** Zero of the ‘stick’ country?" Zhang Zhen asked puzzled.

"It should be true, I mean, that Zero's post to play against us should be a trap. It's an ‘excited’ general technique..." Xiao Nishang said with an eyebrow.

"'Exciting' the method? Big sister, what do you mean... this zero is deliberately posting a post, so that you can compete with a madman?"

Zhang Zhen understood, but he said with an indifferent and impassioned expression, "That's just right! Hey! Big sister, you and the madman's skills can't be beaten by him. 'The son is not?'

Zhang Zhen had never heard of Zero, the gun **** of this ‘good’ country. Therefore, in the eyes of Zhang Zhen, the skills of Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang are already top-notch, and no one in the world can beat them. Now, Zhang Zhen couldn't wait for himself to have such a technique, and then severely taught that arrogant ‘stick’ in the game.

"It’s hard to say, Zhang Zhen, Lin Feng, you probably don’t know the reputation of this gun **** Zero. I have watched some of his battle videos, especially when he defeated another'stick' Ziguo Gun King’s jump shot. 'Video, if you really play against him. I don't know if Lin Feng can win, but I'm really hard to say, I can only say that I have a certain degree...but I'm not sure! It's okay if we don't play. I still lost, I'm afraid the entire Chinese CF players will not be able to stand it..."

When she said this, Xiao Nishang’s expression was very solemn. She also knew from the reactions of the players on the forum that the importance of today’s challenge is the glory of the entire Chinese CF community. This battle is definitely not trivial, and it cannot be easily challenged.

"Ah? Isn't it? Big sister, what kind of zero is so powerful? I think he talks like a beam jumping clown, even you can't deal with it? What should I do? Is it... really want to be a turtle?"

Hearing Xiao Nishang’s words, Zhang Zhen realized that the ‘stick’ sub-national spear **** named Zero was not named as ‘lang’. I am afraid that there is real material, so he dared to make such a provocative post.

"What are you going to do with your head? Hehe! He wants to fight! I fight! Is it possible that I am a great country in China, will I still be afraid of the challenge of a formerly subordinate country?"

Unlike Xiao Nishang, Lin Feng didn't have so much scruples, and said directly to Zhang Zhen, "Zhang Zhen! Go'private' the zero, send him the password of our room, and see if he has the courage. I'm here. Lin Feng, I can promise, I dare to come and let him go or not."

Lin Feng's previous "sex" style was low-key, and generally would not take the initiative to speak out. But today, it was uncharacteristically. Faced with the challenge of the ‘Bang’ sub-national gun **** zero, he did not hesitate to take the initiative to attack.

There is no other reason, just a sense of national honor.

As a member of China, how can you let your country be so mocked? Since the Zero of the ‘Bang’ Ziguo despises the cf player technology of China’s CF, it is really necessary for him to have a long eye and a long lesson.

"Okay! Madman, you deserve to be my boss. I know, you will not bear it. Let's fight with this dead "stick"! Let him know that we are a great country in China, and we are considered to be in CF. , It's not something they can afford."

With these words of Lin Feng, Zhang Zhen immediately became full of confidence, and became full of fighting spirit. He quickly logged in to his forum account and sent me the password of the room to this gun **** zero account.

"Lin Feng, you...is it too arbitrary for your decision like this? After all, it is zero! It can be said that he is the first person in CF in the'Bang' country. Even I am not sure that I will escape. His sniper rifle..." Seeing Lin Feng's performance, Xiao Nishang said hesitantly.

"Crazy girl, if you are afraid, you don't need to follow him. I am with him," Lin Feng said lightly.

"Lin Feng, what are you talking about? When did I, Xiao Nishang, be afraid? It's just...this time it's all live broadcast, if we really lose. We will be disappointed and embarrassed even with millions of CF players!" Xiao Nishang also strained his face and said solemnly, "So, Lin Feng, I advise you to consider it carefully, right?"

"You will lose, but... hehe! I won't!"

A simple sentence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Lin Feng has already expressed all his attitudes, because the gun **** Zero of the ‘stick’ country has completely angered him, prepare to bear the consequences of all this!

When he said this, Lin Feng was not idle either. He minimized the game temporarily, and he also posted on the cf forum. He also posted a post on the forum with his "Brow Eyebrow Scarlet Armor" account.

Penguin Building, the cf office, Xiao Liu, who has been in charge of monitoring the cf forum, suddenly yelled, "Boss! Boss... the bearded and scarlet gunner has posted a post and posted a post on the forum..."

"Ah? Shaved brows have a reaction? Hurry...Xiao Liu, read it quickly, what is the hair of Shaved Sharks Spear King?" Wang Jianhong asked immediately, expectant and worried.

"Boss, the post is only one sentence..."

With that said, Xiao Liu took a deep breath and said loudly and solemnly, "Those who violate our Chinese will be punishable even if they are far away!"


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