Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 949: You want to fight! I will fight!

Those who violate our China will be punishable even if they are far away!

After Xiao Liu had read this sentence, the entire cf project team office was upset, and all the morale was lifted. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a,. All those worries and frustrations of the talents just disappeared at this moment.

Thinking of me dignified in China, the ancient kingdom of Ming Dynasty for five thousand years, how many golden horses and iron horses, how many rebuke Fang Qiu, how can you be afraid of the challenge of a small "stick" country?

"What a crime against China, even if it is far away, he will be punishable! This beard and crimson spear king is not easy! It is enough to make such a sound. Xiao Liu, look at it, the reaction of the forum players how about it?"

Wang Jianhong's spirits suddenly roused, and he felt that a huge stone in his heart was dissolved.

"Boss, the players' reactions were very'exciting', and they were all very positive and positive. I think the players, like us, were excited by this sentence just now, and they are full of victory. I have passed Zero's fighting spirit!"

Before Lin Feng made this sentence, there were all kinds of voices in the forum, and most of them abused the ‘stick’, the national gun god, zero. But now, everyone's heart seems to have been given to Lin Feng's sentence, "Those who offend my China will be killed even if they are far away."

Hua, Huaxia with a long tradition of five thousand years, how could his small ‘stick’ country dare to invade? Since dare to shamelessly send the ‘door’ to take its humiliation, we must punish it severely.

"Arrogant! Arrogant... this beard and crimson armor is simply too arrogant! Really when they are in the cf game industry, are they also a big country? They also want to punish us? Humph! Zero, they have'privately' trusted the password. , Let me enter the game and kill this spooky gun king fiercely!"

Originally, I wanted to use the "excited" method of posting to "inflame" the two gun kings of China in order to obtain a password to enter the game. But now, Park Junxiu was completely irritated by Lin Feng's short sentence. Although, in this sentence, I didn’t say how the "Bang" country is like, but in the bones of Park Junxiu, there is still a sense of shame as a member of the "Bang" country. Thousands of years of history and strength, the'Bang' Ziguo has only become strong after the big'legs' of the American godfather in recent decades.

"Huh! President Park, please don't worry. Any cf player who zooms in in front of my zero, I will eventually make him become '0'. Return to zero and kill all the provocateurs! This time, I represent but The honor of our'stick' son country!"

Zero sat in front of the computer, quickly opened the cf client, and logged in to the game account. The name of the account is "zero", which was prepared to challenge the players of China.

Found the game room where Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang were, Zero successfully entered the password this time and entered Special.

Because the situation in this room was completely live broadcast, when the zero account entered the room, more than six million players who watched the live broadcast saw him.

"Fuck! The gun **** Zero of the'Bang' country has really come?"

"I'm not afraid of death! Humph! Look at this, how our heroine and brow gunners deal with him..."

"Yes! I don't like these hypocritical "sticks", and I know bragging all day long..."


The hearts of the people are united, and the mountains move.

At this moment, all the CF players of the China Country CF gathered together, waiting to see the gun **** Zero of the ‘stick’ country being abused by the two gun kings.

While in Feilong Bar, Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang also temporarily withdrew from the game. When they were in the game room, they saw the gun **** Zero who had just entered.

"The two spear kings of China, good night! Unfortunately, I'm here to disturb you today. The two prestigious names in China will probably disappear after today's World War I."

Although Zero's was not proficient enough, the basic ‘communication’ was still unimpeded, and he made such a string of provocations that seemed like greetings.

"Crazy man, this is the Gun King Zero! It's too **** arrogant, and I will enter the game for a while..." Zhang Zhen saw from the side and said angrily.

"Haha! A little ‘stick’, dare to come to our place to be arrogant."

Lin Feng smiled and replied to him in the chat in the room, "Good night zero gun god, it seems that in thousands of years, your'stick' virtues have not changed! When you came to the former sovereign state, you dare to do so. Provocation loudly? Do you really think that the entire universe belongs to yours?"

"Bearded and spearman, what is the ability to speak big words? Insult my country, I will definitely be in the game, let you pay for it." Zero protested angrily.

"I'm afraid you are the one who speaks big words? If you want to fight, I will fight! No matter how provocative you are, I will still say that anyone who violates my Chinese will be punishable even if it is far away! Come on!"

After that, Lin Feng had already clicked the button to prepare for the game. However, Xiao Nishang reminded him from the side, "Lin Feng, enter the game in a while, or let me'hand' him first and test his Strength?"

"Crazy girl, didn't you dare to talk to him just now? What if you lose? Does it hurt your reputation?" Lin Feng smiled and glanced at Xiao Nichang.

"If you lose, what are you afraid of? If I lose, don't you still have you? As long as you can beat him, besides, there are not many chances to be able to hang the gun **** of the ‘stick’ country once."

Xiao Nishang smiled slightly, and was also ready for the game, and clicked to start the game.

"The game has started! Look at it soon... Our two gun kings have both entered the game. Do you want to play two?"

"What kind of mode? I saw them just now. It seems to be a personal competitive mode. The Zero Gunner seems to be best at sniping. I don't know if our Gun King can beat him!"

"Bah baah baah! What frustrating words did Lou say! Of course we can win, didn't we see what our shawls said? The Chinese who violated me~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although they are far away, they must be punishable! Then zero is dead! !"


As soon as they entered the game screen, the six million players looked intently and raised their hearts.

When working in the cf project team office, Wang Jianhong and all the cf staff also grabbed their hearts and jumped bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang sock at Wang Jianhong and all cf project team office work, Wang Jianhong and all cf staffs were also worried.

"The brazen Chinese monkey, zero, take out your strength today and let them see and see... what is real technology and crushing!"

Park Junsu's face became savage, and he directed Zero to say, "We must win beautiful!"

"President Park, don't worry! They can't escape my shot..."

Controlling the character in the game, although Zero is holding a most common sniper rifle, he feels it is enough.


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