Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 954: Win glory for the country!


Golden headshot!

More than six million Chinese CF players and more than 700,000 "Bang" sub-country cf players, on the live page, witnessed this scene, Lin Feng completely tortured the "Bang" sub-country sniper **** zero. {Щww{suimеng][lā}!

One knife!

Just a cut!

Lin Feng could rush over from a hundred meters away only with a small knife, and escaped the two shots of the so-called sniper Zero, and finally gave Zero a headshot with a close shot. This picture is simply Don't be too shocked, don't be too incredible!

"Haha! Headshot! Or golden headshot... lunatic, you are so handsome! This bad breath is so cool! The players in their'stick' country are not clamoring for zero in the world, the top of the world? What about now? With a sniper rifle, he fired two shots and still couldn't hit anyone. In the end, he got a headshot with a knife. It was so cool!

Throughout the game, Zhang Zhen's nerves were highly nervous, until he finally saw the golden headshot kill sign on the screen, he laughed. All those angers that were mocked and mocked by the ‘Bang’ sub-country players before have all been passed.

"Both sniper bullets have been avoided? Lin Feng, how did you do it? How do you know where and when he fired at you? Also, your hands are too fast, right? I haven't seen it clearly, how exactly do you "fuck"?"

Unlike Zhang Zhen, Xiao Nishang not only watched the computer screen when Lin Feng played against Zero, but also focused more on Lin Feng’s left hand, wanting to take a closer look at how Lin Feng uses such footwork. of. As a result, Xiao Nishang couldn’t see anything, because Lin Feng’s hand speed was too fast, and the air seemed to have afterimages. Fortunately, the quality of the keyboard was pretty good, and it was able to follow Lin Feng’s hand. Speed, otherwise, Lin Feng's technique would be useless no matter how good.

"Crazy girl, so I said, you only learned a little bit of fur. This world, whether it is real kung fu or game, is fast and unbreakable. As long as I am fast enough to dodge his sniper bullets , What can he do with me? No matter how good the sniper's skills are, won't he finally kneel in front of my knife and get a headshot?"

After thoroughly kotting the sniper **** zero of the'stick' sub-country, Lin Feng also sighed in relief and said with a smile, "This time headshot zero, those cf players from the'stick' sub-country should know us It’s amazing, and it’s not easy to bully the CF players in China."

"It's a must! Crazy, look at it... The players on the forum are crazy! They are all vying for you! You are amazing now! You have become the collective idol of our Chinese CF players, everyone has blocked you He is the spear god! We are the first spear **** in China!"

After opening the cf forum, Zhang Zhen pointed to the constantly refreshed posts ‘aggressive’ and said.






All the posts in the forum were brushed out, without exception, they all praised Lin Feng for winning glory for the country. Moreover, everyone also sent Lin Feng to the throne of the gun god, although in this entire decisive battle, Lin Feng did not fire a single shot, and used a knife to head the whole process. However, this does not prevent him from becoming the national hero of Zero, the first gun **** in ko's ‘stick’ country cf.

Today, Lin Feng used this knife not only to defeat the ‘stick’ Ziguo Zero. Instead, it directly restored the dignity of all CF players in China, and also restored the overall dignity of the game competition in China.

Who said that our Chinese players have no skills?

Who said that China can only rely on human tactics?

Who said that our CF players in China are being bullied by your ‘good’ country?

Today, Lin Feng’s headshot and a series of weird footwork have made the players of the "Bang" country thoroughly see that the technology flow of the Huaxia Kingdom is completely capable of killing the top players of the "Bang" country. .

"Oh? It seems that today, I am still fighting for everyone. What do the players from the ‘great’ country say?"

Lin Fengxin had already anticipated the remarks and reactions of the players in his country. It is true that those'sticks' are too arrogant and have bullied our country. Lin Feng will naturally take their guns seriously. Pick the horse to let them know that our Huaxia players are not good to bully.

"The players from the'Bang' country? I haven't seen it...you should be afraid to speak? Haha! Just now they clamored to overthrow the cf players of our country of China. As a result, their first sniper is like this. You got a headshot with a knife. It is estimated that those'sticks' are all blushing now, and they dare not put a fart, right?"

Zhang Zhen said with a smile, "Crazy man, you must teach me your weird footwork skills, and I will also kill them on their cf ‘stick’ sub-country server another day."

"Okay! I will sum it up and post the tutorial of this step to the forum!"

The players who saw the forum were all enthusiastic, cheering and applauding for the victory of this battle, and proud of Lin Feng's knife. Lin Feng also has a national pride and honor from his heart.

Indeed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Our country is "chaotic" because of the war a hundred years ago, because of the retreat of the Qing Dynasty and the subsequent series of "turbulence", so that the dignified five-thousand-year-old country of China is far behind the developed countries in the world. Too much. Although we are now seizing the time to catch up with those developed countries, we are only barely catching up with some economic and military strength, and we have a certain right to speak on the big stage of the whole world.

However, in terms of human rights, environmental protection, education, chemistry, technology, etc., they are still too far behind. Take e-sports as an example. In other developed countries, this can be said to be a normal competitive sports event, but in our country, it has become a destructive game that is not doing business. The concept of the new era has not followed. Although the game can make people'fascinated', as long as the guidance is correct, the game will be like competitive sports,'stimulating' inspiring fighting spirit,'stimulating' inspiring courage and breakthroughs. Encouragement of obstacles.

As it is now, although it is only a trivial cf game, it has brought more than six million Chinese people to unite together. For the collective sense of national honor, resist foreign enemies, and put the hateful faces of the'sticks', finally A headshot of gold with a stab of gold, severely nailed them to the pillar of shame. Let them know that my 5,000-year-old ancient China country cannot be afforded by a small island country that relies on holding the big legs of the United States.


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