Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 955: Strong young people, strong China (Part 1)

In the Penguin Building cf office, after seeing the full victory of the Gun King, dozens of employees in the entire cf office were boiled, even talking directly in front of Park Junsu and Zero. *WwW.suimeng.lā. . Pinshu

"Haha! I know that our Huaxia Nation still has masters, how could it be defeated by a small ‘stick’ son’s gun god?"

"I hit the'door' of our house irresponsibly, and be prepared to be particularly humiliated!"

"Starting from today, our CF players in China will also have to seal the gun god. The first gun **** is the bearded and crimson armor. Regardless of the rules of their cf headquarters, there is a way to let your gun **** come and single?"

"Yes! Yes! Strength speaks for everything. In the past, they developed the game cf with the help of the'Bang' country. Players in our country have played it a year earlier, and they are everywhere higher than us. Now even their first shots God, they are all defeated. See what faces they have to make their arrogance."

"Especially just now, with a small knife in the beard and crimson armor, he just rushed through Zero's sniper rifle. It was shocking to see me, even my heart was about to jump out."


These employees in the office, as long as they have worked for a few years, have had several contacts with the cf ‘communication’ team from the ‘Bang’ Ziguo, and they have received enough bird air. In the past, they could not vent at all, they could only swallow their anger, and they could only blame the CF players in their own country for failing, but today? Park Junxiu wanted to ‘door’ to slap her face with zero, but Lin Ye’s face was swollen by the slap on her face. How could this be a pleasant surprise?

"Boss! This beard and crimson gun **** is really so handsome! We have never been such a handsome player before in cf server! No, it should not be said to be handsome, it should be self-willed, right? The bearded scarlet is not holding a knife, but a random one... Even if it is a pistol, I am afraid that the zero has already been given to Ko? But he has to take the knife and abuse it, which is so cool! This When I returned to zero, I changed my sniper..."

Xiao Liu has also been suffocated for a long time, now he is completely exasperated, and even deliberately said loudly, so that the two ‘sticks’, Park Junsu and Zero, can really hear him.

"Haha! Competitiveness! Competitiveness... It's really very competitive, Xiao Liu, the video of this stage of the game, the whole process is recorded and put on the official, and we will do a few more topics. Then we will apply to the Penguin Company headquarters for full promotion. We want Let all the people know that our China CF has also risen! We also have the world’s top players..."

Wang Jianhong can be said to be in a great mood now, and the good can not be better. All the sorrow and helplessness before, the depressedness is gone, even when facing Park Junxiu, he can hold his head up and'breast', it is useless. Fear him, as if he was a head short in front of him.

"How is it? Mr. Park, as you wish, our China's Scarlet Spear King...No! It should be called Scarlet Spear God, and Zero Spear God, what do you think? Scarlet Spear King should be Can you afford the title of Spear God?"

Wang Jianhong laughed when he walked to Park Joon-soo, who had a pale face.

"Affordable! Mr. Wang, I admit...you Huaxia players are indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. However, this is just an example! Don’t think that after your Huaxia players win once, what is your overall level? It can be improved. This time, we are careless. In the future, it may not be anymore."

In the face of the iron-like failure fact, Park Junxiu can be regarded as thick-skinned and indisputable. After all, nearly seven million players from the two countries have witnessed this disparity in strength. He can only barely use it. "Negligence" to save a little face.

"Haha! President Park, we always welcome the masters of your country to challenge again. After all... we are a big country in China, and we are very polite to visitors. Then, does President Park have anything else to do? If not, it’s not early, so let’s go back to the hotel and rest as soon as possible! Our'men' will have to work overtime to produce a special event called'The Birth of the Gun God'! We forgive us for not being entertained!

Seeing Pu Junxiu's confession, Wang Jianhong's heart felt refreshed, and his remarks deliberately focused on the following special event "The Birth of the Spear God", which made Wang Jianhong's face again. It was embarrassing.

At this time, Zero, who was still sitting in front of the computer in a daze, looked dazed, his eyes were dull, and his mouth suddenly yelled "Impossible! Impossible...How could I lose? I...I was holding a sniper rifle. , Can someone head headshot with a knife? Impossible! God! Impossible... I'm a sniper! It's impossible to lose!"

The devilish zero, full of unintelligible Korean, even fell directly from the stool to the ground in a hurry.

"Zero, are you okay? Victory or defeat is commonplace for soldiers. Your sniping is already strong enough. It's just that you have met a more powerful opponent, so why bother?"

As the person in charge of the China National cf project team, Wang Jianhong naturally has the "chest" of the Huaxia people, but he is not as narrow-minded as that of Pu Junxiu. Seeing that Zero cares about winning or losing, he will help before friendship. Holding him, comforted.

However, Park Jun-soo had a dark face and angrily said zero, "Zero! Get up to me, what kind of man are you? Are you worthy of being the gun **** of our Republic of Korea? Your performance today is really disappointing to me. ! It also failed the millions of cf players in our "stick" country! You...a shame!"

"President Park! I...I was careless, I...I made a mistake! Give me another chance, I...I will definitely beat him..."

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ where is the chic demeanor of the spear **** just now? Like a mourning dog, he hugged Park Jun-su by the feet, begging him to give himself another chance.

"The opportunity is gone, you have lost. Zero, you have failed our years of training. At a critical moment, you have lost the honor of our entire country. You are the sinner of our Republic of Korea! Sinner! Do you know what? ? You lost all our faces..."

After saying this, Park Junxiu walked out of the office alone with an angry face.

"President Park! President Park...wait for me...give me another chance, I must..."

Zero horse chased it out, looking at the backs of these two people, Wang Jianhong sighed helplessly and shook his head.

"Boss, the people of this'stick' Zi Nation are also too impersonal, right? The Zero Spear God technique is so good, it just happened to lose a game..." Xiao Liu looked aside. I feel a little bit chilling.


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