Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 958: Invitation from Tianshan School

be quiet!


After Lin Feng finished these words, the entire live broadcast room was stuck, and the comment area underneath was stuck with the constantly refreshing messages. It seems that everyone is recalling what Lin Feng said at this moment and thinking carefully. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a.

Or regret it!

Or wake up!

Or moved!

Or work hard!

Different people have different feelings when they see this passage. Combining their personal experiences, no matter what, what Lin Feng said makes sense. Because most of them are teenagers who are'fascinated' by games, in order to escape the reality, they have a special empathy. Moreover, at this time, Lin Feng is mentioning them as an idol. This remark seems to be a kind of A bright lamp illuminates their'lost' future.

One minute later!

The message area that was still silent just now burst into a burst!

"You are right! I am indeed my idol. In the past, I was obsessed with games, ignored my family, refused to study, skipped classes and dropped out... Now I have tasted the bitter fruit, but I still don’t know that I am going back. I broke the hearts of my parents and sisters. I saw what you said today, really, I really woke up suddenly. It turned out that my past self was so naive and ridiculous. Thank you, beard. God, I thank you...Thank you for the cf athletics'jing' gods you brought to us, I will turn my head back and go home tomorrow to admit my parents' mistakes..."

There are countless comments like this. Many CF players have regretted that many of them left their family members in the cold because of the game and lived up to their expectations.

"Boss, this... what the brows and spear gods said is really touching. But, in this way, you see that these players think that our cf game delayed their youth. Doesn't...have a very bad impact on our game? And, it seems that these players all want to wash their hands and stop playing our CF?"

Although Xiao Liu was also touched by Lin Feng’s words and felt that his whole body was boiled with enthusiasm, but as a cf staff member, he was still a little worried that these words of Lin Feng would have a negative impact on cf games, making Everyone thinks that cf game is a game that makes people addicted to it.

However, Wang Jianhong laughed and said happily, "Xiao Liu, you are unreasonably worried. The **** of brows and spears never said that our cf game is a fascinating game. On the contrary, He emphasized the competitive spirit of our CF game, guiding players more positively to apply the positive energy of competition to life and learning! This is not an opportunity to discredit us, but to allow us CF to be able to This is a great opportunity to be dignified in front of the common people! Xiao Liu, let the public relations side spread this remark of the beard and spear god, to what extent it can spread to what extent..."

"Really? Good! Boss, so we cf will never be said to be a game to teach children badly in the future?" Xiao Liu also said with surprise.

"I can guarantee that with the words of the beard and spear god, I will definitely not in the future. By the way, you also collect all the comments from the players on the message board. These are all very valuable evidence! "

Wang Jianhong stared at the big screen with piercing eyes, looking at the flashing face of Scarlet Scarlet's head, he couldn't help but guess with emotion, "Scarlet Scarlet, what a brilliant talent you will be like this. How can the top-notch technology speak such a reminder?"


Network, thanks to the full support of the cf public relations team, this cf battle that shocked both South Korea and South Korea was a complete sensation. Not only those players who love cf, but also many big v on Weibo, as well as many celebrities. This matter has been heard. Even Lin Feng's phrase "Youth is strong and the country is strong" has been stared at the hot search lists and headlines of Weibo. His words have been sorted into a chapter, reprinted by several big v, and the amount of repost has already been It broke through 100,000.

"In foreign countries, competitive games, like competitive sports, have always been competitive sports. Such competitive'spirit' has an'inspiring' effect on life and learning. I have always wondered why domestic parents would watch games. What about being an evil monster that completely delays learning? Blindly resisting and preventing your children from playing games completely demonizes the game. Although I don’t know this cf game’s gun god, I agree with it. These words he said. Many of the people's thinking and understanding are wrong from the root, and they need to change their minds..."

This is what a Weibo tens of millions of fans said when they forwarded Lin Feng's words, which immediately triggered a frenzy of forwarding again. Suddenly, the four words mustache, eyebrow and jiankai became a hot search word on Weibo. There were even some CF players from the "Bang" country who took the initiative to express their position, because they were also touched by those words of Lin Feng. Although they were players from the "Bang" country, they regarded Lin Feng as a player. Own idol.


Flying dragon, Zhang Zhen saw the words from Lin Feng, and he suddenly thought of scenes in the past when he and Lin Feng ran secretly together. He was particularly touched, as if Lin Feng's words were specifically said to him.

"Crazy man, these words of yours are so **** good!" Zhang Zhen wiped the tears "Flower" at the corner of his eyes, and gave Lin Feng a thumbs up.

"Come on! Zhang Zhen, don't shame me anymore. I just sent it out because of feelings. It's getting late, should we get off the plane and go back?"

Lin Feng turned off the computer, sat for too long, stood up and moved his muscles and bones, said.

"Okay! Madman, today is so enjoyable. I am afraid I will never forget today!"

Zhang Zhen happily turned off the computer too~www.wuxiaspot.com~ followed Lin Feng like a worm, and said with a hippie smile, "Madman, by the way... I haven't seen you shoot today! What is your marksmanship? How? Is there a magical method like that footwork? You can't hide your'private', you have to teach it to me!"

"Zhang Zhen, how is my marksmanship? After so many years of games with you, don't you know?" Lin Feng shook his head and said with a smile.

"That's different! Madman, you are not the same now, there must be some tricks, next time you come, you must shoot me! And the eldest sister, when will you two have a peak duel..." Zhang Zhen Said tirelessly.

"Humph! Next time, I won't lose to Lin Feng." Xiao Nishang said unwillingly.

"Okay! Crazy girl, come back next time if you're not convinced. It's getting late, go back too!"

Stepping out of Feilong, Lin Feng was about to say goodbye to Xiao Nishang. Hearing Xiao Nishang’s cell phone rang suddenly, she picked up the phone and saw it, and said to Lin Feng in surprise, "Lin Feng, the elders of Tianshan faction Has sent you an invitation."


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