Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 959: Unfair deal


"Invitation from the Tianshan School? They really agreed to send me a treasure hunter?"

Lin Feng, who was going to go home, heard Xiao Nishang's words, and immediately came to the "Jing" God, and asked Xiao Nishang aside. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā.

"It's an exchange of equal value, not a gift! Lin Feng, you should clarify the premise first. Now the treasure hunter sent by Tianshan is very scarce. Therefore, after several discussions between them, the Presbyterian Church , I decided to do this'transaction' with you. It was because of my cousin's face that I won such a chance for you."

Seeing Lin Feng's anger, Xiao Nishang decided that Lin Feng was in desperate need of a treasure hunter, so he actually made a great contribution.

"What do you mean? An opportunity? Crazy girl, you told them that I used a precious ancient artifact! They have to think about it for a long time in exchange for such a broken mouse?"

Lin Feng became unhappy when he heard Xiao Nishang's words, and said with a curl of his lips.

"Precious ancient artifacts? Humph! Lin Feng, have you ever seen a lot of precious things given away?"

Xiao Nishang shook his pearl bracelet, staring at Lin Feng and said, "This ancient artifact may be rarer and precious in our opinion. But how do I feel that it is the same as Chinese cabbage in your eyes? Anyone. Can you send a bunch out?"

"Go go... Crazy girl, is your Chinese cabbage an ancient magical artifact? Your eyes saw me give the ancient magical artifact casually? It was more casual when it was also given to you."

Lin Feng was talking and quarreling with Xiao Nishang again, walking under the starry sky and moonlight, but he had a special feeling.

"Huh! Why isn't it random? Not only I have it, but Qin Yanran has... That big star Su Zixuan also has it. It seems... even Teacher Xu has it, and it's not random?" Xiao Nishang said unconvincingly.

"This... how can this be said to be random! What happened to me sending Yanran to Teacher Xu? As for the senior sister Zixuan, it was given to her to protect her that day."

Walking under the moonlight, Lin Feng changed the subject again and said, "Alright! Crazy girl, don't talk about this. You haven't said, what did the elders of the mountain faction say that day, when will we leave for the Tianshan faction? Huh?"

"The elders of the Tianshan Sect said, you exchange an ancient artifact for a chance to enter the back mountain. As for whether you can catch the treasure hunter, it depends on your own ability. If you can't catch it in a day, no wonder they Yes. You can set off tomorrow. It takes less than three hours to fly from Zhi'an City to the nearest airport of Tianshan School." Xiao Nishang said.

"What? An ancient magic weapon, for such an opportunity? Don't do it or not! Crazy girl, how do you think I am a fool?" Lin Feng was upset at this and immediately refused.

"It's not that people are stupid with a lot of money, but people are stupid with a lot of magic weapons."

Seeing that Lin Feng was angry, Xiao Nishang picked up the phone even more indifferent, and said, "Since you don't want to, I will send a text message to the chief elder of the Tianshan faction that you disagree! This'transaction' has been cancelled. ..."

"Wait, wait... Crazy girl, wait a minute, I have something to discuss!"

Lin Feng hurriedly called Xiao Nishang again.

"What are you waiting for? Lin Feng, don't you feel that you are at a disadvantage? Since you feel that you are at a loss, don't trade with the Tianshan School!" Xiao Nishang was sure that Lin Feng needed a treasure hunter, so he said confidently.

"Isn't this negotiable? Crazy girl, I don't know the specific situation yet! You always want me to know what the situation is like in the Tianshan Mountain, right? Why is this treasure hunting rat difficult to catch!"

Lin Feng is also in urgent need of the treasure hunter to help find the spiritual ‘medicine’, so that he is so restrained, otherwise he would have broken up with Xiao Nishang early, and would not do this ‘exchange’.

"It's okay, Lin Feng, if you feel wronged, you don't have to agree to this'transaction'." Xiao Nishang smiled.

"Okay! Crazy girl, please tell me about the situation first, and I'll decide. They gave me a chance to enter the back mountain, and it is also possible to catch the treasure hunter! Otherwise, if it is clear that the chance of catching the treasure hunter It is 0. Didn't I waste an ancient magical tool for nothing?" Lin Feng gave Xiao Nishang a white look, knowing in his heart that this crazy girl was never a vegetarian.

"In fact, it is not difficult. The back mountain of the Tianshan Sect is a swamp, and the treasure hunters are raised in this swamp. There is no special'gate' of the Tianshan Sect. You must rely on your own extraordinary feats to enter it. Otherwise, not only will you be unable to catch the treasure hunter, but you will also be trapped in the swamp, and your life will be in danger. Lin Feng, are you afraid?"

Xiao Nishang gave a smirk and said, "The elders of the Tianshan faction have said that as the juniors of the rivers and lakes, I am afraid that no one can survive the swampland of the back mountain yet!"

"Marsh? These?"

The difficulty that Xiao Nishang said was not a difficulty for Lin Feng. Not to mention the marshland, for Lin Feng, who can now fly his sword into the sky, he also flew past the minefield.

However, Lin Feng couldn't act too easy and relaxed, otherwise he would be caught by this scornful crazy girl again, wondering what bad water was in his stomach.

Therefore, Lin Feng said in embarrassment, "If it's just a small swamp, Qinggong still has some effect. But if it's a large swamp, how to use it? I'm afraid that Qinggong can't support more than a dozen meters and will fall into the swamp, right? Not to mention finding and tracking the treasure hunter. Crazy girl, the elders of the Tianshan faction are really good! This is simply impossible!"

"It's impossible that I don't know, UU reading www.uukanshu.com anyway, Lin Feng, you give me a word. This opportunity, either? If you don't want it, I will immediately send a text message to the elders of the Tianshan School to cancel the transaction." Xiao Nishang's heart had already expected that Lin Feng, who was in such an urgent need for a treasure hunter, would inevitably accept this unfair transaction.

"Okay! I'm fighting! Let's go tomorrow?" Lin Feng finally made up his mind.

"Yes! See you at Chi'an Airport at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, Lin Feng, you are in charge of the ticket! Anyway, you are a major shareholder of Southeast Airlines... I'll go home! Don't send me off, hehe..."

After speaking, Xiao Nishang swaggered towards the other road. Looking at her back, Lin Feng slightly raised the corner of his mouth, "Tianshan faction! Haha! No matter what difficulties and levels you use, I, Lin Feng, a cultivator, can't make it through? Not to mention, now I have a flying sword in my hand! No matter how big the swamp is, I will fly over."


When Xiao Nishang walked away, Lin Feng took advantage of the night to summon the Fengtong Sword from the Shenshui Space, swish the Yujian and flew back to Jinou Community. </ntent>


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