Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 963: Met again!

At the Zhi'an TV station, it was nine o'clock and Zhou Yun was annoyed. She called Lin Feng's mobile phone several times, but was refused. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a. Apparently, Lin Feng did not come to the TV station to participate in the interview on purpose.

"Damn it! This Lin Feng, didn't he say it was done yesterday? He must come!"

Zhou Yun pouted. Although Lin Feng said on the phone yesterday that something could not come, she felt that he would definitely give up the matter for himself.

As a result, now that the horse arrived at the agreed time, not only did Lin Feng have not arrived, even Qin Yanran had no shadow.

"Sister Zhou, the makeup artist is urging, and the teachers from one are all here, why haven't those two classmates arrived yet?" Assistant Xiao Li rushed over and asked.

"I don't know, you ask me, who am I going to ask? I will call again to remind..."

Ever since, Zhou Yun dialed Qin Yanran's mobile phone again, "Hey! Qin Yanran, I'm reporter Zhou from the TV station, you... why haven't you arrived today?"

"Reporter Zhou, I'm sorry! There is a traffic jam on the road, I'm here, and there are still a few minutes to arrive." Qin Yanran said hurriedly while sitting in the taxi.

"That's good! That's good, as soon as possible... the live broadcast will start in a while." Zhou Yun said with a sigh of relief.

"By the way! Reporter Zhou, has Lin Feng arrived? Tell him, I got it right." Qin Yanran said with a slight smile.

"Lin Feng? This..."

Zhou Yun hesitated as soon as Qin Yanran said about Lin Feng.

"Reporter Zhou, what's the matter? Could it be that Lin Feng is also late?" Qin Yanran asked "confused".

"Ah? Hmm! Lin Feng said yesterday that it was also nine o'clock, but it hasn't arrived yet..." Zhou Yun felt like he was going to ‘make up’ this interview.

"Isn't there yet? It's probably a traffic jam. The road is really blocked today. That's it, Reporter Zhou, I'm here. I'll tell you when I get to the TV station."

Qin Yanran didn't think there was any surprise, but after she arrived at the TV station, she still didn't see Lin Feng's figure, and she became suspicious.

"Reporter Zhou, what's the matter? This horse is nine o'clock, why hasn't Lin Feng come? You won't inform the wrong time, right?" After arriving at the TV station, looking around, several teachers from the same group have arrived, but they have not seen it. Lin Feng.

"How is it possible? Qin Yanran, I agreed with Lin Feng yesterday that it was nine o'clock." Zhou Yun said with a guilty conscience.

"Then let me call and ask? Maybe Lin Feng is still on the way, I'll let him hurry up."

Wearing a beautiful white dress, Qin Yanran desperately wanted Lin Feng to see Meimeida herself, so she took out her cell phone and dialed Lin Feng's cell phone number.

At this time, Lin Feng, who was in the waiting hall, saw that the horse was about to board the plane when his cell phone rang. Originally, he thought it was the reporter Zhou Yun who had been asking him to go to the TV station, but when he picked up his mobile phone, the caller ID was Qin Yanran.

"Huh? Yanran's call? Is there something urgent?"

Because it was Qin Yanran's call, Lin Feng answered and said, "Hey! Yanran, what's the matter?"

"Lin Feng, when are you here? We have been waiting for you for a long time!" Qin Yanran muttered a little unhappyly.

"Wait for me? Yanran, what are you waiting for?"

Hearing Qin Yanran's words, Lin Feng asked with a little ‘touched’. Because when Zhou Yun called him yesterday, she didn't say that Qin Yanran would also come.

"No? Lin Feng, you won't forget about today's interview with the TV station, will you? Don't tell me, are you still sleeping in the'bed' right now?"

"Ah? The TV station interview, I...I already told reporter Zhou that I would not go! Yanran, did you go too?"

When Lin Feng heard Qin Yanran's tone, he knew something bad happened. If he knew that Qin Yanran was also invited, he would definitely say hello again, but now it is ‘made’ as if he did not go deliberately.

"Don't you know? Lin Feng, what's the matter with you? Come here! The live broadcast will officially start at ten o'clock, and there is one hour left. I'll wait for you!"

Unexpectedly, Qin Yanran felt disappointed in her heart. She was looking forward to a live TV interview with Lin Feng, who was about to fall asleep all night, but Lin Feng didn't care at all, and there was something as an excuse to shirk her.

"No way! Yanran, I... I really have something to do, I can't go!"

If it's other things, Lin Feng might be able to push off the horse and rush to the TV station, but now, the horse is about to board the plane, and if he turns back now, he would have spent such a good opportunity to go to Tianshan.

"What? Lin Feng, are you in a hurry? Whoever is calling, sounds like Yanran! Could it be that you have a date with Yanran today?"

Xiao Nishang, who was walking in front, heard Lin Feng's call, and took the opportunity to come over and ask with a smile.

It was Xiao Nishang’s words, Qin Yanran on the other end of the phone vaguely heard her voice, and immediately questioned, "Lin Feng, where are you now? Why can't I come? Why did I seem to hear Xiao just now? The voice of neon clothes, are you with her?"

"Yan Ran, I... I am indeed with the crazy girl now. But don't get me wrong, I really have something to do with the crazy girl. Now, I'm at the airport, and I'll be flying for a while~www.wuxiaspot .com~ I won’t tell you yet. I'll explain to you when I come back, sorry!"

Faced with such a misunderstanding, Lin Feng really didn’t know how to explain it in a short time. It was all because reporter Zhou Yun hadn’t told him in advance that Qin Yanran would also go. Now after Qin Yanran called, Lin Feng made a lot of trouble. Feng was caught off guard. What's even more hateful is that Xiao Nishang, a crazy girl who was afraid that the world would not be'chaos', deliberately came over to'insert' a sentence, so that Qin Yanran heard her voice.

"What's the matter? Hehe! Lin Feng, did you misunderstand your Yanran little'girl' friend again? Shall I call her to explain, we are completely innocent. Huh?" Xiao Nishang said gleefully.

"Come on! Crazy girl, don't think I don't know. Just now you clearly knew that it was Yanran's call, and you deliberately joined in to talk, and you deliberately made'mess'!"

Lin Feng glared at her. When he was about to continue teaching her, he suddenly glanced at a line of stewardess who was approaching in front of her, and her neighbor’s sister Luo Qingqing was the first to bear the brunt. Sister Qing Qing bumped into her.


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