Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 964: Luo Qingqing VS Xiao Nishang

"No! It's Sister Qingqing, crazy girl, you...Hurry up and hide, don't let my sister Qingqing see. {щww{suimеng][lā}...!"

As soon as he saw Luo Qingqing walking towards him, Lin Feng immediately let Xiao Nishang go away with a guilty conscience, fearing that Luo Qingqing would see her. However, Xiao Nishang deliberately made trouble. The more Lin Feng asked him to go away, the closer she came, even holding Lin Feng's hand in the end.

"Crazy girl, what are you doing? You are so good, what are you holding my hand for?" Lin Feng stared at her and said.

"I haven't done anything? This girl is holding your hand to give you face, and you still think it's impossible?"

Xiao Nishang saw Lin Feng's nervous look, he became more happy, and cocked his mouth and said, "What? Lin Feng, who else here are you afraid of being bumped into? By the way, the row in front came over. Stewardess, wouldn’t it be the childhood sweetheart Qing Qing from your next door?”

As for Lin Feng's family background, Xiao Nishang had done research in advance, so she naturally knew that Luo Qingqing, the stewardess who had been with Lin Feng for a long time, had also seen pictures of Luo Qingqing. Therefore, as soon as she saw the team of stewardess walking in front of her, who else could the flight attendant at the front be not Luo Qingqing?

"Did you know? Crazy girl, let me go. Don't let my sister Qingqing misunderstand!" Lin Feng was anxious.

"Misunderstanding? What is the misunderstanding?"

Xiao Nishang deliberately pretended not to understand, but still grabbed Lin Feng's hand and did not let go.

"Misunderstand what I have to do with you! Crazy girl, don't deliberately find fault with me! Anyway, I won't go to Tianshan to send." Lin Feng threatened her.

"Don't go or go! What does it have to do with me? Anyway, you don't owe me any conditions, we have all written off." Xiao Nishang said indifferently.

"Crazy girl, I'm afraid of you, okay? Let go, sister Qingqing is here..."

Before Lin Feng finished speaking, Luo Qingqing turned her head and saw Lin Feng who was holding Xiao Nichang's hands.

"Xiao Feng, why are you here?"

Luo Qingqing saw Lin Feng, especially being intimately held hands by a beautiful'woman' she didn't know. She felt uncomfortable in her heart, and immediately walked over jealously, questioning Lin Feng, and at the same time with a strong hostility. He glanced at Xiao Nishang and asked, "This one is?"

"Sister Qingqing, don't get me wrong. This is my classmate Xiao Nishang. Today I and her... have something to do with her. I'll have a plane later."

Now that Luo Qingqing had discovered it, Lin Feng could only bite the bullet and explain. Although there were many things that could not be said, Luo Qingqing would find it very far-fetched and incredible, but Lin Feng could only say so much.

"Classmate? It turns out that you are the eldest sister who transferred to the first school in Daxiao Nishang! You are really a hero of'female', so mighty!"

Before, Luo Qingqing had been following Zhi'an Yi's post bar, and she had browsed almost all posts and news related to Lin Feng. Therefore, she has also heard of this eldest sister Daxiao Nishang, who made the whole boy in Zhian fearful and stay away.

The so-called famous is not as good as meeting, and meeting is not as good as being famous. In the post bar, Luo Qingqing saw many students guessing that Lin Feng and this Xiao Nishang also have a "leg", and the relationship with Qin Yanran is combined, which is a complicated triangle relationship.

At first, Luo Qingqing didn't believe it, but today, the day after seeing the college entrance examination was over, Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang were so intimately going out on the same plane to "work" alone, and had to become suspicious.

Naturally, Luo Qingqing, who was jealous, became more hostile to Xiao Nishang after she knew the identity of Xiao Nishang.

"Hehe! Thank you for your compliment from Sister Qingqing. I have often heard Lin Feng talk about you. Sister Qingqing has taken care of him since I was a big sister. I also want to thank you for helping over the years. I took care of Lin Feng."

In the face of Luo Qingqing's jealousy, Xiao Nishang was obviously prepared, and he spoke to her quite naturally as a'female' friend of Lin Feng.

As soon as Lin Feng heard these words, he immediately interrupted, "Crazy girl, what are you talking about? When did I tell you about Sister Qing Qing? And... Sister Qing Qing takes care of me, so I need you to thank you. Huh?"

"Lin Feng, don't deny it. You also told me that to Sister Qingqing, you have always been like a big sister, without the slightest distractions, right? It's a pity that now your family has moved to Jinou Community. I’m going to add another horse to university. I’m afraid there will be no “intersection” with Sister Qingqing in the future. Don't forget Sister Qingqing. In the future, you must visit Sister Qingqing more when you come back every new year!"

Hearing Xiao Nishang's words deliberately ignoring his conscience, Lin Feng really couldn't help but give Xiao Nishang a compliment. At this moment, Lin Feng felt that it was a pity that Xiao Nishang, a crazy girl, did not become an actor.

"Miss Xiao is very good at talking, but our family and Xiao Feng's family have been dating for more than ten years. Moreover, Aunt Zhang recently asked me and my mother to live in Lin Feng's house. At that time, I and Xiaofeng’s distance will not get farther, it will only get closer. Besides, I have been flying two flights from Zhi'an City to Beijing and Mingzhu City. In the future, I want to go to school to see Xiaofeng every week. "

Facing these provocative and discordant words from Xiao Nishang, Luo Qingqing responded with full experience. The smell of gunpowder between the two females was too strong, making Lin Feng feel that a little spark was about to explode. Woke up.

"Crazy girl! What are you talking about ‘chaotic’? Me... Sister Qingqing and I will never have a relationship~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The boarding time is coming, let's hurry up!"

Fearing that Xiao Nishang would say something terribly nonsense, Lin Feng hurriedly took her to the boarding gate, then turned around and explained briefly to Luo Qingqing, "Sister Qingqing, let's catch the plane first. I'll explain to you when I come back. what!"

Sweating profusely, he pulled Xiao Nishang into the plane. Lin Feng glared at her and warned, "Crazy girl, did you take the gun medicine today? The smell of gun medicine is so strong? I tell you, I It has nothing to do with you at all. Please don't be like this in front of Yan Ran, Sister Qing Qing and others in the future? It's easy to be misunderstood by them."

"Have nothing to do with me? Lin Feng, what about you and them? Why are you afraid of me being like this in front of them? You are not afraid that they will be jealous. Why, you can be affectionate to them and afraid of them The heart is hurt. What about me? Are you not afraid of me being hurt?"

Finally, at this time, Xiao Nishang couldn't control the true thoughts in his heart, and was questioned by Lin Feng.


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