Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 978: Conceited

Lin Feng's cultivation has been stagnant at the third level of Qi training for long enough, and the foundation has also been very solid. This time he broke through to the fourth level of Qi training in one breath, which can be said to be a matter of course, without the slightest obstacles and difficulties. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā,. !

"Huh... the feeling of having enough spiritual energy for cultivation is really'great'! Moreover, I just absorbed so much spiritual energy, this piece of low-grade spirit stone turned out to be just lighter in color It’s a little bit. It is estimated that the remaining part is enough for me to practice the fourth layer of Qi. It can be said that this piece of low-grade spirit stone is enough for a hundred thousand-year ginseng.

After absorbing the spiritual energy, Lin Feng felt that his whole person was a lot more happy, and the vitality fire of his body became more vigorous. Although it is not as powerful as Li Yutong's "Yin" fire, there is a fundamental difference between the fourth and third qi training levels, and the power of the vitality fire has increased five or six times.

"At this time, even without Sister Tongtong's help, I can refine the flying sword by myself."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, and continued to consolidate the cultivation base he had just promoted.

At this time, when he was in the main hall of Tianshan Paiyang, A Peng had just bid farewell to Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang, but instead of going back to his own wing, he went directly to the main hall of Yang and asked his master's master. Baguio reports on the situation.

"Apeng, you mean, that Lin Feng can't see any martial arts blood on the surface, but when he crosses the small road, the light work is on you?"

Baguio, the head of the Tianshan School, was also a white-haired old lady who asked A Pengdao with staring eyes.

"Yes! In reply to Master, the disciple did not look at Lin Feng at first, thinking that he would retreat when he saw the steepness of the path. But who would have thought that the time for Lin Feng to come here was short. And it's very easy, I am not afraid of falling into the abyss." Apeng reported truthfully.

"Oh? That being the case, it seems... who said what Lingsu said is true. Maybe, this Lin Fengshen really has ancient artifacts. In this way, if our Tianshan faction opens the Tianchi, it may not be there. may!"

When the head of the Tianshan School ‘Gate’ Baguio heard this, the corners of his mouth showed a smile.

"Master, do you really want Lin Feng to enter our back mountain and give him the treasure hunter for nothing?" A Peng said unwillingly.

"It's just a treasure hunter, if he can really take out the ancient artifact. What about sending him? But... he also needs to have the ability to pass through the swamp area of ​​the back mountain. According to you, his The light work is indeed good. But...without the help of our Tianshan faction, it is a wishful thinking to cross the swamp of the back mountain alone to catch the treasure hunter." Tianshan faction head Baguio smiled evilly.

On the other side, the great elder of Houtian Dzogchen Jiwu also said excitedly, "Junior Sister Baguio, in this way, we will gather one more ancient artifact. We may open the Tianchi again. Opened the Tianchi. Whether it is the Tianshan snow lotus or the Tianchi holy water, those magical artifacts are more likely to allow us acquired great perfection to enter the innate realm. Moreover, once Lingsu is recalled, let her enter the Tianchi as a bath, inevitable It can get rid of the fire and cold poison from her body and restore her appearance as a fairy, making her a new generation of saint'female' of our Tianshan school!"

"Senior Brother Jiwu is right, and I blame the **** Qingyao. At the beginning, all the holy stones were hidden. Without the holy stones, our Tianshan faction could not open the Tianchi, which made several elders behave, only two In order to barely enter the innate realm. The rest of the elders, relying on the artifacts passed down by the'men' school, can’t comprehend the innate realm at all. It may not be able to replace the holy stone to open the Tianchi."

After all, Baguio turned to his disciple A Peng again, "A Peng, you are good to entertain these two distinguished guests. When they wake up tomorrow, I will bring them to the hall to see me. Don't neglect. !"

"Yes, please follow Master's orders."

Although Apeng was worried that if the Tianchi was opened, Chen Lingsu could enter the Tianchi to wash away the fire and cold poison and become the sage'female' of Tianshan, but for the sake of the development of the'men' school, he still endured it.

At this time, in a resting hotel in Lianhua Town at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, Luo Zijin was worried about his master going out. After waiting for nearly two more hours, the door of the room was knocked. She hurried to open the door, and she was relieved to see Master returning safely, "Master, you are finally back! The wind outside The snow is too big, and Tu'er is really afraid of your accident."

"Haha! Don't be afraid of Zijin! Before the **** of Baguio was pulled down from the position of the ‘door’ of the Tianshan sect, he would never die as a teacher. Look, what is this..."

With that said, the old woman took out the spirit stone wrapped in red cloth from her arms and showed it to the apprentice Luo Zijin.

"This...Isn't this the sacred stone that can open the Tianchi? Master, did you really find it?" Seeing these two stones glowing in the sky, Luo Zijin had a particularly attractive feeling, so he guessed it was Master. I often talked to her about the Tianshan Sacred Stone.

"Yes! It's the holy stone. I didn't expect that baguio **** to be so stupid. Nearly 20 years have passed. She hasn't discovered the mechanism of the rockery secret room. This is what Elder Huang Tai secretly told me. I am being driven out. Before leaving the'men' faction ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all the holy stones in the'men' faction's treasure house were secretly hidden inside. Elder Huang Tai has passed away, but he did not tell the **** the secret."

The old woman smiled triumphantly, put away the two spiritual stones, and said to his apprentice Luo Zijin, "The fifteen holy stones I put in are all in it. This time I only took two out. A few days later, It is the day when Tianchi is consecrated, and it is most suitable to open Tianchi and enter its bathing. Zijin, the master wants you to go in and bathe and become a new generation of Tianchi saint'female', and then use despicable means to climb the'door' position of Bi The **** Yao is scrapped. Do you know?"

"Master, the disciple must live up to the master's entrustment. What are we going to do now? Does the legendary Tianshan Tianchi really exist?" Luo Zijin asked with a good face.

"Of course it exists! Moreover, the teacher and the Baguio **** also entered the Tianchi to bathe. It is a pity that neither of our physiques can be the goddess of the Tianshan Mountains. And your physique is very special. The best choice, as long as you enter the Tianchi and take a bath, even the Baguio **** cannot deny that you are a new generation of Tianshan Saint'female'. At that time, all the elders will want to support the Baguio bitch. The slightest reason and basis..."


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