Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 979: Tianchi consecrated

Early the next morning, just after four o'clock in the morning, Xiao Nichang banged on the door of Lin Feng's room. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lāPin Book Network

"Crazy girl, it's early in the morning, it's not five o'clock, and it's still dark, what do you tell me to do?"

Lin Feng shook his head, got up from the'bed', and shouted outside the'door'.

"Get up in bed! Lin Feng, come with me to watch the sunrise!"

After knocking on the'door' again, Xiao Nishang said with an enthusiastic expression.

"Are you sick? Crazy girl, you pulled me up so early to see the sunrise?" Lin Feng opened the'door' and stared at her.

"Lin Feng, I'm doing this for your own good. Few people can see the sunrise in Tianshan Mountain. Even those tourists who come to play don't dare to risk spending the night in the mountains. Come on, just for a while. Out……"

Grabbing Lin Feng’s hand, Xiao Nishang pulled Lin Feng to a stand on the outermost periphery of the buildings of the Tianshan School, and said to Lin Feng as he walked, "I was lucky enough to see it when I came to the Tianshan School to find my cousin five years ago. There was a sunrise in the Tianshan Mountains. Believe me, Lin Feng, as long as you see the sunrise in the Tianshan Mountains, not only will you not blame me for pulling you out of bed, but you will also thank me."

"Okay! Crazy girl, I believe you once! Isn't it a sunrise! What's special?"

Lin Feng stepped into the stands. The mist in Tianshan Mountains was like a sea of ​​clouds. The sky was still dark. Lin Feng saw the sea of ​​clouds in the distance under the cliffs. It was dark and cold, a bit like a fairyland, and even hell.

Only in a place like Tianshan that has not been damaged by the environment can you see such a magical "color". At this moment, all of Lin Feng's sleepiness has disappeared. The ‘Essence’ was trembling, looking at the dark cloud valley, watching the natural scene of all the clouds and clouds, and couldn’t help but sigh the God of the Creator.

"How is it? Lin Feng, this kind of beauty is not something that a few people can see. It will be even more beautiful when the sun comes out for a while. Wait and see!"

Seeing that Lin Feng was watching before the sunrise, Xiao Nishang smiled contentedly, and at the same time, he looked up at the sky in the east, looking forward to seeing the beautiful and enchanting Tianshan sunrise again.

At 4:30 in the morning, this rooftop was not only Lin Feng and Xiao Nishang, but also some disciples of the Tianshan Sect, and bowed down in prayer towards the east.

"Huh? Crazy girl, these Tianshan Sect disciples, don't you have to come to the rooftop every morning to bow down?" Lin Feng asked when he saw it very well.

"I don't know! There should be no such saying. Moreover, these Tianshan school disciples have seen the Tianshan sunrise countless times. It is strange today. Why are they here?"

Xiao Nishang was also wondering about being'confused', and saw an acquaintance coming over, it was Apeng who brought them to the mountain yesterday.

"Apeng, you came just right. What day is it? Why do you disciples of the Tianshan School get up so early, don't you tell me, are they here to see the sunrise just like us?" Xiao Nishang asked puzzledly.

"Miss Xiao, Lin Feng, how did the two get up so early? You are in a hurry today, but there will be a Tianchi convocation once every five years! It can be said to be one of the most important festivals of our Tianshan School. Ordinary disciples bow down to the east on this rooftop. The elders worship in the main hall..."

A Peng smiled and explained carefully.

"Oh? Tianchi consecrated? What does it mean?"

As soon as Lin Feng heard the words consecrated by Tianchi, he came to the spirit of "Jing". Because the old woman who sneaked into the Tianshan Mountain yesterday also said these four words, and it seemed that this was a very important opportunity for her.

"Lin Feng, Tianchi is the foundation of our Tianshan school. The Tianchi water in it can greatly improve people's physical fitness, making the practice of ancient martial arts more effective. At the same time, the sage of our Tianshan school must also pass through Tianchi water. After bathing, the holiness of a white lotus flower is shown in the center of the eyebrows to be able to serve. And Tianchi will be consecrated every five years to welcome the sunrise and show its specific location. The sunrise will come later. At that time, you can see, wherever a white snow lotus'flower' will rise on the top of the surrounding snow-capped mountains in the light of the newborn sunshine, that side is where the Tianchi is." After that, A Peng also Kneeling and bowing in the direction of the eastern sunrise.

"The opening of Tianchi is to determine the location of Tianchi? This is strange. Is it possible to say that the location of Tianchi can be changed?"

Hearing A Peng talking about this, Lin Feng became even more shocked and asked, "Then what is the Tianchi that outside tourists come to Tianshan every year?"

"Haha! Lin Feng, the Tianchi seen by tourists is different from the Tianchi of Tianshan school. The Tianchi seen by tourists is just a hot spring in Tianshan, while the Tianchi of Tianshan school is truly mysterious. It is said that... now even the Tianshan faction can't get in by itself." Xiao Nichang quickly whispered to Lin Feng from the side.

"Isn't it? They couldn't enter the Tianchi of Tianshan Sect?" Lin Feng instantly connected with the behavior of the old woman yesterday.

"Miss Xiao's words are true, and it is true. The main reason is that Ben sent a traitor to steal all the sacred stones in the'gate' that could open the Tianchi. So now, our Tianshan faction cannot enter. Tianchi, strength is greatly lost..."

When he said this, A Peng was also a bit disgusted, thinking that if Tianchi can be opened and entered, with his talent ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ adding Tianchi water soaking and taking Tianshan snow lotus, I am afraid that it will already be the late day after tomorrow. How could Chen Lingsu keep being pressed by Chen Lingsu?

"It turns out that this is the case, Apeng, it seems that the place where the day pool was consecrated is the entrance to the sky pool. The real sky pool is in an unknown mysterious place, but what does this mean? Secret realm, is it a truth?" Lin Feng turned to look at Xiao Nishang as he spoke.

"That's the truth. Therefore, we Tianshan Sect needs your ancient magical tools to open the Tianchi..."

Accidentally, A Peng said everything that shouldn't be said. Realizing this, he shut up quickly, changed the subject and pointed to the east and shouted, "Two, look! The sun is coming out..."

"The sun is out? Lin Feng, look at it..."

Xiao Nishang immediately looked up. Lin Feng was also looking towards the east, and he saw a round of sunrise rising, like the light of hope rising from the dark hell, illuminating the whole through layers of clouds and fog. world.


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