Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 996: Flying sword VS rocket launcher (middle)

"What? Jack? Little wind, this time the Lawrence family seemed to be really upset, and they sent the Rocket Player Jack over. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā...Moreover, there are still some unintentional calculations. Jack's rocket launcher is in Shanyi. There is absolutely no possibility that Lin Feng’s jeep will survive!"

Hearing Jack's name, even Ouyang Xu couldn't help shaking. Because Jack is the top ten killer of the Lawrence family. He is best at close combat and rocket launchers. It is said that he was one of the successful genetic fighters in the former Soviet Union. Those who are at the peak of acquired physical strength may wish to let more. In Black Hawk Killer Forums are also among the top killers.

"So, this time, that Lin Feng is dead. It's a pity that Xiao Nishang's face! Tsk tsk..."

Ouyang Feng expressed regret, and then said to Ouyang Xu, "Uncle Xu, it's not early, go to bed! I believe tomorrow morning, we can hear the news that the Jeep was blown up."

"Yeah! Shao Feng, I know. But this time Jack shot, not only Lin Feng will definitely die, but Xiao Nishang, the eldest lady of the Xiao family, is also inevitable. At that time, the Xiao family..." Ouyang Xu was somewhat Said worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? What does Xiao Nishang's death have to do with our Ouyang family? If their Xiao family is capable, they should go to Russia and find the Lawrence family. Besides, the old immortal of the Xiao family may be dead. At that time, the Xiao family didn't even have a martial artist who had acquired great perfection, and the name of the five great families in the capital could not be kept. Can he still find us to settle accounts?"

Ouyang Feng sneered, squinted his eyes, and said, "Xiao Nishang, since you are so ignorant of current affairs, as Ouyang Feng said, the entire Xiao family will be buried because of you."


The cold wind is blowing and the snow is flying!

Lin Feng has been driving on the winding road for more than four hours. At this speed, he can reach the Tianshan Airport in about an hour. At this time, the sky also started to light up, and occasionally a few early-departing trucks could be seen on the highway.

Xiao Nishang slept for a while, and was woken up vaguely by the light outside the window. Suffering from the bumps of the car, he opened his eyes vaguely and saw Lin Feng still in the driver's seat. Driving the car, looking at his tough side face, and the smell of his body in a military coat, Xiao Nishang feels that this moment is the best time in life. How good would it be to keep this way?

"Crazy girl, are you awake? Why don't you talk when you wake up?"

Lin Feng tilted his head and saw that Xiao Nishang was staring straight at him. The little eyes looked like'spring', which made Lin Feng a little frightened, for fear that he would not be worried about being caught by Xiao Nishang. The lioness ate it.

"Why do you want to talk, I'm not dead. I'm lying down like this, can't I?" Xiao Nishang muttered and said.

"Okay! Of course, even if you don't wake up, I will wake you up in a while. The horse can arrive at Tianshan Airport. I expected it a few hours earlier. It seems that this mountain road is not that difficult to drive." Lin Feng Smiled and shook his head, and said.

"Hmm! Lin Feng, look at the snow-capped mountains outside, it's really beautiful!"

Xiao Nishang sat up from a half-lying position and looked out of the car window. The white snow-capped mountains, as the sky lit up little by little, exuded a sense of holiness and majesty that was inevitable. Marvel that this is the magical work of nature, and my heart is full of awe of nature.

"What's so beautiful? It's white everywhere, and it's terribly cold!"

Lin Feng said something very ignorant, and Xiao Nichang gave him a blank look.

"I said Lin Feng, why are you so ruthless? How many places in the world can there be such continuous snow-capped mountains? This is not a beautiful scenery, what can be beautiful?"

However, when he finished speaking, Xiao Nishang saw that Lin Feng's body was still covered with a sheep's'wool' shirt, and then looked at the army coat he had covered Lin Feng's body, and felt guilty again. Put Lin Feng's military coat on him, and then asked in surprise, "Lin Feng, you gave me the military coat. Will it be cold if I sit and drive all night?"

"Fortunately! My body can hold it."

Lin Feng smiled slightly. Indeed, for a cultivator, it is a bit cold at minus 20 degrees, but as long as there is vitality in his body, he is not afraid of severe cold.

"Or...you also go take a rest, let me come to the meeting car! You haven't slept all night..." Xiao Nishang looked at Lin Feng's appearance, feeling a little distressed.

"Yo! Crazy girl, I don't know yet, you start to care about people?" Lin Feng waved his hand and joked.

"What is the beginning? I would have been fine? It's just that someone at school has Yan Ran's concern. Is it necessary for me to be at the same table to care? Yan Ran will be jealous again. Can you stand it? "Xiao Nishang muttered, then asked again, "The roads here are not too dangerous, Lin Feng, can you let me drive it?"

"Farewell, crazy girl, I can't trust your driving skills. Don't let us all go into the ditch by then. You must know that the ravines here are all hundreds of meters high. You can't even see the bones when you fall down. Arrived..."

As soon as Lin Feng's words fell, his whole body shuddered suddenly, because he felt a strong murderous intent coming from the front, accompanied by a sense of crisis, which instantly enveloped him.

"What's the matter? Could it be that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is a killer in ambush?"

Looking up, Lin Feng saw that there was a small snow hill at the turn in front of the intersection. It was now more than 3,000 meters away, and it was beyond the range of Lin Feng's spiritual sense that it could not be detected at all. But the locked-in murderous intent made Lin Feng shudder. This was definitely a feeling that would only be felt when a life and death crisis appeared. There must be some danger in front of him that could threaten Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, what's the matter with you? Even if you don't let me drive, you don't have to stop talking like this! Frighten me?" Xiao Nishang couldn't feel this murderous aura. When Lin Feng suddenly stopped talking, she blamed him. Asked indifferently.

"Stop talking, crazy girl, there seems to be an ambush ahead. Let's try to make a detour..." Lin Feng frowned and said.

"What a joke, Lin Feng, there are deserted snow hills in front, and no one will stay on the mountain roads on both sides. If the killer really ambushes here, I am afraid that he would have frozen into a dog. Besides, we just grabbed the jeep and returned. The airport, who can know my whereabouts so quickly and lie in wait. Lin Feng, I think you are scaring yourself? And there is no way to detour, this is the only way to the airport..." Xiao Nishang is He yawned and said casually.


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