Urban Super Cultivation

Chapter 997: Flying Sword VS Rocket Launcher (Part 2)

After getting rid of the warrior who had been chased by a wave of ‘waves’, and just slept peacefully, Xiao Nishang’s mind completely relaxed. <щww.suimeng.lā. . In her opinion, Lian’s Huazhen had not besieged and killed both herself and Lin Feng. How could there be an ambush in this snowy halfway?

"No! Murderous, crazy girl, the snow hill in front is very unusual. You should also be more vigilant..."

There were still three kilometers ahead, and Lin Feng deliberately slowed down the car a little to prepare. However, he didn't know, slowing down the car instead gave Jack ambushing in the snow hill a more precise opportunity to aim.

Two kilometers...


Lin Feng felt that he was now a prey being stared at by a hunter. If he was the only one, there was no need to be so nervous, he could ‘draw’ the flying sword at any time. But now with Xiao Nishang, there are even more worries. Moreover, in front of Xiao Nishang, try to conceal his ability as a cultivator.

"Calm down! Lin Feng, you must have been overly nervous last night, plus one night without rest, or...you stopped the car in the snow hill in front and let me drive?" Xiao Nishang comforted Lin Feng.

But at this time, the distance to the snow hill was almost a thousand meters, and the horse reached Lin Feng's spiritual sense perception range. Lin Feng took a deep breath, and his spiritual sense expanded out, scanning every detail and detail of this snow hill. corner.


It was the murderous aura that made Lin Feng very jealous. It came from a piece of snow, and there was a person lurking in this piece of snow, holding a'door' rocket launcher in his hand, aiming at the jeep.

"Bazooka? Oh my God! How come there is a bazooka?"

At this moment, Lin Feng finally realized that the strong sense of crisis that subconsciously should come from this powerful rocket launcher.

"What? What rocket launcher? Lin Feng, what did you see? You mean, someone is waiting for us with a rocket launcher in front of us? How is this possible? It's not bright yet, and there is still a deserted snow hill in front of us. How could someone take it? With..."

Xiao Nishang's questioning words were not finished yet, and suddenly heard a boom, the jeep entered the'fire' range of the rocket launcher. Jack had been waiting for this for a long time, and he came over without mercy.

"Go to hell! Dare to challenge the majesty of the Lawrence family and bear the anger!"

Jack, who had been ambushing in the snow hill for nearly an hour, suddenly stood up from the snow, and the rocket launched towards the jeep. Everything came so suddenly, Jack seemed to be a cheetah lurking in the dark, staring at the prey, and finally without the prey's knowledge, he slammed out and bit the throat of the prey with a blow. It's deadly, so the prey doesn't even have the ability to resist.

This is the horror of Jack. What he is best at is the technique of lurking. Special genes allow his body to adapt to any harsh conditions. As a result, he did not have the slightest discomfort when lying on his stomach for more than an hour in the cold snow. Relying on such lurking ability combined with the powerful rocket launcher, Jack became a world-renowned terrorist killer and the top of the Lawrence family. One of the masters.

However, today, after Jack finished firing this shot, he did not see the Jeep he expected to be blown up. The jeep controlled by Lin Feng seemed to have known his artillery fire in advance, turned the steering wheel ahead of time, and dodged the gun dangerously.


The bombardment hit the snow, exploding a big pit. Although the jeep dodged dangerously, it was also shaken by the blast of air and almost fell off the cliff. In the distant snow-capped mountains, the thick snow was shaken by the violent explosion, which immediately triggered a rumbling avalanche, and the scene was quite spectacular.

In the jeep, Xiao Nishang was a little frightened. She was very firm just now to refute Lin Feng, thinking that there would be no more danger along the way. However, in the next second, she saw a huge cannonball blasting towards the jeep. At that moment, she was really shocked. She didn’t know how Lin Feng did it. The jeep turned around and dodged dangerously. After firing the cannonball, the violent impact'wave' caused Xiao Nishang's head to hit the car window severely.

"It hurts! Lin Feng, it's really a rocket launcher, why would anyone here ambushed us with a rocket launcher? Quick... let's get off the car... or sit in the car, he will definitely fire again!"

Xiao Nishang, who had recovered his life, hurriedly tried to unfasten the seat belt, but Lin Feng stopped her and said with a firm expression, "Crazy girl, don't get out of the car! It's safe to stay in the car. It was someone who ambushed us." The old "Mao", holding a rocket launcher, is very arrogant!"

"Old'Mao' son? Not a warrior? God! Lin Feng, I know...it must be the Lawrence family who has come to retaliate. They were originally the arms family and they are also adjacent to the national border. They can definitely kill them. , I guess someone leaked the wind to them..."

Xiao Nishang became even more nervous when he heard that the enemy was a Russian, and shouted, "Lin Feng, let's get out of the car! The target is too big for us, and we are extremely lucky to be able to avoid it once..."

"Don't be afraid! Crazy girl, I'm afraid he has no chance to shoot anymore!"

Taking a deep breath, Lin Feng thought that Fengtong sword flew out of the Shenshui space with a buzzing sound.

"What it is?"

Xiao Nishang saw a sharp light flashing in front of him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I couldn't see what was flying out of Lin Feng's body, his eyes widened, and he didn't react yet, there was another cannon in the distance. sound.

"Huh? Lin Feng, he fired again!"

Xiao Nishang's "Jing" spirit became completely tense. Can Lin Feng escape one shot or the second shot? If they were hit by a rocket head-on and they were sitting in a jeep, there was no possibility of surviving at all. The power of the explosion could instantly blast them into a ball.

In Xueqiuzhi, Jack saw that one shot did not hit the jeep, and he quickly made up for the second shot. This time, Jack took aim more seriously, thinking that it was absolutely impossible for the Jeep to escape. Moreover, the fact is also true, the shells hit directly towards the jeep. In such a short period of time, there is absolutely no chance that the Jeep will turn to escape.

But when Jack thought that the jeep was bound to die this time, suddenly a bright light flashed from where he didn't know, and it directly blocked the jeep and blocked the bazooka shell fiercely.


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