Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 999 I told you to bully my Aunt Xue! Bad woman!

Yang Xueqi's pretty face turned pale for a while, and finally she silently walked out of the attic and came to the yard, picking up a bucket and getting ready to fetch water!

At this moment, an earth-shattering burst of laughter came from the attic behind him!


"Miss Third, this is such a relief! When you hit her just now, you didn't see her angry and helpless face. It was so satisfying!"

"That's right! Miss Third, this little bitch dares to seduce your fiancé. Isn't this looking for death?"

The other maids all said mockingly.

The woman known as the third lady raised her eyebrows and said proudly: "I have many ways to deal with this kind of people! You all have to watch out for me!"

On the other side, Yang Xueqi walked dully to a well in the yard, as if she were a puppet without a soul. She never thought that this would be the result after she fell into the sanctuary!

Originally, her spiritual roots were tested by people from the Song family, and she had pretty good cultivation talent!

However, just after arriving at the Holy Land, she directly became someone else's maid, without any right to speak independently!

Yang Xueqi, who has been living in a modern metropolis, simply cannot accept this status. In addition, yesterday, when she was pouring tea for the third lady's fiancé, the other party casually commented, "This maid is good-looking, where did she come from?"

Today, Yang Xueqi was inhumanely targeted!

Ever since the Qing Dynasty, he has been tortured by everyone!

Some of my friends who were also maids immediately turned their backs upon the appearance of the third lady, and began to flatter the third lady!

When she thought of having the love of her parents and many friends on earth, this huge gap made Yang Xueqi burst into tears!


"Xue Qi!"

At this moment, a voice appeared in Yang Xueqi's ear. She looked up in surprise and found Liu Ruqing standing in front of her!


Yang Xueqi laughed at herself, shook her head and said, "Are you hallucinating?"

Ignoring Liu Ruqing in front of her, Yang Xueqi put the bucket into the well and started to fetch water!

"Xue Qi, it's me! What happened to you?"

When Liu Ruqing saw Yang Xueqi's appearance, her heart ached, and she quickly walked up and hugged Yang Xueqi into her arms!

Yang Xueqi's body trembled slightly, and a light finally lit up in her dim eyes, "Ruqing? It's really you! Am I not dreaming?"

"it's me!"

Liu Ruqing nodded affirmatively and hugged Yang Xueqi a little harder!

"I'm sorry! It's me who came late and made you suffer. It's all my fault that I didn't know to come to the Holy Land earlier. I thought you were living a good life here, but I didn't expect these hateful people to treat you as a servant. !”

Liu Ruqing said angrily!

In addition, not long ago, the man named Chen Xiong asked Lin Momo and Ling'er to become servants of the Chen family in Manghuang, and the anger in Liu Ruqing's heart increased even more!

Originally, Liu Ruqing was a very protective person!

"Woo! Ruqing, why did you come here? It's really good to see you now!" Yang Xueqi almost collapsed, lying in Liu Ruqing's arms and crying loudly!

"Aunt Xue, don't cry, you won't be pretty if you cry any more!"

Lin Momo also came over and stood beside Yang Xueqi. Since the little one was too short, she could only pat Yang Xueqi's thigh!


Yang Xueqi looked down and saw Lin Momo, and couldn't help crying with joy!

"It's really you!"

At the beginning, Lin Nan returned to the fairy world, leaving Liu Ruqing alone on the earth. After being attacked by several dark giants, Yang Xueqi took Lin Momo and hid in a city in the south. More than four years have passed!

And Yang Xueqi's memory was restored by Lin Nan, and it was all vivid in her mind!

In those four years, Yang Xueqi and Lin Momo were really like mother and daughter, with a very deep relationship!

The huge movement outside the attic alerted the third lady and others. When they rushed out, they discovered Lin Nan's family in the yard!

"Who are you? How dare you break into the Song family?"

The third lady's face suddenly darkened, and then she shouted sternly: "Yang Xueqi, have you taken advantage of your ambition? You dare to bring outsiders in! Come on, arrest them all!"

Following the order given by the third lady of the Song family, a large number of people who looked like servants rushed in from outside the courtyard, rushing towards Liu Ruqing's direction like evil wolves!

As for the third young lady of the Song family, she took matters into her own hands, lightly stamped one foot on the ground, jumped up to Yang Xueqi, and was ready to slap her over with a slap in the face!

The next moment, Lin Nan took action directly!


The group of servants all flew out and hit the wall of the courtyard, causing it to collapse!

As for the third lady of the Song family, before Lin Nan could take action, Lin Momo actually went out to attack!

"You are a bad woman, how dare you bully my Aunt Xue?"

"Ling'er, let's beat her!"

Lin Momo let out a sweet cry, and the two little lolita immediately turned into an afterimage and punched the third lady of the Song family. Their pink and tender fists looked very harmless!

"Where did this wild girl come from? How dare you act so arrogantly in my Song family!"

Seeing the two attacking towards her, the third lady of the Song family frowned, and then couldn't help but sneer!

She is a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. She has already condensed Nascent Soul and her cultivation is in the Holy Realm. Although she is not very powerful, she is enough to deal with two little girls!


Thinking of this, the third lady of the Song family snorted coldly, stretched out a hand, and drew it towards the two little lolita, preparing to beat these two little lolita who didn't know whether they were alive or dead directly to death on the spot!


Although Lin Momo and Ling'er are young, the terrifying power erupting from their bodies is terrifying!

There was a crisp sound, and the third lady of the Song family felt a sharp pain in her hands. Then the hand that was slapped out was twisted in a terrifying arc, and was interrupted by Lin Momo's punch!


Ling'er also shouted softly, jumped up high, and hit the third lady of the Song family in the abdomen, causing her to fly out!

"I told you to bully my Aunt Xue! Bad woman!"

Lin Momo took advantage of the victory to pursue, and imitated Lin Nan's example, stepping out in the void, instantly reaching the sky above the third lady of the Song family, and stomping down hard!


The whole ground trembled slightly, and the third lady of the Song family was kicked into the ground by Lin Momo!

On the ground, a human-shaped pit mark appeared!


Seeing this scene, Yang Xueqi was stunned!

Lin Momo was so excited now that she took Ling'er's little hand, ran back, and said with a smile: "Aunt Xue, I helped you get revenge! Don't be sad. If anyone bullies you in the future, I will definitely be the first. Beat her up!"

"If I can't beat him, there will be daddy who will take action!"

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