Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 998 Based on your words, I will give you death!


Lin Momo and Ling'er rushed back excitedly and came to Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing's side!

"You are great and deserve a reward!"

Lin Nan looked at the two people who had become Yuanying monks with a smile. According to the fact that they started practicing, they became Yuanying monks in less than two years!

Even in the fairy world, there is no such speed, and it has surpassed all geniuses in the past and present!

"Okay, so many people are watching, let's go first to avoid causing trouble!"

Liu Ruqing looked around. Because Lin Momo and Ling'er had just escaped from the tribulation and caused a strange phenomenon in the world, tens of thousands of monks gathered here in just half an hour. Everyone's eyes were fiery. Looking at Lin Momo and Linger

"Let's go, I have sensed Yang Xueqi's location, I can go find her now!"

Lin Nan smiled faintly, completely ignored everyone present, and prepared to leave!


Liu Ruqing nodded obediently and led Lin Momo and Ling'er!

"Wait! Please stay!"

A middle-aged man's eyes lit up and he spoke loudly. He took one step forward and blocked Lin Nan's departure path!

"Are you alright?"

Lin Nan stopped and looked at this person with an indifferent expression!

Seeing Lin Nan's attitude, the middle-aged man frowned. Given his status, he was actually treated with such an attitude?

The middle-aged man's attitude suddenly became a little colder, and he asked Lin Nan in a commanding tone:

"Are you the parent of these two little girls?"

It seems to be saying, you must answer my questions!

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Lin Nan looked at this person with interest!


The middle-aged man's face suddenly sank, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes. He smiled softly and said: "Young man, I think you are disrespectful to me because you don't know my identity. Let's forget it this time." !I can tell you now that I come from the Manghuang Chen family!"

The Manghuang Chen family has been inherited for tens of millions of years and is very ancient. There are countless true immortals born in the ancestors, and there are even more ancestors who have ascended to the immortal world!

It is said that the first ancestor of the Chen family came out of the depths of the wilderness and founded the family, and was known as the Chen family in the wilderness!

Hearing this, many monks around him took dozens of steps back, staying away from this middle-aged man!

A hint of arrogance appeared on the middle-aged man's face. He was very satisfied with everyone's reaction. This was the effect he wanted. Who wouldn't retreat after hearing the reputation of the Manghuang Chen family?

"The talents of your daughters are really great!"

"If you can let them join the Manghuang Chen family, starting from today, the Manghuang Chen family will do their best to train them! As for you, haha! You can also use any cultivation resources of the Chen family!"

"If you, this pair of daughters, can satisfy our Chen family in the future! You can also change your surname to Chen and become members of the outer clan of our Chen family. Even if you walk sideways in this holy realm, no one will dare to say anything about you. Half of it is gone!”

"Besides, your pair of daughters are pretty good-looking, and they might even become maids for the core disciples of our Chen family! They might even become concubines in the end!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Xiong put his hands behind his back and looked at Lin Nan with his head held high, waiting for Lin Nan's answer!

If an ordinary person heard the words "Manghuang Chen Family" and Chen Xiong offered such an arrogant condition, wouldn't he immediately nod his head and agree?

However, the next scene made him angry and angry!

"The Manghuang Chen family? Never heard of it!"

"Let my daughter be the maid of your Chen family? What a big joke! Letting your Chen family's legitimate son be my daughter's slave is not qualified enough!"

"Based on your words, I will grant you death!"

Lin Nan sneered and looked at Chen Xiong indifferently!

"What did you say? Do you dare to kill me?"

Chen Xiong's voice was full of disbelief, and it suddenly increased several times!

"Oh My God!"

"Who is this young man? How dare he say such things!"

"Does he want his life?"

The other monks around him looked at Lin Nan in disbelief, their hearts beating with fear. He was really a ruthless person for even daring to say such words!

While everyone was discussing, Lin Nan took action directly. He slapped him, causing a terrifying pressure!


Before Chen Xiong could realize what was going on, he exploded on the spot and turned into a pool of blood mist. He disappeared without a trace and was killed by Lin Nan with a slap!

Let his daughter work as a maid for the Chen family?

Dare to say this kind of thing!


When they saw Chen Xiong and was slapped to death by Lin Nan, everyone present couldn't help but gasped and looked at Lin Nan in horror, as if they had seen a ghost!

Chen Xiong is just an ordinary steward of the Chen family, but even so, no one dares to kill a member of the Chen family in public?

Do you really think that the Manghuang Chen family is vegetarian?

"Damn it! You even asked my daughter to work as a maid. I'm so angry!"

Liu Ruqing said angrily, still angry. Mo'er and Ling'er were both Liu Ruqing's treasures. Even if they wanted to get married, they had to choose a son-in-law carefully and be a maid for others? How can it be!

"Okay, wife, I've already killed you! Don't worry about this kind of person, let's go!"

Lin Nan comforted with a smile!

"Hmph! A good death!"

Liu Ruqing snorted!

Lin Nan comforted her a few more times, and then took Liu Ruqing, Lin Momo, Ling'er and the others and flew in the direction of Yang Xueqi!

Lin Nan and others left the door, and the entire scene exploded into a boil!

Lin Nan led Liu Ruqing across thousands of miles of rivers and mountains at extremely fast speeds, and landed in the sky above a certain building!

"Yang Xueqi is down there!" Lin Nan pointed to an attic below.

"Ah? Xue Qi lives here?"

Liu Ruqing was very surprised!

Compared with other lofts in the distance, this loft looks very dilapidated. Judging from the style of the loft, it is also very old. It does not look like a place where people of high status live!

Meanwhile, in the attic!

Several women who looked to be in their twenties were standing there, looking at Yang Xueqi with smiles on their faces!

"Yang Xueqi, although your cultivation talent is good, this is a holy land! A woman with no background like you can't even think of rising up! Now, get me a bucket of well water right away!"

A woman with a delicate appearance and an arrogant look on her eyebrows said commandingly!

"Miss Third, you don't have to do this, right? You asked me to fetch more than a dozen buckets of water?"

Yang Xueqi's face looked a little pale!

Since coming to the Song family, she discovered that the Holy Land was not like that at all. Although she was very talented, she was assigned to this young woman and became her maid!

Just yesterday, because the third lady's fiancé looked at Yang Xueqi twice, Yang Xueqi was targeted today!


The third young lady of the Song family stepped forward, arrived in front of Yang Xueqi very quickly, and slapped her in the face!

"I'll hit you if I ask you to. Why is there so much nonsense?"

A red palm print suddenly appeared on Yang Xueqi's pretty face!

"What are you looking at? Why don't you get out of here?"

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