Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1202 Let’s go, follow me to kill Lin Nan! (Fourth update)

"Can't you even remove the Fourth Son of God?"

The Great Elder Xiao Zhanwang on the side was a little surprised and looked at the Fourth God Son and asked.

"It's not that it can't be lifted!"

The fourth son of God glanced at everyone with cold eyes, and then said, "It's just that Lin Nan's method of confining him is special. If he wants to lift it, he only needs to kill Lin Nan!"


Everyone was shocked when they heard the words of the Fourth Son of God.

Especially the Luo Immortal King, his face was even pale.

He didn't want to face Lin Nan again. After all, Lin Nan's previous strength had already made him a little scared.

Similarly, the elders were silent at this time, each of their thoughts hidden deeply.

"The fourth divine son, Lin Nan is able to restrain Luo Immortal King. I'm afraid his strength is not low. It will be difficult to kill him!" Great Elder Xiao Zhanwang said again.

After all, his realm is only one level higher than Luo Immortal King. Even if he wants to imprison Luo Immortal King, he may not be able to do it.

At this time, in King Xiao Zhan's opinion, he was afraid that his group would go and kill Lin Nan, and in the end they would even be killed by Lin Nan.

It's just that when facing the Fourth Son of God, he couldn't say it directly, so he could only remind him tactfully.

"Humph, just Lin Nan scared you? Although he can imprison Luo Immortal King, he may not be that strong. After all, the other party's method of confinement is a bit special!" The Fourth God Son said proudly.

"Yes Yes!"

After hearing the words of the Fourth Son of God, no one dared to refute.

Nonsense, this is the son of God who is most likely to succeed the God Lord in the future, and his future achievements are likely to exceed those of the current God Lord.

"Let's go, follow me to kill Lin Nan!"

The Fourth God Son saw everyone surrendering and said immediately.

After saying that, he flashed, holding the Luo Immortal King in one hand, and flew directly to the Holy Land.

The first elder and the second elder looked at each other and saw a hint of helplessness in each other's eyes.

Afterwards, the two of them and a group of elders also followed the Fourth Son of God and quickly flew towards the Holy Realm.


Half an hour later, Yaoguang City suddenly faced the most powerful enemy in history.

The Fourth Son of God!

As well as King Xiao Zhan, King Yuhe and other powerful elders of the Divine Dynasty of Time.

"Lin Nan, get out!"

The Fourth Son of God descended into Yaoguang City and roared suddenly. The sound was like thunder, surging over the entire Yaoguang City.


"What a terrifying smell!"

"No, it's a strong man from the Time Divine Dynasty!"

At this time, when the monks in the entire Yaoguang City heard that loud roar, they all panicked and were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders split.

"So what if the powerful men of the Time Divine Dynasty are there, as long as Lord Lin Nan is here, they can be defeated with just one hand!" There were also monks who were not afraid of death, and stood up and said loudly.

"Yes, yes, Master Lin Nan is invincible!"

Several monks at the peak of the Hedao stage also echoed.


After hearing the words of those monks, the Fourth Son of God didn't even look back and slapped out a palm. Immediately, his huge palm pressed down and slapped the monks into minced flesh.


Seeing this scene, several monks originally wanted to speak, but all of them took a deep breath and swallowed their words.

"Bold, who dares to act arrogantly in Yaoguang City!"

Suddenly, the figures of several peak Golden Immortal experts appeared in front of the Fourth God Son and others and stopped them.

These people are none other than the Seventh Son of the Golden Immortal.

They heard the roar of the Fourth God Son and appeared immediately, but by the time they arrived, the monks had been beaten to death by the Fourth God Son.

"Which one of you is Lin Nan?"

Seeing the Seventh Son of the Golden Immortal, the Fourth Son of God asked calmly without even raising his eyelids.

"You can't see Mr. Lin Nan. If you want to see him, you have to pass by us first!" Jin Xianzi stood up and yelled angrily.

"court death!"

As a peerless genius of the Time Divine Dynasty, when had the Fourth Son of God ever been so underestimated, he immediately roared angrily.

Then, he waved his palm and shot it forward.

A huge phantom of a palm pressed down on the Seventh Golden Immortal, as if overwhelming the sky and the earth.

"not good!"

Jin Xianzi felt the huge pressure of the Fourth God Son, and his face was horrified.

This is a strong person in the middle stage of the Immortal King, and he is also the top existence at the middle stage of the Immortal King. He is by no means the previous Luo Immortal King, only the early stage of the Immortal King.

"Jie Zhenwu Seven Killing Formation!"

The Seven Golden Immortals quickly formed a formation to resist the phantom of the palm that was about to strike down.


Just when the seven people had condensed the Zhenwu Seven Kills Formation, the shadows of their palms were also photographed at the same time, hitting the Zhenwu Seven Kills Formation and making a loud noise.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw that the formation on the Seven Golden Immortal Sons suddenly shook, and then shattered on the spot with a bang.

At the same time, the seven golden immortals were like fallen leaves blown up by the strong wind, flying backwards in all directions.


After flying four to five miles, the seven of them fell to the ground, with blood spurting from their mouths and their faces as white as paper.

Fortunately, they had already reached the peak level of the Golden Immortal, and coupled with the Zhenwu Seven Killing Formation, they were not directly killed by the Fourth God Son on the spot.

"The power of the Fourth Son of God is so powerful that it is truly incredible!"

"This is the Son of God of our Divine Dynasty of Time, he is so powerful!"

"That palm just now made me feel like the law of heaven was pressing down in the air. It made us all feel like ants!"

At this time, seeing the overwhelming divine power of the Fourth Son of God, the elders in those years of divine dynasty were all stunned. Even the great elder was extremely shocked.

He and the Fourth Son of God are in the same realm, but if it were him, he would never be able to do this!

"Who...is this person?"

"How can it be so powerful!"

The seven golden immortals all looked horrified. They had never thought that the other party was so powerful.

You must know that Lin Nan's improved Zhenwu Seven Killing Formation can completely compete with the strong men in the early stage of the Immortal King. Even in the middle stage of the Immortal King, they can at least resist for a long time.

But the man in front of him broke their Zhenwu Seven Killing Formation with just one palm, causing all seven of them to be seriously injured.


But just when the Fourth Son of God was about to take action again to kill the Seventh Son of the Golden Immortal, a coercive pressure suddenly came down, making everyone present stunned.

"Lord Lin Nan!"

Feeling the strong pressure, the Seven Golden Immortal's faces suddenly lit up with joy. They knew that Lord Lin Nan had arrived.


Then, a figure flashed, and a man with fluttering clothes like a dream appeared in front of everyone.

"Are you Lin Nan?"

Seeing this person, the Fourth Son of God also stared at him, a little surprised.

The person in front of him gave him the impression that his aura was very weak, like a low-level monk. But he knew that being able to hide from his aura detection showed that the visitor should not be underestimated.

"Did you hurt my slave?"

Lin Nan's eyes swept across everyone, and finally landed on the Fourth Son of God, and asked with a hint of murderous intent.


Everyone was also surprised when they heard Lin Nan's words.

That was a strong man at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm, and the seven-man formation once fought on par with the third elder, Luo Immortal King, who was at the early stage of the Immortal King.

But now, they know that such a strong man is actually that man's slave!

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