Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1203 How to write the word

"Yes, it was my Son of God who injured me! A few peak Golden Immortals want to show off their power in front of this Son of God. They are simply seeking death!" The Fourth Son of God looked at Lin Nan with cold eyes and a trace of disdain on his face.

The other elders of the Time Divine Dynasty were looking at Lin Nan with hatred in their eyes.

After all, the third elder, King Luo Xian, had been imprisoned by this man before, and he has not been released yet. Moreover, many elders died at the hands of Lin Nan.

The Great Elder Xiao Zhan Wang also stood up, looked at Lin Nan, and said angrily, "As a native of the Holy Land, you should be self-aware. How dare you seal the elders of my Era Divine Dynasty? Now quickly release the imprisonment, please forgive me." You won’t die!”

"Yes, unlock it now. As long as you serve the Dynasty of Time for ten thousand years, we can naturally spare your life!"

The second elder, King Yuhe, also stood up, with endless majesty in his tone.

As the two elders of the Time Divine Dynasty, they are powerful men in the Immortal King realm, and have long developed a condescending aura.

"How dare you speak to Master Lin Nan like this!"

Upon hearing the words of the fourth divine son and the two elders, the golden fairy next to Lin Nan suddenly changed his expression and scolded him angrily.

In their opinion, Lin Nan was a powerful and invincible being, and a few mere immortal kings wanted to jump around at any time.

“You really don’t know how to write the word death!”

The second son of Jinxian on the side also said coldly.

The other seven golden immortals looked at the elders of the Divine Dynasty of Time, including the fourth divine son, as if they were looking at dead people.

They know that if Lord Lin Nan is not angry, it will be fine. When he is angry, the sky will collapse and the earth will split, the earth will shake, the mountains will shake, and blood will flow into rivers.

Whether it was the original Ji family or the elders of the Time God Dynasty who had provoked Lin Nan before, they were all killed by Lin Nan as easily as chickens.

And sensing the expressions of the Seven True Immortals, the elders of the Time Divine Dynasty were even more arrogant.

"Haha, who on earth doesn't know how to write the word "death"! This is the fourth divine son of our divine dynasty, a being with the most incredible talent in history!" said an elder of the Time Divine Dynasty.

"Yes, even our Lord God is praising you. Even in the future, the Fourth Son of God will be able to surpass the existence of the current God Lord. You still don't kneel down and beg for mercy!"

Another elder from the Time Divine Dynasty also stood up, his tone full of domineering tone.

The other elders of the God of Time also nodded repeatedly.

What a powerful existence this fourth Son of God is. Although his current level cannot be compared with that of the First Son of God, his strength is almost the same.

Compared with the Great Elder Xiao Zhanwang of the same realm, his strength is several times that of Xiao Zhanwang!

The fourth son of God also looked very happy at this time. He has been stronger than everyone else since he started practicing, and he had every advantage. That sense of superiority had already penetrated into his bones, as if he was born with it.

"Boy, I don't care who you are. Now kneel down to me. Maybe I will be happy and accept you as my slave!" The fourth son of God raised his eyelids, looked at Lin Nan, and said lightly.

In his opinion, being able to make seven monks at the peak of Golden Immortal become slaves showed that Lin Nan still had some ideas.

But only when such people become their own slaves can they feel a sense of accomplishment!

"That's right. Kneel down now and recognize the Fourth Son of God as your master. We don't have to argue with you!" The Great Elder Xiao Zhanwang also agreed.

"You still have a chance to live now. If you anger the Fourth God Son, you will have no chance even if you kowtow and beg for mercy!" The second elder, River Yu King, also nodded repeatedly.


Lin Nan chuckled after hearing what everyone said.

He wanted to open these people's heads and see what it was that gave them such blind confidence!

"It seems that you are a little unconvinced? Well, let me beat you until you are convinced!"

Seeing Lin Nan's expression that looked like a smile but not a smile, the Fourth God Son was also a little angry and said immediately.

After saying that, I saw the Fourth Son of God slapping his palm, and suddenly the entire sky above Yaoguang City turned dark.

A huge palm print seemed to appear out of thin air, suddenly covering the sky and the sun, enveloping everyone!

"No, the Fourth Son of God has taken action. Once he takes action, it will shake the world!"

When the elders of the Time Divine Dynasty saw the Fourth Son of God taking action, their expressions also changed, and they quickly stepped back.

After exiting ten miles away, he stopped, released his spiritual thoughts, and checked the situation in the field.

"If the Fourth Son of God takes action, that kid will probably be beaten to death!" Some elders speculated.

"Not necessarily, the Fourth Son of God may spare his life, after all, he will accept him as a slave!" Other elders expressed different opinions.

When the Seven Golden Immortal Sons saw the Fourth Son of God taking action, they quickly formed the Zhenwu Seven Killing Formation. Otherwise, they would not be able to resist each other's attack.

Before, their Zhenwu Seven Killing Formation was almost as vulnerable as an egg shell in the opponent's hands.

At the same time, Lin Nan waved his hand and directly rolled up the Seven Golden Immortals and sent them several miles away.

At this time, the overwhelming huge palm prints, carrying a terrifying aura, pressed down on Lin Nan.

Rays of heavenly light radiated everywhere, and the principles of law were also like giant dragons, flying around the palm prints.


Seeing this scene, the seven golden immortals also looked a little embarrassed.

This time, the Taoist technique used by the Fourth Son of God was obviously more powerful than the Zhenwu Seven Killing Formation that defeated them just now.

Fortunately, they also have full confidence in Lin Nan, but they are not sure whether Master Lin Nan can defeat his opponent as easily as before.

The expressions of the elders of the Divine Dynasty of Time were also extremely solemn.

It was somewhat beyond their expectations that the Fourth Son of God was so powerful.

Especially the great elder, King Xiao Zhan, looked even more horrified.

We are also in the middle stage of Immortal King, so why is the opponent so much stronger than us! King Xiao Zhan asked himself, if it were him, he would probably lose half his life under this palm.

"Alas, what a pity for this boy!" Prince Xiao Zhan sighed, as if he had anticipated Lin Nan's fate.

"This... the power of this palm is too terrifying. I'm afraid Lin Nan will definitely die!" The second elder, River Yu King, on the side was also stunned for a while.

He only has the early stage of Immortal King. Although he is stronger than the third elder Luo Immortal King, the gap is not too big.

Therefore, from his perspective, he could only see that the power of the Fourth Son of God's palm was so terrifying that it almost made him tremble.


The huge palm print was in front of Lin Nan in an instant, only three feet away from Lin Nan's leader.

At this time, Lin Nan raised his gaze slightly, grabbed the air with one hand, and then made a fist and struck towards the huge palm print.

One punch, one palm!


Then, a shocking loud noise was heard, as if the heaven and earth were shattering.

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