Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1204 Nether Brahma Seal! (Second update)

In the eyes of everyone, they saw that the originally huge palm print turned into flying ash and disappeared under Lin Nan's punch.

"What, this...how is this possible!"

"I, am I looking at a trick!"

"How could such a powerful attack from the Fourth Son of God be defeated with just one punch?"

The elders of the Divine Dynasty of Time opened their mouths wide and were stunned. They simply couldn't believe it.

Even the Great Elder Xiao Zhanwang looked stunned at this time.

That powerful attack, let alone facing it head-on, even if you try to avoid it, you will probably be seriously injured. At least judging from his intermediate stage of Immortal King, it is extremely difficult to be safe and sound under this palm.

Not to mention a direct punch to defeat.

"Who...is this Lin Nan, and how could he be so powerful!" King Xiao Zhan almost roared in his heart.

The second elder, King Yuhe, also looked confused.

Is the other person still a human being? Such a powerful attack can actually be defused, and it is so powerful that it can be defeated with one punch!

You know, that is the Fourth Son of God. In the entire divine dynasty, he is not only the most powerful in combat power, but he is at least among the top five!

There may even be an existence that surpasses the contemporary God Lord in the future.

As for the fourth son of God, his expression was changing continuously at this time, and he was uncertain.

Just now, although he didn't strike with all his strength, that palm had at least 80% of his power. Originally, he thought that even if he couldn't kill the opponent, he would at least make the opponent lose his fighting power and lie directly on the ground.

If he kills him, he can only blame the other party for being too weak. It just means he loses an opportunity to recruit slaves, which doesn't matter.

But now, he found that he was wrong, completely wrong!

The Fourth Son of God stared at Lin Nan across from him with deep solemnity.

This was the first time that he valued the other party so much, because the other party's strength seemed to be strong enough to compete with him.

This simply subverts the past views of the Fourth Son of God.

You must know that throughout the years of the divine dynasty, even the fifth and third divine sons were no match for him.

Apart from the Lord of God, only the first Son of God is stronger than himself, and the second Son of God is about the same as himself.

But in this small sanctuary, a man actually appeared who could compete with him. Although he still thinks that the opponent's strength is not as good as his own, even if he can compete with him, that would be a big deal!

Only the Seven Golden Immortals were completely relieved at this time.

"Lord Lin Nan is still so powerful!"

Jin Xianzi exhaled and said with a relaxed expression.

Originally, he thought that the Fourth Son of God was too strong and that Lord Lin Nan might not be able to defeat him so easily. But now it seems that he was wrong. Master Lin Nan still struck easily, just as easily as he used to deal with any monk.

"Lord Lin Nan's strength is unfathomable. How strong must he be for Lord Lin Nan to take him seriously?" The second son of Jinxian was also a little helpless.

It seemed that no matter who it was, Lin Nan could not be even a little serious in front of Lin Nan.

Every time, whether they are monks in the Hedao stage, true immortal monks, golden immortal monks, or even powerful immortal kings, they are all the same, no difference.

Only if you are powerful enough to completely dominate all living beings can you do this!

The other Seven Golden Immortals also sighed.

Too powerful, what kind of master did they follow! It’s so outrageous!

"Boy, you have what it takes to attract my attention!"

At this time, the fourth son of God came back to his senses, looked at Lin Nan, and finally showed a solemn expression.

"Oh, is it so!"

Lin Nan raised his eyelids, as if he hadn't woken up and was listless.

A mere monk in the middle stage of the Immortal King, Lin Nan had killed countless people in the Immortal Realm.

Even if they are powerful immortals, Lin Nan kills them at will and does not look down upon them at all.

There is probably no one in the entire fairy world who can truly challenge Lin Nan.

Of course, this requires Lin Nan to take it seriously. When Lin Nan shows his true strength, this number will be slaughtered in an instant!

As the Emperor of Heaven, there is no doubt that he is the most powerful existence in these nine heavens and ten lands.

The only thing that could arouse Lin Nan's interest in the fourth divine son in front of him was that his cultivation talent was quite strong. Even if he were placed in the fairy world, he would be considered a genius-level monk.

Lin Nan had already discovered from the other party's bones that the other party's true age was only over two hundred years old.

After more than two hundred years, he has cultivated to the middle stage of the Immortal King, and in the middle stage of the Immortal King, he is considered to be several times more powerful than the same level. Such talent may be far behind Liu Ruqing and his two daughters.

But compared with other immortal monks, even compared with those immortals, they can't give in too much.

If given time, this fourth son of God might not be able to attack the Immortal Lord. But unfortunately...he has provoked Lin Nan now!

"I admit that I, the Son of God, underestimated you before, but this time, I will let you die without a burial place!" The fourth Son of God's voice became cold, and his tone was full of murderous intent.

Before, the Fourth God Son had the idea of ​​accepting Lin Nan as his slave, but now, he just wanted to kill Lin Nan immediately to save his face.

Yes, if he failed to defeat Lin Nan with just one palm, in the eyes of the Fourth God Son, he had already lost all his face!


The Fourth Son of God turned his palm, and an immortal treasure suddenly appeared in his hand.

The immortal treasure is like a black gold weight. As soon as it appears, it emits a nine-color light that makes people dare not look directly.

"This...this is a king-level immortal treasure!"

Seeing the immortal treasure in the hands of the Fourth God Son, the Great Elder Xiao Zhanwang also stared at it and felt a little incredible.

"I didn't expect that the fourth divine son actually possesses such an immortal treasure. This seems to be the legendary Netherworld Brahma Seal!" The second elder, Yuhewang, also looked blankly at the immortal treasure in the hands of the fourth divine son and murmured to himself.

"Yes, it is the Netherworld Brahma Seal. This was originally an immortal treasure used by the Lord God. Unexpectedly, it was passed on to the Fourth God Son!" King Xiao Zhan nodded.

The Nether Brahma Seal is one of the top three immortal treasures in the entire divine dynasty, and has already reached the king level.

The real immortals and golden immortals on one side use only ordinary immortal treasures.

Even for the more powerful Golden Immortals, such as the Seven Golden Immortals, the fairy treasures in their hands are only slightly better than ordinary fairy treasures, reaching the middle grade.

As for the powerful ones in the Immortal King realm, such as Luo Immortal King, Yuhe King, and even the Great Elder Xiao Zhan Wang, the immortal treasures they use are only high-grade immortal treasures.

But above the top-grade Immortal Treasure, there is the King-grade Immortal Treasure.

Every king-grade immortal treasure has incredible power, which is completely unmatched by high-grade immortal treasures.

In the entire divine dynasty, there are probably less than ten king-grade immortal treasures, and this Netherworld Brahma Seal can be ranked among the top three. This shows how powerful the immortal treasure in the hands of the fourth divine son is.

At this time, Lin Nan glanced at the Wangpin Immortal Treasure in the opponent's hand, and his expression remained silent for a while.

Lin Nan hasn't paid much attention to the mere Wangpin Immortal Treasure.

The Nine Heavens Phoenix Feather Clothes refined by his two daughters before have reached the level of a high-grade immortal treasure, which is far from being comparable to a king-grade fairy treasure.

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