Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1205 No! This is not true! (Third update)

Generally speaking, it is much easier for monks to refine offensive fairy treasures than to refine defensive fairy treasures.

Therefore, defensive fairy treasures are several times more valuable than offensive fairy treasures. The nine-day phoenix feather coat is a defensive high-grade immortal treasure, and its value is far from comparable to the Netherworld Brahma Seal in the hands of the Fourth Son of God.


The fourth son of God made a secret in his hand and said a thought in his mouth, which immediately caused the Netherworld Brahma Seal to spin.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw the Netherworld Brahma Seal rising into the air instantly. In the blink of an eye, it had risen to the size of a hundred thousand mountains, covering the sky and the sun, covering the entire sky above Yaoguang City. .

"The Wangpin Immortal Treasure is indeed powerful!"

"It's too strong. The terrifying aura imprinted by Netherworld Brahma has already made us breathless!"

The elders of the Time God Dynasty who were watching had a look of horror in their eyes.

They had heard about the Netherworld Brahma Seal before, but they had no chance to see it.

After all, these are the top three king-level immortal treasures in the divine dynasty. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible to take them out.

Now they suddenly saw the true face of this king-level immortal treasure and felt its powerful aura, which made them more confident in the Divine Dynasty of Time.

"No matter how strong Lin Nan is, he will probably be smashed into meat cakes under the seal of Netherworld Brahma!"

The Great Elder Xiao Zhanwang's tone was full of determination at this time.

King-level immortal treasures are too rare, not to mention that the Netherworld Brahma Seal is the most offensive and powerful existence among the king-level immortal treasures.

"Yes, it's all because Lin Nan was too arrogant! If he had knelt down and begged for mercy from the fourth son of God before, he might have survived! Now... what a pity!" The second elder, River Yu King, also shook his head and sighed. It was as if he had already seen Lin Nan's tragic end.

Only the Seven Golden Immortals were still full of confidence in Lin Nan at this time.

After all, Master Lin Nan never raised his head once from the beginning to the end, even when he saw the fourth divine son taking out the king-grade immortal treasure.

They have learned to see the strength gap between them from Master Lin Nan's expression. As long as Master Lin Nan does not take him seriously, it means that the gap in strength between the two is too big.

"Boy, go to hell!"

The fourth son of God shouted angrily at this time, and with a swipe of his finger, the Netherworld Brahma Seal was pressed down.


As the Netherworld Brahma Seal pressed down, it seemed as if the void was shattered, and a burst of thunderous sound came out.


Hearing the rumbling thunder, the elders who had already felt that the Netherworld Brahma Seal was extremely powerful were once again deeply shocked. They took a deep breath, with shock and surprise in their eyes.

At this time, all the monks in Yaoguang City were terrified.

They didn't know what was going on, they only knew that there were powerful monks fighting, and that the magic weapon was so powerful that their hearts were suppressed to the point of pounding.

"What on earth happened?"

"Is this going to be the end of the world?"

"It seems that the entire Yaoguang City will be razed to the ground!"

The monks talked one after another.

At this time, the Nether Brahma Seal was less than three feet away from Lin Nan.

Lin Nan raised his gaze slightly.

However, this time there was a hint of coldness in his eyes, like a demon in the Nine Abyss Hell, without any emotion at all.


Lin Nan slowly stretched out a finger. There seemed to be no Tao Yun fluctuations on the finger, just like a mortal finger.

Then, Lin Nan pointed forward with one finger, directly hitting the huge Netherworld Brahma Seal.

"This kid is too trusting!"

"You are simply looking for death!"

“I don’t know whether to live or die, I don’t know whether to live or die!”

The elders who saw this scene shook their heads and sighed.

Of course, they knew that Lin Nan was powerful, even as powerful as the Great Elder Xiao Zhanwang.

But in the face of such an earth-shattering attack, the King Immortal Treasure-level Netherworld Brahma Seal was actually used with only one finger, and there was not the slightest fluctuation of the law and Tao Yun on the finger. This is not seeking death!

Even the Seven Golden Immortals frowned deeply. They really couldn't understand the scene in front of them.


But then, an incredible scene happened.

I saw Lin Nan in the field like a god, with his clothes fluttering and rustling, and he held the huge Nether Brahma Seal with one finger, like a hundred thousand mountains, and stopped the falling of the Nether Brahma Seal. .

Then, the Netherworld Brahma Seal actually cracked with a crack that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

As the crack appeared, the clicking sound continued, starting from Lin Nan's finger, it spread like a spider web, quickly wrapping the entire Wangpin Immortal Treasure.


After a few breaths, the huge Nether Brahma Seal suddenly turned into pieces, and a gust of wind blew up and turned into dust.


Seeing this scene, all the monks in the field were stunned. For a moment, there was silence, as if they were in a silent void.

"No...this is impossible!"

After several breaths, the elder finally regained consciousness. His first reaction was to shake his head repeatedly and murmured.

"I don't believe it. It's all fake! It's fake!"

"Impossible, that's a king-level immortal treasure! How could it break with just one finger!"

The other elders came to their senses one after another, but no matter what, they could not accept the scene in front of them.

Even the Great Elder Xiao Zhanwang looked pale and his legs were trembling. His eyes were dull and his head was shutting down as he looked at the scene in front of him.

The second elder next to King Xiao Zhan, King Yuhe, was not much better.

Both of them fell into a daze at the same time, unable to think at all.

Although the elders in the Golden Immortal Realm were shocked, they were not at a high level after all. They were far from knowing how powerful the Wang-level Immortal Treasure was, and they just found it unbelievable.

Only the two of them, who have reached the realm of Immortal Kings, know how powerful the Wangpin Immortal Treasure is.

It can be said that a king-grade immortal treasure, even if it is not as powerful as the Netherworld Brahma Seal, can easily kill an immortal king monk.

And if you want to damage the King-level Immortal Treasure, even the First Son of God, who has reached the peak level of Immortal King, may not be able to do it.

Not to mention someone like Lin Nan who could smash the King-grade Immortal Treasure to pieces with just one finger.

Behind Lin Nan, the seven golden immortals looked calm for a while.

They had already noticed the huge gap between the two from Lin Nan's expression before, and they were not surprised that Lin Nan easily defeated the opponent.

What's more, they have never come into contact with king-grade immortal treasures. Even the ones they use are mid-grade immortal treasures and have never used high-grade immortal treasures. Naturally, they don't know how terrifying it is to crush a king-grade immortal treasure with one finger.

Only the fourth divine son's face turned pale at this time, like a piece of white paper, making people afraid to look directly at him.

"No! This isn't true!"

At this time, the fourth son of God was already roaring in his heart.

He couldn't accept the scene happening in front of him at all. The other party smashed his king-level immortal treasure with just one finger!

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