Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1207 Liu Ruqing advances to become a true immortal!

After beating all the visitors from the Time Divine Dynasty to death, Lin Nan looked indifferent, as if he had done an insignificant thing.

"The annoying flies are finally gone!" Lin Nan said calmly.

After saying that, he stepped directly into the mansion.

At this time, the seven golden immortals also quickly came to their senses, and each returned to Lin Nan's mansion to perform their respective duties. However, the shock in their hearts could not calm down for a long time.

Suddenly, Lin Nan, who was sitting and sipping tea, looked up, with a cautious look in his eyes.


His spiritual thoughts were released and immediately enveloped the entire mansion.

In one of the secret training rooms, Liu Ruqing was sitting cross-legged, her eyes closed, and beads of sweat dripping from her forehead.

And around her, there were droplets of spiritual energy beads suspended like bright gems. In the entire secret room, there is also endless liquefied spiritual energy, like a mist, making it impossible to see even one's fingers.

"It seems that my wife is going to become a true immortal!" Lin Nan thought to himself.

Seven or eight days have passed since Lin Momo and Ling'er broke through to the True Immortal, and now Liu Ruqing's training has reached its final moment.

As long as there is another moment, the True Immortal Tribulation will fall. Once Liu Ruqing survives the True Immortal Tribulation, she will become a True Immortal!

And Lin Nan was also very confident in Liu Ruqing's talent.

It's just that if it doesn't concern him, it will lead to chaos. Lin Nan is still a little nervous now.

Time passed quickly, just a cup of tea later.


The thunder calamity in the sky began to gather continuously.

"Huh? What happened?"

A monk in Yaoguang City stood up, staring at the sky, his face looking extremely surprised.

"It seems that someone has overcome the tribulation! I don't know if a true immortal or a golden immortal is born!"

When other monks saw this scene, they immediately remembered Master Lin Nan's two daughters before and said quickly.

When Lin Momo and Ling'er went through the True Immortal Tribulation, the same calamity clouds were in the sky, even stronger than now.

After hearing the monk's words, everyone also looked at Lin Nan's mansion.

Ever since Mr. Lin Nan moved into this mysterious mansion, incredible things have happened one after another.

At the same time, countless strong men have fallen here.

At this moment, the Seven Golden Immortals also came out, looking solemnly at the sky.

"It seems that Madam is about to undergo the True Immortal Tribulation!"

Jinxian Yizi said calmly.

"Yes, Mr. Lin Nan's family is really evil!" The second son of Jinxian sighed.

Others are frightened when they go through the True Immortal Tribulation, and even narrowly escape death. But Lin Nan's family, as if they were just playing, didn't make any movement at all, and they began to go through the true immortal tribulation.

Moreover, before, Lin Momo and Ling'er's True Immortal Tribulation was much more powerful than the Golden Immortal Tribulation, and even compared to the Immortal King's Tribulation.

Now here comes another one, and she’s also a lady!

Although the Madam's True Immortal Tribulation this time seems not to be comparable to Master Lin Nan's two daughters, it is still much more powerful than the ordinary Golden Immortal Tribulation.

If the Fourth Son of God were still alive, his jaw would probably drop in surprise when he saw this scene.

Not to mention when he became a true immortal, even when he became a golden immortal, the golden immortal tribulation could not be compared with Liu Ruqing's true immortal tribulation.

You know, he is a peerless genius who has cultivated to the middle stage of Immortal King for more than two hundred years.

In the entire tens of millions of years of the Divine Dynasty, no one will surpass him.

But now, Liu Ruqing's True Immortal Tribulation is not much different from his Immortal King Tribulation, which is simply unbelievable.


The thunder calamity in the sky continued to condense, emitting bursts of heart-stopping thunder, as if there were ancient ferocious beasts in the sky, constantly roaring in a low voice.

Dark clouds covered the sky and blocked out the sun, pouring down.


The huge thundercloud finally crashed down, making an earth-shattering noise.

Then, Liu Ruqing's figure flashed and suddenly appeared in mid-air.

She opened her eyes and looked at the thunderstorm falling from the sky, but she didn't show any fear at all.


Suddenly, Liu Ruqing gave a sweet shout, waved her hands, and a white light suddenly shot out from her hand, directly hitting the calamity cloud falling in the sky.

"What! Madam actually attacked Jie Yun!"

Seeing this scene, the Seven Golden Immortals were also a little stunned.

Under normal circumstances, monks only passively endure the tribulation.

As long as the person is not wiped out by the thunder tribulation, and when the thunder tribulation is completed, it will be considered as a successful escape.

But if you take the initiative to attack the thunder tribulation, it is equivalent to breaking up the thunder tribulation. Otherwise, the thunder tribulation will not dissipate at all!

Actively overcoming tribulations and passively overcoming tribulations are two completely different concepts!

It can be said that for the same thunder tribulation, if you actively attack the thunder tribulation, you will suffer more than ten times the original suffering!

But seeing this scene, Lin Nan had a smile on his face.

In his opinion, both his daughters and Liu Ruqing were very talented monks. If they were like ordinary monks and just passively resisted the thunder tribulation, they would not be able to unleash their potential.

But now Liu Ruqing is so proactive in attacking, it will definitely make her future cultivation path smoother, and it is possible to reach the realm of Immortal King, Immortal Lord, or even higher levels.

Of course, Lin Nan would not worry that Liu Ruqing would not be able to survive the disaster.

His two daughters, Lin Momo and Ling'er, both succeeded in overcoming the tribulation easily, and they all used this method.

Even if he takes 10,000 steps back, Lin Nan will only need to snort coldly. How dare Tian Dao prevent his wife from successfully surviving the catastrophe?


Liu Ruqing's attack directly hit the thunder cloud, making a loud noise.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw that the thundercloud dispersed in all directions as if it had been hurt.

However, it only dispersed for dozens of miles before condensing again.

And the concentration once again is much stronger than before.

But Liu Ruqing was not worried at all. She suddenly jumped into the air, flew in mid-air, and struck the thunderclouds dozens of miles away again.


The thunder tribulation was broken up again and again, and regrouped again and again, each time becoming more powerful than before.

But Liu Ruqing was not afraid, and even with the attacks one after another, her aura reached the extreme, and her whole person had a kind of sublimation from the inside out.

It is an improvement in the level of life. From the peak of the Hedao stage to the realm of true immortal, it is one step from ordinary to immortal!

The difference between immortals and mortals is the essential difference between levels of life.


The thunder calamity condensed nine times, and the last one almost crushed the entire Yaoguang City.

However, under Liu Ruqing's attack, he was still defeated instantly. Then, those clouds of thunder and calamity finally dispersed and no longer condensed.


At this time, Lin Nan also breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Ruqing's face showed a smile of victory.

After several years of practice, she finally reached the realm of true immortality!

Once you become a true immortal, you will never be a mortal again!

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