Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1208 Finally called me husband?

"Congratulations, madam, on becoming a true immortal!"

At this time, the Seven Golden Immortals also came to the mansion. Seeing Liu Ruqing slowly falling, they immediately stepped forward and bowed.


Liu Ruqing waved his hand and asked the Seven Golden Immortals to stand up.

She came to Lin Nan's side and swept her beautiful eyes over Lin Nan's body.

"Congratulations, wife, you have become a true immortal now, and you are no longer a mortal!" Lin Nan also showed a smile and looked at Liu Ruqing with pity.

"Don't you have any expression?"

When Liu Ruqing saw that Lin Nan only praised Lin Nan verbally, she rolled her eyes at Lin Nan and said coquettishly.

"Hahaha, of course!"

Seeing Liu Ruqing looking like this, Lin Nan also laughed.

He waved his hand to let the Seven Golden Immortals leave, and then took out an immortal treasure.

I saw that the fairy treasure was shaped like a bracelet, like gold but not gold, like iron but not iron, and there were endless colorful lights shining on it.

"This... what kind of fairy treasure is this? It's so beautiful!"

Seeing Lin Nan take out the fairy treasure, Liu Ruqing couldn't look away from it.

This bracelet was so dazzling that she was immediately fascinated by it.

"Haha, this is the Luotian Gold and Jade Bracelet. It can be regarded as a defensive high-grade fairy treasure!" Lin Nan was very happy to see Liu Ruqing like it.

This is a defensive fairy treasure that he refined before. It is very powerful and reaches the level of premium.

Even a strong person in the Immortal Realm would find it very difficult to break through this Luotian Gold and Jade Bracelet.

With this defensive fairy treasure, at least in the entire sanctuary, Lin Nan no longer worries about Liu Ruqing's safety.

Even in the fairy world, you can still provide temporary protection.

After all, in the fairy world, the powerful people in the realm of immortals are all overlord-level beings.

In the fairy world, true immortals are considered the lowest common people and can be seen everywhere. Jinxian is considered to be a higher-level existence. Although he is not very powerful, at least he will not let others bully him.

As for the Immortal King, he can basically be regarded as the king of one city and one pool, and it is more than enough to command one city. Even a powerful Immortal King can have several cities under his command.

The Immortal Lord, on the other hand, rules one side and has dozens or even hundreds of cities under his command.

Therefore, with the Luotian Golden Jade Bracelet, Liu Ruqing at least did not have to worry about threats to her existence under the influence of dozens or hundreds of cities.

Of course, the Immortal Realm is infinitely larger and vaster than the Holy Realm.

Even Lin Nan has not visited the entire fairy world now.

Therefore, the Immortal Lord who controls dozens or hundreds of cities only occupies a small place in the Immortal World.

"Thanks husband!"

At this time, Liu Ruqing was also extremely happy.

Women's requirements for the level of fairy treasures are secondary, but the beauty of fairy treasures is placed in the primary position.

Even if the level of this fairy treasure is only middle or high grade, Liu Ruqing will not dislike it, as long as it looks good.

"Finally called my husband?"

Lin Nan nodded with some relief.

"Hmph! Then I won't scream!" Liu Ruqing raised her little head proudly.

Now Lin Momo, Ling'er, and Liu Ruqing all have powerful defensive immortal treasures, and they have all reached the realm of true immortals and become immortals, which makes Lin Fan feel relieved a lot.

But at this time, in a huge city in the easternmost part of the sanctuary, Lin Momo and Ling'er encountered some trouble.

"Two little babies, I didn't expect that your realm has reached the level of true immortals. It was my servant who was careless just now!"

At this time, a sanctimonious middle-aged monk blocked Lin Momo's path.

"What? Do you still want to snatch the spiritual stones from us?"

Lin Momo's face didn't look good either. She pulled Ling'er and stared at him warily.

Not long ago, the two of them participated in an auction.

At the auction, Lin Momo and Ling'er let go of their hands and feet. As long as they saw something they liked, no matter whether it was a rare treasure or not, and regardless of the price, they would buy it without hesitation.

As the saying goes, wealth is not revealed in vain.

But for Lin Momo and Ling'er, it doesn't exist at all. They possess the king-grade spiritual veins given by Lin Nan, and their daily output of spiritual stones is calculated in the hundreds of millions.

These days, the number of spiritual stones in their hands may have reached one trillion.

So as soon as he took action, the other monks were frightened. Naturally, no other monks had anything to do with the items at the auction.

After they made a lot of money, they were naturally targeted.

The middle-aged man in front of him is a strong man who has reached the realm of true immortal.

Before, he only sent a few servants in the Hedao stage to snatch the spirit stones from Lin Momo and Ling'er, but he didn't expect that those servants were no match for the two of them.

Even the servants who reached the peak of the Hedao stage were instantly killed by Lin Momo.

At this moment, he realized that he had misjudged the situation and took action himself.

"Hahaha, these two little kids are really joking. I am the undefeated Immortal Lord. I am thousands of miles away. Who doesn't know my name? I am attracted by the spiritual stone in your hands, and you are convinced. If so, Now hand it over obediently, and I will naturally not care about you." The Undefeated Immortal Lord looked at Lin Momo and said calmly, with a trace of undoubted momentum in his tone.

"Save you? Still not defeated?"

Lin Momo also sneered when she heard the other party's name.

Although the mere cultivators in the True Immortal Realm have reached the late stage of True Immortal, Lin Momo knows that there are even powerful people in the Immortal King Realm in the Holy Realm now. True Immortal cultivators dare to claim to be invincible. I am afraid they are tired of living. !

"It seems that if I don't give you any color, you don't know how powerful I am!"

Hearing Lin Momo's taunt, the Undefeated Immortal Lord was also angry.


He waved his hand, and a long sword fairy treasure appeared in his hand.


The Undefeated Immortal Lord made a secret in his hand and said something urgently in his mouth.

The long sword suddenly turned into a thunderbolt and slashed towards Lin Momo.

Lin Momo's expression remained unchanged, and she stood there, waiting for the fairy sword to reach her. Then she flipped her hand, and a white light shot out from her hand, directly hitting the fairy sword.


The white light and the fairy sword collided together, causing a loud noise.

Then, I saw the sword suddenly stopped moving and fell to the ground with a clatter.


Seeing this scene, the face of the Undefeated Immortal Lord also changed drastically.

He didn't expect that when he used the Immortal Treasure, the opponent would catch it with his bare hands, and even knock down his Immortal Treasure.

You know, you are a strong person in the late stage of true immortality, but that girl is only in the early stage of true immortality!

But before he could recover, Lin Momo's second attack had been launched again.

There was only a sudden sound, and a white light shot out from Lin Momo's hand, and in a blink of an eye, it was in front of the Invincible Immortal Lord.

"not good!"

Feeling the terrifying aura in the white light, which was extremely powerful, the Undefeated Immortal Lord also shouted loudly and immediately dodged to the side.


But before the Invincible Immortal Lord could dodge, he was already hit by the white light.

I saw the entire body of the Invincible Immortal Lord, suddenly flying backwards like a fallen leaf in the strong wind.


After flying four or five miles away, the Undefeated Immortal Lord landed on the ground, his face pale and blood spurting out of his mouth.

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