Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1211 The wrath of the divine dynasty!


Seeing this scene, Manhuangzi and Zhongguzi in the distance were stunned.

Is this still a five-year-old true immortal monk?

You must know that the other party was a Golden Immortal Elder from the Time Divine Dynasty, and it was really unbelievable that he was solved by Ling'er with just two palms.

If it were said that ordinary genius-level monks could fight across levels, that would not surprise the two of them.

But the so-called fighting across levels is just crossing a small realm.

For example, Lin Momo and Ling'er are in the early stage of true immortality now, so if they can defeat the monks in the middle stage of true immortality, they can already be regarded as genius-level immortal cultivators.

If he could cross two small realms and directly defeat the monks in the late stage of True Immortal, it would be enough to shock the entire Holy Domain.

And across three small realms, being able to defeat a cultivator at the peak of a true immortal with the cultivation level of an early true immortal is enough to shock the world.

After all, such a genius may not emerge even in hundreds or thousands of years.

But if you want to cross a big realm, directly from the early stage of True Immortal to the early stage of Golden Immortal, it is almost impossible!

Even the existence that dominates the entire generation like Huanggu Bazi cannot do it.

You must know that each of the eight ancient disciples is a genius who only emerges in the entire sanctuary for hundreds of thousands of years. And in the entire Holy Domain, there have only been eight such strong men in tens of millions of years.

But now, Lin Momo and Ling'er were able to cross a huge realm and directly kill each other, and the other party was an elder in the late Golden Immortal stage, which made both of them feel ashamed.

Although they are said to be at the peak of Golden Immortality, they are the achievements of hundreds of thousands, even millions of years of cultivation.

But the two girls have only been practicing for five years!

Manhuangzi and Zhongguzi looked at each other, and both saw deep shock in each other's eyes. At the same time, they also felt a huge pressure, as if it was pressing on them all at once.

Now the two girls are only five years old, but they are so powerful.

If they wait for a few more years, I am afraid that Manhuangzi and Zhongguzi will no longer be their opponents.

Now they can rely on their peak Golden Immortal cultivation to become the old servants of the two girls. By then, I am afraid they will not even be qualified to become the old slaves of Lin Momo and Ling'er.

Since their cultivation, in millions of years, they have never experienced such great pressure.

"It seems that we must seize the time to advance to the Immortal King realm! Otherwise, we will be eliminated!" Manhuangzi sighed and shook his head.

"Yeah, I never thought that we would meet such a super genius who defies the heavens. I'm afraid that in the fairy world, the talents of these two ladies have reached their peak!" Nakako also sighed.

However, after Lin Momo and Ling'er solved Tu Wanwan, Manhuangzi and Zhongguzi quickly followed them and continued to wander in the sanctuary.

At this time, in the Divine Dynasty of Time, like a stormy sea, powerful auras suddenly shot out of the sky.

"Who! Who dared to kill the three elders and the fourth son of my God of Time!"

A roar, an extremely violent pressure, enveloped the sky above the entire Years Divine Dynasty.

"The ants in the Holy Domain dare to commit such a heinous crime. All of them must be killed!"

Another powerful aura emerged, also filled with anger.

"Lord God! It is said that the fourth son of God, the three elders and other elders went to Yaoguang City!"

At this time, an elder who stayed in the Time Divine Dynasty stood up and said to the middle-aged man on the first seat.

The middle-aged man's whole body seemed to be shrouded in a haze of disillusionment, flickering in and out. As for his face, no one could see clearly. They could only feel an incredibly huge aura from him.

This kind of aura, let alone the three elders, even the previous Fourth Son of God, was not as good as the last chance.

Standing next to him was a scholar in white.

At this time, the scholar in white was holding a folding fan in his hand, and his face was as white as paper. If it weren't for the fact that he was a man from his figure, he would probably be more swaying than countless beauties.

And this person is the number one Son of God who has reached the peak realm of Immortal King.

Beside the First God Son, there are two monks who have reached the realm of Immortal King, namely the Second God Son and the Third God Son.

However, the cultivation level of the second divine son is only in the late stage of Immortal King, while the cultivation level of the third divine son is in the middle stage of Immortal King.

But the auras emanating from the two of them were also extremely powerful. Even the previous Fourth Son of God was almost the same compared to them.

The elders stood in the meeting hall, none of them dared to raise their heads, for fear of angering the people above and causing huge disaster.

After all, now, the entire group of elders in the Divine Dynasty has almost been wiped out.

The three elders are the most powerful beings among the elders of the divine dynasty throughout the years, and they have all reached the realm of Immortal Kings. Several of the top ten elders also died.

The remaining elders in the Dynasty of Time can be said to be only two or three kittens.

What's more, there is the Fourth Son of God.

This is the most promising super genius in the entire divine dynasty to succeed to the position of divine master. Even the God Lord himself believes that the Fourth Son of God may surpass him in the future.

Such an existence can be said to be the greatest hope for the entire Eternal Dynasty to advance further.

But now, he is being killed in this holy realm, which is like a deserted place!

"Lord God, why don't you let your subordinates go down and slaughter all the monks in Yaoguang City!" The First Son of God on the side said immediately.

"How can a mere Yaoguang City calm the anger of my Divine Dynasty of Time! That is the Fourth Divine Son, the hope of the entire Divine Dynasty!"

The God Lord of Time was obviously not satisfied with the slaughter of a city. At this time, his anger was already burning, and the entire sanctuary would tremble.

"Please give me your orders, Lord God. Even if it means massacring all the Holy Land, I will not hesitate to do so!" The Second God Son and the Third God Son on the side bowed quickly and said.


The God Lord of Time finally nodded and his expression softened a little.

"Three thousand years ago, the Fifth Son of God was beheaded in the void by the Holy Son of the Youxuan Dynasty. Our Years Divine Dynasty was also overwhelmed by the Youxuan Dynasty. I brought the entire Years Divine Dynasty to the Holy Domain. Unexpectedly , in just a few months, the three elders and the fourth son of God were killed. Our Years Divine Dynasty has caused this catastrophe. If we don’t level the entire Holy Domain, how can we extinguish the anger in our hearts!" The Years Divine Lord paused. Said again.

In the beginning, the reason why they came to the Holy Land from the cracks in the void was because of a battle with another major force in the void, the Yuxuan Dynasty.

But throughout the battle, their Time Divine Dynasty had been at a disadvantage, and even the fifth Son of God was beheaded by the opponent's Son.

In order to preserve his strength and wait for the growth of the fourth divine son, the God of Time brought the entire dynasty of God to the Holy Realm.

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