Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1212 A bloodbath all the way! (Fourth update)

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It’s just that the God Lord of Time did not expect that coming to the Holy Domain would bring such great losses to the God of Time.

Even in the tens of thousands of years of fighting against the Youxuan Dynasty, the losses suffered by the Divine Dynasty throughout the years were not as great as those in the dozens of days that came to the Holy Realm.

In the past, the losses suffered in the battle between the Time Divine Dynasty and the Youxuan Dynasty could be described as just superficial injuries, but now, they have already damaged the muscles and bones, directly damaging the foundation.

"Everyone, listen!"

The Lord of Time looked cold and looked at the several divine sons and elders in the meeting hall and said.

The elders were all silent, and even a few of the Sons of God had solemn expressions on their faces.

They didn't even pay attention to the mere holy area. But now, they have to go to war with the entire sanctuary.

According to the will of the Lord God, I am afraid that this time at least the monks in the Holy Domain will be killed to the last ten.

"How many cities are there between here and Yaoguang City?" God Lord Time asked.

"Reporting to the Lord God, there are forty major cities and more than three thousand small cities in the distance from Yaoguang City!" An elder said immediately.

"The Yaoguang City is also one of the three thousand small cities!" Another elder quickly added! "

"Forty main cities, three thousand small cities!" God Lord Years' eyes had a hint of murderous intent, and his face was also a bit ferocious.

"The first divine son, the second divine son, the third divine son!" God Lord Years shouted loudly.


The three sons of gods quickly bowed and saluted.

"The three of you will lead the elders and inner disciples respectively. The first son of God will be in the middle, the second son of God will be from the left, and the third son of God will be from the right. They will slaughter you all the way to Yaoguang City, leaving not a blade of grass behind. Stay!" God Lord Time's tone was cold.


The three men immediately bowed and accepted the order.

Each of the three great sons of God led a team of elders and inner disciples. Each team had almost a thousand monks.

After all, the three great sons of God are all in the Immortal King realm, and the elders have all reached the Golden Immortal level. As for the inner disciples, they are all powerful True Immortals.

With such strength, looking at the entire Holy Domain, it is the most powerful existence.

What's more, such a team actually has three routes.

The God Lord of Time, as the commander, followed the three sons of God and headed towards Yaoguang City at the same time.

Whoosh! …

Suddenly, one after another figures flew out from the Divine Dynasty of Time, like locusts, killing into the holy realm.


For a time, every time these powerful monks from the Time Divine Dynasty entered a city, they were like locusts passing by, leaving no grass growing.

Countless monks were killed, and in some large cities, there were tens of millions of monks.

But in front of the team composed of the Immortal King, the Golden Immortal, and the True Immortal, they had no resistance at all.

One day later.

In the entire holy domain, a full twenty main cities were slaughtered to death, and nearly a thousand small cities among them were also razed to the ground.

Instantly, the entire sanctuary was shocked.

"Have you heard? In those days, the Divine Dynasty had begun to massacre our holy monks. Countless cities were destroyed, and no monks were spared. They were all killed."

"This...is this time the Divine Dynasty going to go to war with our entire sanctuary?"

"Isn't it obvious! Moreover, our Holy Domain is completely vulnerable to the powerful men of the Time Divine Dynasty!"

"Then... what should we do? Will our city be massacred?"

"Oh, I don't know. But let's run away!"

For a time, people in the entire sanctuary were in panic, and countless monks fled out of the city overnight.

Many cities became empty cities almost overnight.

"Reporting to the God Lord, today the Central Route Army massacred eight main cities and 360 small cities!" The First God Son reported to the Years God Lord.

"Reporting to the God Lord, today the Zuo Route Army massacred six main cities and 421 small cities!" The Second God Son was also on the side, reporting to the Years God Lord.

"Reporting to the Lord of God, today the right-wing army massacred six main cities and 320 small cities!" The Third Son of God also reported.

Behind the three divine sons are the elders of the Golden Immortal Realm.

They all looked excited at this moment. After a day of fighting, they finally regained the majesty of the Time Divine Dynasty.

After all, in the hands of strong men like them, those cities, even the largest main city, with tens of millions of monks are like ants.

As for those inner disciples in the True Immortal Realm, they are not yet qualified to meet the God Lord of Time. But now they are busy dividing the spoils.

In this day's battle, they killed countless monks and obtained countless training resources.

Among them, there are countless pills, spiritual treasures, holy objects, spiritual stones, and even fairy treasures.

"Well! But this is just the beginning! I want the ants in the sanctuary to know that the consequences of offending my dynasty will be its destruction!" After hearing the reports of the three divine sons, the face of the lord of the lord of the years also calmed down a lot.

But just one day of killing was obviously not enough to completely subside his anger.

"Tomorrow, we must fight to Yaoguang City!" God Lord Years said again.


The three Sons of God took the order and left with the elders.

The second day!


The killing army like locusts rushed towards the cities in an instant.

But at this time, most of the cities were already empty. All that was left to them was empty cities.

But this also made them move forward a lot faster.

And those monks from the holy realm who were a little dull and still stayed in the city became the souls killed by their swords.

By the end of the second day, the entire army of the Years Divine Dynasty was finally less than a thousand miles away from Yaoguang City.

A journey of thousands of miles is only an hour or two for a monk in the True Immortal Realm. And if an elder in the Golden Immortal Realm rushes with all his strength, one stick of incense may be enough time.

But at this time, the entire Years Divine Dynasty came to a halt.

"Did the fourth divine son, including the three elders, fall in that small town?" At this time, God Lord Years looked at Yaoguang City from a distance, his eyes flickering, wondering what he was thinking.

"Yes, Lord God!" Standing next to God Lord Years are the First God Son, the Second God Son, and the Third God Son.

They have already inquired about the affairs of Yaoguang City several times.

"It is said that they all fell into the hands of a strong man named Lin Nan!" The First Son of God added.

"Lin Nan?"

The God Lord of Time frowned.

This name was the name he heard the most in the past two days. But he still knew nothing about Lin Nan.

"What kind of strength does this person have? Haven't we found out yet?" God Lord Years frowned.

In the past two days, he asked the elders and disciples of Shenchao to inquire, but no one could tell the specific realm of Lin Nan.

"Lord God, this person is good at concealing his aura. I'm afraid he won't be able to know the opponent's realm until they actually fight!" The First God Son also looked a little nervous.

They couldn't even detect the other party's realm. This was the first time the Divine Dynasty had encountered him throughout the years.

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