Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1213 Arrival at Yaoguang! (First update)

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Yaoguang City, in Lin Nan's mansion.

"Lord Lin Nan, many cities in the Holy Domain have been massacred by the Dynasty of Time in the past few days!"

Jin Xianzi stood beside Lin Nan and reported to him.

"Yes, Lord Lin Nan, I didn't expect that the Divine Dynasty in those years was so cruel and inhumane!" The second son of Jinxian also nodded repeatedly.

"They didn't even spare the elderly and children in the city. They are just a bunch of beasts!" The other seven golden immortals also looked angry.

They have long been displeased with what the Sien Dynasty has done in the past few days.

However, they also found out that this time the entire Era God Dynasty was dispatched, and its strength was extremely powerful.

At the beginning, when the seven of them joined forces, they were no more than the third elder of the Time Divine Dynasty, King Luo Xian.

But now, any leader in the army who is killing people along the way is much more powerful than King Luo Xian.

Otherwise, they would have already taken action.

"I already know, they are just a few clowns!" Lin Nan said lightly.

When he was inspecting Lin Momo and Ling'er with his spiritual mind, he accidentally noticed the movements of the God of Time.

But Lin Nan didn't take it to heart.

For him, the Holy Domain is not worth mentioning. Even if the entire Holy Domain is destroyed, he will not frown.

As the Emperor of Heaven, he was able to kill the Immortal Realm until it was filled with blood. He was no longer as emotional as the Seven Golden Immortal Sons.

As long as the other party didn't come to provoke him, Lin Nan didn't bother to care.

But this time, judging from the opponent's route, it seems that they are coming towards him.

"Sir Lin Nan, it is said that the army of the Time Divine Dynasty is not far from Yaoguang City." Jin Xianzi said again.

"Yes, millions of the monks in Yaoguang City have now fled. I am afraid that there will not be even one monk left in the city at this time!" the second son of Jinxian added.

It's not just Yaoguang City. It can be said that since the first day when the Shui Dynasty began to slaughter, there have been monks fleeing from countless cities along the way.

However, at first, not many monks escaped. Later, almost the entire city was empty, and 99% of the monks fled out of the city.

The same is true for Yaoguang City.

There are probably less than 10,000 monks left in the city now.

You know, although this is just a small town, since Lin Nan settled in, monks have been coming to make pilgrimages. At its peak, there were more than seven million monks in Yaoguang City!

"Lord Lin Nan, I am afraid that the army of the Time God Dynasty will descend on Yaoguang City tomorrow. What will we do then?" The third son of Jinxian looked a little solemn.

The other seven Golden Immortals also looked at Lin Nan with blank faces.

At this time, Lin Nan looked indifferent.

He glanced at Liu Ruqing beside him, silently held Liu Ruqing's little hand, and said lightly, "It's just a bunch of fleas, kill them as soon as they come!"


Hearing Lin Nan's words, even the Seven Golden Immortals, who had always been in awe of him, took a deep breath.

That was the most powerful force in the Divine Dynasty throughout the years, and almost all of them were mobilized.

Even if the power of the entire sanctuary is gathered, it is not enough to kill them with a large army.

But now, Master Lin Nan actually said that he would be destroyed as soon as he came. Is this so casual?

The Seven Golden Immortals also couldn't believe it.

Although they knew that Lin Nan was extremely powerful and had killed even the Immortal King. But now, all the divine masters of the Time Divine Dynasty are on the move, and they are said to be existences that have reached the realm of the Immortal King.

For such a big shot, even if he stamps his feet, the whole sanctuary will be shattered.

However, they did not dare to say this to their face, so they could only nod their heads and then retreat. However, the worries in their hearts are getting deeper and deeper.

"Do you think Master Lin Nan is the opponent of the Divine Lord of Time?" The Second Golden Immortal looked at the other Seven Golden Immortals and expressed his doubts.

"Lord Lin Nan is extremely powerful, but the Divine Lord of Time has also reached a level that we can't even imagine. It's hard to say which of the two is stronger and weaker!" Jinxian Yizi also sighed and shook his head.

They were only at the peak of the Golden Immortal, and it was Lin Nan who directly used elixirs to reach the Golden Immortal level from the True Immortal realm. Even the powerful ones in the Immortal King Realm are not very familiar to them, let alone the existence above the Immortal King Realm.

"But if I want to defeat Lord Lin Nan, I guess even the God of Time will never be able to do it!" The third son of Jinxian was full of confidence in Lin Nan.

"That's true, but the Dynasty of Time Divine Dynasty not only has the Lord of Time, but also several divine sons. It is said that they are all powerful men who have reached the realm of Immortal Kings, and are even more powerful than the fourth divine son before!"

"Yes, in addition to that, there are thousands of Golden Immortal elders and True Immortal disciples. How can we compete with just a few of us?"

Everyone was worried.

Although Lin Nan is powerful, if he is held back by the God of Time, the seven of them, even if they face a son of God, will probably be easily killed.

When they fought against the Fourth Son of God, they were beaten to the point of vomiting blood by a single move, even the Zhenwu Seven Killing Formation was useless.

Not to mention several Sons of God who are more powerful than the Fourth Son of God.

The third day!


One after another figures descended on Yaoguang City, and they all carried extremely powerful auras. One of them, in particular, had the endless Taoism disillusioned in him, making it almost impossible to see his appearance clearly.

This person is the God Lord of Time. Beside him were the three great sons of gods and many golden immortal elders.

"Lord God, Lin Nan's mansion is right ahead!" The First Son of God walked to God Lord Years and said, "Why don't you let your subordinates go forward and kill Lin Nan directly!"

"You can't kill a chicken with a bull's-eye, let me do it!"

After hearing the words of the First God Son, the Second God Son and the Third God Son immediately stood up.

The second divine son has reached the late stage of Immortal King, while the third divine son has reached the middle stage of Immortal King.

The God of Time glanced at the two of them.

"The strength of the Fourth Son of God is almost the same as that of the Second Son of God, but he was still killed by Lin Nan. It would be for nothing if you two went there! Let the First Son of God go!" God Lord Years said calmly.

After hearing the words of the God Lord of Time, the faces of the Second God Son and the Third God Son were also embarrassed.

But what God Lord Time said is also true.

The fourth divine son is the most talented disciple in the entire divine dynasty for tens of millions of years. Although he is only in the middle stage of the Immortal King, his strength far exceeds that of the third divine son. Even compared with the second divine son who has reached the late stage of the immortal king, it is not comparable. up and down.

But even so, the Fourth Son of God still fell into Lin Nan's hands.

At this time, it was obviously the wisest choice to let the First Son of God go.

You must know that in the entire Years Divine Dynasty, apart from the Years Divine Lord, the First Son of God is the strongest.

The First Son of God has reached the peak level of the Immortal King, and is not far from the Immortal Lord.

The God Lord of Time is a real powerful Immortal Lord, and it has been millions of years since he reached the early stage of Immortal Lord.

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