Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1216 You don’t deserve to know who I am! (Fourth update)


The Seven Golden Immortals quickly came to the side of the First Divine Son of the Years Divine Dynasty. They each held immortal treasures in their hands and were ready to kill him at any time.


At this time, the eyes of the First Son of God also showed a look of despair, with a hint of sadness.

I think he is the divine son of the divine dynasty for millions of years, second only to the divine master.

In the Divine Dynasty of Time, he can be said to be inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. The king in the mortal world is not even comparable to a hair on his head.

But he didn't expect that he would die in the hands of a few golden immortals. This is really a huge shame.

"Lin Nan, if you kill me, I have nothing to say. After all, my strength is inferior to others! Now you let a few Golden Immortal monks kill me. This is an insult to the strong!" The First God Son roared.

At this time, his expression was ferocious. Death is no longer scary. What is scary is dying at the hands of a few ants. It is so humiliating.

Yes, in the eyes of a peak Immortal King like the First Divine Son, even the monks in the early and middle stages of the Immortal King are just like ants, not to mention the Seventh Golden Immortal who are only at the peak of the Golden Immortal.

Now he only asked Lin Nan to kill him with his own hands.

"Oh, in my eyes, you are nothing more than an ant!"

Lin Nan sneered, directly shattering the fantasy of the First Son of God.

He is a majestic emperor, but all living beings are like ants.

It is the same whether you let the Golden Immortal monks kill the First Son of God or let the monks in the Nascent Soul stage kill the Son of God.

After hearing Lin Nan's words, the First Son of God was like a duck being pinched by the neck. His eyes widened and he was speechless.


At this time, the Seven Golden Immortal Sons no longer hesitated and took action directly. White light shot out from their immortal treasures and immediately killed the first divine son.

"Bold ant! Dare to kill the divine son of my Dynasty of Time!"


At this time, a roar came, followed by a huge wave of soul, which instantly cut off the attacks of the Seven Golden Immortals and turned them into ashes.

"God Lord!"

Hearing that huge roar, the First Son of God suddenly relaxed in his heart.

He knew that the Divine Lord of the Time Divine Dynasty had arrived.

In fact, when Lin Nan used that earth-shattering palm just now, God Lord Time noticed something was wrong and rushed towards this side.

However, Lin Nan's attack was too fast, destroying the elders and disciples of the Time Divine Dynasty almost instantly. At the same time, he shattered the defensive king-level immortal treasure of the First Divine Son and seriously injured him.

Then, let the Seven Golden Immortals kill the First Son of God.

It only took two sentences before and after. It can be said that the God Lord of Time has not been slow to come.

Under the huge fluctuations in the spirit of the Divine Lord during those years, the expressions of the Seven Golden Immortal Sons also changed drastically. A huge coercion instantly enveloped them, like a million mountains, making them terrified.

Almost as soon as they heard the giant roar, the Seven Golden Immortals had already formed the Zhenwu Seven Killing Formation.

But the God Lord of Time was really too terrifying. Under his divine power, the Zhenwu Seven Killing Formation was broken and instantly disintegrated without even a snap of his fingers.

But at this time, Lin Nan's gaze shot out, covering the Seventh Golden Immortal, and then saved the Seventh Golden Immortal.


The Seven Golden Immortals came to Lin Nan's side, their hearts beating wildly.

What happened just now was extremely dangerous. If Lord Lin Nan had been slower for even a moment, they would have been killed by the Lord of Time.

"You are Lin Nan!"

At this time, the God of Time was also surprised when he felt Lin Nan's gaze.

Enshrouded in his own divine power, even the Seventh Golden Immortal at the peak of the Golden Immortal would be instantly crushed into minced flesh. However, he did not expect that the other party would break through his divine power with just one look.

"Why are you like the rest of your godly dynasty, asking such stupid questions?"

Hearing the words of the God of Time, Lin Nan sighed helplessly!

He didn't even look at the God Lord of Time, and looked completely indifferent.

In his opinion, although the God Lord of Time has reached the realm of Immortal Lord, he is only in the early stage of Immortal Lord.

Although he was much more powerful than the Immortal Kings he had killed before, Lin Nan had even killed Immortal Emperors, and the Immortal Lords were nothing more than ants.

The Immortal Emperor was a dominating presence in the Immortal Realm, but in Lin Nan's hands, he had killed countless of them.

"You!!! Okay, very good! Being able to hurt the First Son of God is because I underestimated you before!"

Even the God Lord of Time, who was as powerful as the Immortal Lord, was serious about Lin Nan.

The other party is really too mysterious.

In the entire divine dynasty, the number one son of God was not even stronger than me, but he was still a strong man who had only half stepped into the realm of Immortal Lord.

He was so seriously injured at the opponent's hands that even the defensive king-level immortal treasure on his body was broken!

You know, even if you take action yourself, you still need to exert seven or eight points of your strength to do so.

It is still unknown how much strength this Lin Nan has exerted.

"It's just a few flies. If they weren't here to annoy me, I wouldn't bother to swat them. But if you swat them to death, they'd be swatted to death. Do you have any objections?" Lin Nan then turned his attention to the Lord of Time and glanced casually. , said lightly.

In Lin Nan's words, it seemed that killing the sons and elders of the Divine Dynasty of Time was a completely trivial matter.

"I wonder who you are? I know that it is impossible for a strong man like you to be born in this holy realm!" Although the God of Time was unhappy, he still suppressed his anger and asked Lin Nan.

In the mere holy realm, the most powerful person is the peak of the Golden Immortal. Even the Immortal King has not been born. How can there be such a powerful monk as Lin Nan.

In the view of the God of Time, Lin Nan is likely to come from outside the territory, or from the fairy world.

Whether it comes from the void outside the territory or from the fairy world, with the strength Lin Nan is displaying now, it is impossible for him to be an unknown person.

Although the Divine Dynasty of Time has suffered a great loss at the hands of Lin Nan and has even damaged its foundation, the Divine Lord of Time is still willing to shake hands with Lin Nan and make peace.

If Lin Nan can be allowed to join the Time Divine Dynasty, they will rise rapidly.

When the time comes, even if the Youxuan Dynasty pursues them to the Holy Domain, they will be able to fight with them.

"Only you? You don't deserve to know who I am!"

Lin Nan still had an indifferent expression, but his tone was full of disdain, and he didn't take God Lord Time seriously at all.


Hearing Lin Nan's words, even the Seven Golden Immortals took a deep breath.

Although they knew that Lin Nan was powerful, he was also the God Lord of the Time Divine Dynasty and a strong man in the Immortal Realm!

If you talk to people like this, aren't you afraid of being beaten to death?

The hearts of the Seven Golden Immortals were already in their throats. Their eyes were warily looking at the God Lord of Time, holding the Immortal Treasure in their hands.

At this time, as long as possible, they would risk their lives to defend Lin Nan.

"Presumptuous! Arrogant, so arrogant! No one has dared to speak to me like this for tens of millions of years, and you are the first!"

The God of Time, even the Clay Bodhisattva, has now been aroused by Lin Nan.

What do you mean you are not qualified to ask!

This is naked humiliation!

As the Divine Lord of the Time Divine Dynasty, even the Holy Lord of his rival Youxuan Dynasty would not dare to speak to him like this.

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