Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1217 The magical power of time! (First update)

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Just as God Lord Years and Years was talking to Lin Nan, the Second God Son, the Third God Son, as well as other elders and inner disciples also arrived one by one.

"The First Son of God!"

"W-what happened?"

Everyone was stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

Especially when he saw the seriously injured and dying First Son of God, he almost couldn't believe his eyes.

Just now, they felt a huge wave of battle, and then the God Lord disappeared from their eyes.

And they also rushed to Lin Nan's mansion as quickly as possible. Unexpectedly, he saw flesh and blood all over the ground and the dying First Son of God.

This is the No. 1 Son of God, a powerful man at the peak of the Immortal King!

I don't know how much stronger than they are. In the Divine Dynasty of Time, these elders and disciples did not even dare to look at the First Son of God.

Even the Second God Son and the Third God Son are far behind the First God Son.

In front of the First God Son, although both of them were in the Immortal King realm, they couldn't even receive a palm from the First God Son.

What's more, there are still the flesh and blood of so many elders and disciples.

At this time, they were all stunned. Some were looking at everything on the ground, not daring to raise their heads, while others were looking at Lin Nan, who looked calm and calm, with incredible expressions.

Soon, someone helped the First Son of God up and stood behind the Lord of Time.

"Since your Excellency despises the Divine Dynasty of Time so much, I cannot weaken the power of the Divine Dynasty!" At this time, the Divine Lord of Time, who was already extremely angry, still spoke calmly, showing that he was extremely powerful.

Lin Nan shook his head, looked at the sky, and murmured to himself, "It seems that from now on, when you swat flies, you will have to kill them all at once!"

During this period of time, it was because he was so kind that flies kept disturbing his purity.


The God Lord of Time roared angrily again and took action directly without intending to say any more.

Behind him, the group of elders and disciples of the Time Divine Dynasty, including the two divine sons, did not dare to speak.

The two people in front of them, whether it was Lin Nan or the God Lord of Time, were not existences that they could interfere with.

Even when the God Lord of Time was about to take action, the Second Son of God and the Third Son of God quickly led everyone back and retreated seven or eight miles away before stopping.

"The Lord God takes action, which is earth-shattering. If we get too close, we may be accidentally killed!"

The Second Son of God explained to everyone.

"Yes, the Divine Lord is a powerful person in the Immortal Realm. Every move he makes stirs up the power of heaven and earth, and we are not allowed to peep at it!" The Third Divine Son also lamented.

Immortal Lord, that is really too strong.

Even if they have reached the middle stage of Immortal King or even the late stage of Immortal King, they still cannot get a glimpse of the power of Immortal Lord.

Only when the first divine son reached the peak level of the Immortal King and half-stepped into the realm of the Immortal Lord, did he slightly understand the power of the Immortal Lord.

But now, everyone looked at the dying First Son of God. If the Lord had not taken action, they would have been killed, and they couldn't help but sigh.


Finally, the Lord of Time took action.

As soon as he took action, an extremely powerful Dao Yun light shot out from his palm.


That ray of light almost tore the entire void apart, making loud noises like thunder and pulling out a white streak in the air.

At the same time, in the eyes of everyone, wherever the light of Dao Yun passed, it seemed as if it had fallen into the void, revealing a deep darkness and disappearing from this sacred realm.

"Years, this is the power of years!"

The Second Son of God exclaimed repeatedly when he saw this scene.

With this move, the Lord of Time has come into contact with the power of the great avenue and has mastered the laws of time. During the attack, he directly annihilated everything into endless years.

The Divine Dynasty of Time was named precisely because it mastered the magical power of Time.

And every generation of God Lord of Time is a powerful person who has cultivated the power of time to the extreme.

"Then Lin Nan is dead. Under this move, no matter how strong he is, there is no way he can survive!" At this time, the eyes of the Third Son of God were also shining.

In their eyes, the God Lord of Time is like a god, powerful and invincible.

Now he is displaying the magical power of time that touches the level of the avenue, and the power is simply unimaginable.

"Yes, the Divine Lord will definitely be able to kill that kid!" At this time, the dying First Divine Son slowly opened his eyes, his eyes full of hope.

He knew that Lin Nan was so powerful that he could be seriously injured with just one palm. If it weren't for the king-level defensive immortal treasure, I might have been killed directly.

In this world, I am afraid that only the God of Time can kill Lin Nan. Therefore, this battle is not only a decisive battle between the God Lord of Time and Lin Nan, but also a battle that places the endless hope of the First Son of God.

"The Lord of God will win!"

The group of elders and disciples of the Time Divine Dynasty also shouted loudly, as if they had seen Lin Nan being killed by the God of Time.

At this time, the Daoyun light with the sound of thunder and roar came to Lin Nan instantly at an almost incredible speed.

The laws of time are entangled in the white light, and behind it is the sky that falls into endless darkness. At this time, it looked like a hell spear, stabbing Lin Nan.

The white light is the tip of the spear, and the endless dark void is the handle of the spear!

"The magical power of time, great annihilation!"

The God of Time also roared angrily, looking at Lin Nan like two sharp swords with murderous intent rising.

"I have traveled back the long river of time and traced it back to the beginning of the era!"

"I have also broken through the era and lived from the beginning of time to the present. What is the magical power of time? I am time!" Lin Nan smiled proudly.

Watching all this indifferently, until the magical power of time was less than three feet away from him, he slowly made a fist and punched forward.


That seemingly harmless punch struck the magical power of years, and actually hit the void directly, making a loud noise.


Seeing this scene, the God of Time showed a hint of surprise on his face.

His Divine Dynasty of Time is material and intangible. It is completely transformed from the laws of the Great Dao. How could it be hit by the opponent's punch.

Even if he himself faced this move, he could only counteract it with the same great law.

But the opponent hit his law attack with a punch, what is going on!

As for the elders and disciples of the Time Divine Dynasty, they had no idea what was going on at this time. They only knew that the Lord Divine Lord's attack had already hit Lin Nan.

They all suddenly looked surprised.

Being hit by such a powerful attack from the Lord of Time, the opponent would be almost crippled even if he didn't die!

Even the Second Son of God and the Third Son of God had joy on their faces.

"Great, Lord God is indeed extremely powerful!"

"That's right, if the God Lord takes action, no matter how strong Lin Nan is, he can only lay down his corpse!"

Everyone was talking about it.

Only the First Son of God frowned and seemed to have a bad feeling in his heart.

After all, he had experienced Lin Nan's power before, and he didn't believe that Lin Nan would be defeated so easily.

Although he did not think that Lin Nan could win from the Lord of Time, the defeat could not be so simple.

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