Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1218 You are worthy of peering into the avenue! (Second update)

After a few breaths, Lin Nan's punch dispelled the magical power of years. Countless dust raised had fallen to the ground, and everything in the field fell into the eyes of everyone.

"This...how is this possible!"

"The powerful attack just now failed to kill Lin Nan!"

"Even, not even his sleeves were damaged?"

The elders and disciples of the Time Divine Dynasty all stared with confused expressions.

In the field, Lin Nan still looked calm and calm, as if the white light that tore the sky apart and transformed everything into the darkness of the void had never appeared at all.

Even the Second God Son and the Third God Son looked stunned.

All this is like a dream, it is unbelievable.

"This... this Lin Nan is so strong?"

The Second Son of God also muttered to himself, feeling unwilling to do so.

"It's really too strong!"

The Third Son of God also opened his mouth and said involuntarily.

With an attack like that from the God Lord of Time, let alone an ordinary Immortal King strongman, even a cultivator at the peak of the Immortal King realm who is as powerful as the first divine son would probably be able to avoid his sharp edge!

Who dares to fight against it with fists? And he also broke through the magic power of time with one punch.

Only the First God Son's face calmed down at this time.

"As expected!" The First Son of God said secretly in his heart.

He knew that Lin Nan couldn't be that weak. But at this time, he still believed that the God of Time could kill Lin Nan. This was his belief and his only hope for revenge.

Even if Lin Nan is killed this time, he will never be able to become the number one son of God again when he returns to the Dynasty of Time.

After this serious injury, his state must have dropped to unknown extent, and he may not even be able to maintain the early stage of Immortal King.

As the noble first son of God, after falling from the altar, he could imagine how many people would ridicule him.

He has even made up his mind that once he returns to the Divine Dynasty of Time, he will immediately retreat into seclusion and never come out.

Therefore, what is before him is his last hope and his only hope for living.

Only the God Lord of Time had a mixed expression on his face at this time.


The God Lord of Time was speechless.

Just with the punch Lin Nan had just thrown, he had already discovered that the opponent's strength was not inferior to his own.

Even, far beyond myself!

After all, even if he were replaced by the Divine Lord of Time, it would be impossible to fight against magical power with one punch!

Supernatural power, that is the power that can peek into the level of the laws of the great avenue! What's more, even among the magical powers of the years, they are at a high level.

"How could you possibly kill Dao Ze?"

After several breaths, God Lord Time finally regained his composure and looked at Lin Nan with doubts in his tone.

At this time, he no longer dared to underestimate Lin Nan, and even looked a little humble.

"It's a mere Dao, but it's still thousands of miles away from the real Dao. It's so strange to kill it with one punch! Even if it's the real Dao, I can't pick it up!" Lin Nan said silently.

As the Emperor of Heaven, the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and the Dao of Heaven will bow before him.

Even if it is a great avenue, Lin Nan has understood it to the extreme!

What's more, this magical power of the years only borrowed a hint of the power of the Great Law, and it is still far from the real Great Law.

The monks who can truly master the laws of the Great Dao are at least at the level of the Great Dao Immortal Emperor.

But even at the Immortal Emperor level, it is only one-tenth of the way to mastering a certain avenue.

As for Lin Nan, his understanding of the Great Dao is unprecedented and unparalleled, surpassing all immortal emperors.

Although it is not yet complete, it is only a little short of perfection.


Hearing Lin Nan's words, the God of Time also took a breath of cold air.

He looked at Lin Nan with doubtful eyes, not knowing whether Lin Nan was bragging or speaking seriously.

As the Divine Lord of Time, he has been in the Immortal Realm for millions of years, but he can still only understand the principles of the magical power of time.

Avenue? It's really too far away from him.

But the man in front of him seemed to be able to see even the main road, which was simply unbelievable.


Finally, the God Lord of Time shook his head.

If one could comprehend the Great Dao, what a level that would be!

Although the man in front of me was a little surprised by the punch just now, it was absolutely impossible to deceive him so easily.

"Boy, I was surprised by you just now, but when it comes to the laws of the Great Dao, even the Immortal Emperor would not dare to bow down! There must be a limit to bragging!"

God Lord Time stared at Lin Nan again, as if he had seen through Lin Nan's cowhide, with a hint of disdain in his tone.

"Really? You are worthy of peering into the avenue! Then let you see how powerful the years in the avenue are!" Lin Nan said lightly.

After saying that, he clapped his hand.

It was almost exactly the same as the previous attack of the God of Time, and a white light was inspired from his hand.

That white light is countless times more condensed than that of the previous God Lord. At the same time, it is not surrounded by Taoism, but the real Taoism Law!


As the white light shot out rapidly, the entire sky seemed to have changed. The tens of thousands of miles around Yaoguang City fell into the space-time tunnel, and the surrounding area was filled with chaos and darkness.

"What! This...how is this possible!"

The God Lord of Time was so frightened.

Just now, he used the magical power of time, which only caused a void crack in the sky. Just that crack was swallowed up by the years and turned into darkness.

But now, the entire Yaoguang City, even tens of thousands of miles outside Yaoguang City, has been swallowed up by time and entered the time tunnel.

What a concept!

This avenue of time is probably millions of times more powerful than his magical power of time!

"This...is this the real avenue of time?"

The God Lord of Time looked at the endless void pouring down. Even the time tunnel was flashing with the color of nine-colored glaze, and his face was blank.

At this time, let alone resisting, he didn't even know where to take action.

The elders and disciples of the Divine Dynasty of Time, including the Second Son of God, the Third Son of God, and others, all looked dull, like puppets.

Now, even a monk in the Nascent Soul stage could easily kill them.

Next, there were only pictures left in everyone's minds.

That picture is exactly their life time.

The speed of the picture flashing seemed unpleasant, but it was just that they were trapped in the avenue of time, and in the outside world, it only took a second for Lin Nan to complete the attack.

One second!


An incredible scene occurred next. All the monks of the Time God Dynasty, including the God Lord of Time, suddenly aged at an incredible speed.

Their skin becomes wrinkled in the blink of an eye.

Their muscles turned into pieces of aging flesh almost instantly.

Their appearance also ages in the blink of an eye.

When the wind blows, whoosh!

Everyone was like burnt ashes, turning into smoke.

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