Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1222 Naughty daughter! (Second update)

Lin Momo and Ling'er were refining the sacred mountain here, while the Seven Sons of Manhuangzi, Zhongguzi, and Jinxian continued to conquer the entire Time Divine Dynasty.

Three days later.

"The eldest young lady and the second young lady have been refining for three days. Why is there no movement on this sacred mountain?"

Everyone has harvested all the resources in the entire Era Divine Dynasty, and at this time, they are all waiting for Lin Momo.

"I don't know, but judging from the looks on the two ladies' faces, it doesn't seem like there's been any progress!"

"Then just keep waiting!"

Anyway, no one was in a hurry to leave, so they simply continued to wait.


Two hours later, suddenly there were loud noises from the sacred mountain, and the ground shook as if it was about to collapse.

"What's going on?" Manhuangzi frowned and quickly released his spiritual sense to investigate.

Zhongguzi on the side didn't dare to neglect and investigated at the same time.

The seven golden immortals had a look of shock on their faces.

This is the sacred mountain, the most important foundation of the divine dynasty throughout the years, but now, it has actually been shaken, which is simply unbelievable.

"Why can't I check the sacred mountain!"

"I can't find out either, what's going on?"

The sacred mountain was clearly right in front of them, but when they released their spiritual thoughts, they couldn't detect it at all, as if the sacred mountain had disappeared.

"Strange, so strange!"

Manhuangzi and Zhongguzi, who were powerful men who had survived for millions of years, could only shake their heads silently at this time, unable to understand.

The Seven Golden Immortals were even more confused, but they felt relieved when they saw that Lin Momo and Ling'er were still safe.

But then, an incredible scene occurred.

In the eyes of everyone, they saw that the originally huge sacred mountain was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just one stick of incense, the sacred mountain that originally towered into the clouds was only a few thousand meters high.

After another half an hour, the sacred mountain shrank to only the size of a house, and then continued to shrink until it disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone looked confused.

"Haha, let's go!"

At this time, Lin Momo and Ling'er looked happy and said to everyone.

"Eldest Miss, Second Miss, where is the sacred mountain?" Manhuangzi asked with some confusion.

However, Lin Momo and Ling'er blinked, no longer explaining, and directly rose into the sky and flew towards Yaoguang City.

Half an hour later, everyone landed outside Yaoguang City.


At this moment, Lin Momo shouted loudly, then flipped her hand, and suddenly, a small sacred mountain appeared in front of everyone.


As Lin Momo and Ling'er performed Taoist magic at the same time, the sacred mountain grew at an incredible speed.

In just a moment, the sacred mountain became as tall as before, towering into the clouds!

"What...what happened?"

"Where did the mountains come from?"

"This is a monk with great supernatural powers who moved a huge mountain!"

For a moment, the monks in Yaoguang City were shocked.

They opened their eyes and found that there was an extremely tall sacred mountain outside Yaoguang City. It was simply incredible.

In Lin Nan's mansion, Lin Nan had already discovered all this.

"What are Momo and Linger doing?" Beside Lin Nan, Liu Ruqing also frowned, a little confused.

"They are so naughty, they moved all the sacred mountains of the Time God Dynasty here!" Lin Nan curled his lips helplessly.


Hearing Lin Nan's words, Liu Ruqing was also shocked.

Even the sacred mountain of the Time Divine Dynasty has been moved to Yaoguang City. What are these two daughters that they dare not do!

However, she was speechless. Liu Ruqing still loved her two daughters very much.

"Papa, Mom, look outside the city!"

At this time, Lin Momo and Ling'er also came to Lin Nan and pointed to the outside of the city, their faces full of a sense of accomplishment.

"Okay, daddy saw it. My Lin Nan's daughter is indeed different!"

Lin Nan laughed, touched the heads of his two daughters and said.

"Look at how well you spoil them!"

Liu Ruqing on the side rolled her eyes, but then she looked at her two daughters with an expression full of affection.

Manhuangzi, Zhongguzi and the Seven Golden Immortals on the side had astonished expressions on their faces.

This family is really incredible!

Later, at the request of Lin Momo and Ling'er, Lin Nan had no choice but to move his mansion outside the city, on top of the sacred mountain.

"This will be our home from now on!"

Lin Momo and Ling'er were so happy that they released the little dragon bird, the big flower, the small flower, and the little green from their small purses.

Those monster beasts were extremely happy on the sacred mountain. They quickly chose their own caves and became the guardian beasts of the sacred mountain.

At this time, in the void outside the territory, a huge city was coming towards the holy territory.

In the city, inside a huge palace.

"Lord Holy Lord, we are not far from the Holy Land. We will arrive in the Holy Land in two or three months!"

A middle-aged monk who had reached the peak of Immortal King said to the monk sitting at the head.

The monk was covered in golden light, and he wore a crown-like treasure on his head. This man was the Holy Lord of the Youxuan Dynasty, Xuan Wuji, also known as the Emperor Xuan!

"Lord Holy Lord, according to our investigation, the Divine Dynasty of Time was fleeing into the Holy Realm." The middle-aged monk at the peak of the Immortal King said again.

"Well! When we get to the Holy Realm, let's see where the Divine Dynasty of Time can escape to!"

The Holy Lord Xuanhuang suddenly opened his eyes, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

That ray of light seemed to penetrate the entire void, making people afraid to look directly at it.

Back then, their Youxuan Dynasty went to war with the Dynasty of Time, and after more than 30,000 years, they finally defeated the Dynasty of Time.

Unexpectedly, the God of Time actually led the God of Time to flee to the Holy Domain, allowing them to fight with almost no gain.

"When the Yuexuan Dynasty is destroyed and their cultivation resources are seized, our Youxuan Dynasty will surely give birth to several more Immortal Kings!" The monks on the side immediately agreed.

The Holy Lord Xuanhuang closed his eyes again and stopped talking.

Everyone quickly left.

However, they are still far away from the Holy Land, and it is obvious that they will not be able to reach it in the near future.

And where the divine dynasty came in those years, the barrier between the holy realm and the fairy world reached its weakest point in history due to the impact of the cracks in the void.

Suddenly, a figure penetrated from between the barriers.

"Hahaha, I'm finally out of trouble! Three million years, three million years, I've been imprisoned in the far north of the first level of the fairy world, and now I'm finally out!"

An old man with white beard and hair exuded an extremely powerful aura. Even the aura of the God Lord of Time who was killed by Lin Nan was probably three points weaker in front of this person.

"Eh? This is...the Holy Land!"

The old man looked around, and his spiritual thoughts were instantly released. This investigation made him look a little embarrassed.

Originally, he thought he had escaped from the prison in the fairy world, but he did not expect that he would arrive in the holy realm.

Compared with the first heaven of the fairy world, the holy realm is a barren land, even worse than the far north land of the first heaven of the fairy world, where he is imprisoned!

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