Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1223 Six-year-old daughter! (Third update)

In the following days, the entire sanctuary was quite peaceful.

With the complete destruction of the extremely powerful Yuan Dynasty, the monks in the sanctuary also received the news one by one and returned to the city again.

The original main city, the big city, was bustling with activity.

Even some small towns are full of lively atmosphere.

And as time goes by, people gradually forget the huge disasters caused by the divine dynasty in the past years.

After all, those monks who died were already dead, while the surviving monks were only thinking about practicing and making themselves stronger.

As for the mysterious old man who escaped from the prison in the fairy world, he seemed to have disappeared and did not appear.

At this time, the entire sanctuary once again returned to its previous scene.

Some holy places are slowly recovering their strength. Even some aristocratic families that were previously enslaved by the Divine Dynasty of Time have regained their strength and are preparing to make a comeback.

Only among the secluded families at the top of the Holy Domain, was there faint news about Master Lin Nan and the Eight Ancient Sons.

"The Yaoguang City is the largest forbidden area in the entire Holy Domain. None of you are allowed to step into it, otherwise you will be killed directly!" The only remaining Jinxian ancestor of a hidden family lectured the disciples in the family .

"If you meet two five- or six-year-old girls, you must not mess with them. No matter what the other party's requirements are, they must be met!"

The Jinxian Patriarch of another hidden family also warned him again and again.

In the entire sanctuary, except for Lin Nan's family and Huang Gu's second son, there were almost no people they could not afford to offend.

But they were afraid that the dandy in the family would mess with the wrong people and destroy the family.

Those holy places and aristocratic families may not understand how powerful Lin Nan and others are, but these reclusive families are extremely afraid of Lin Nan and others.

Even the Divine Dynasty of Time, which almost wiped out all of them, was no match for Master Lin Nan. One can imagine how terrifying Master Lin Nan was.

But this kind of warning and exhortation is only in the uppermost circle of the entire sanctuary.

As for those ordinary monks, even those from some holy places and aristocratic families, they didn't know much about Lin Nan's terror.

They don't even know how the extremely powerful Time Divine Dynasty was destroyed. All they know is that after the divine dynasty is destroyed, they can finally rise again, seize resources, expand their power, and become the overlord of one side.

If you don't reach the Golden Immortal level, even if you are as powerful as a holy land or aristocratic family, you will just drift with the tide and cannot participate in the overall situation.

Soon, a year will pass.

This day has come to the end of the year.

"Momo, Ling'er, after tonight, you will be six years old!"

In Lin Nan's mansion, Liu Ruqing looked at his two daughters and said to them.

This year has also passed very quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, the two daughters have turned six years old.

But the family has also changed a lot. Both Liu Ruqing and her two daughters have reached the late stage of True Immortal cultivation and are not far from the peak of True Immortal.

You know, a year ago, they were still in the Nascent Soul stage.

There is no fourth such terrifying cultivation speed among the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"Daddy, Mom, we are one year older, and you are one year older. I don't want you to grow old!" Lin Momo tilted her head and clung to Liu Ruqing very obediently.

"Yeah, Ling'er doesn't want to grow up either!"

"Haha, we will never grow old. We are all immortals. Time is no longer important to us!" Liu Ruqing laughed and stroked the hair of the two children.

"Momo, Linger, you are one year older, what gifts do you want?" Lin Nan looked at the two clever little ghosts and asked.

He knew that his daughter was just trying to win sympathy and ask for gifts.

But Lin Nan still thought wrong.

"Daddy, Mommy, we don't want gifts!" Lin Momo said immediately.

"Yeah, we just want Mommy and Daddy to go out and play with us!" Ling'er echoed from the side.

It turned out that he wanted Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing to take them out to play.

"Okay, then let's go to the largest city in the Holy Territory, the Imperial City in the Central Territory!" Lin Nan nodded and agreed.

It has indeed been a long time since the couple took their two daughters out to play. Since they lived in Yaoguang City, the two daughters have always gone out to play by themselves.

"Okay, okay!" Lin Momo clapped her little hands, very happy.

Ling'er also jumped up happily.

The two girls kissed Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing twice on the face, and then danced happily.

After everyone made some preparations, Lin Nan led the group of people away.

This time, they plan to spend a few days in the Imperial City of the Central Region. After all, this is the end of the year and the beginning of the year! On such a day, it can be said that all the monks in the entire holy realm who are not in retreat will celebrate.


Under Lin Nan's powerful magical power, the group of people only took a stick of incense to get from the sacred mountain outside Yaoguang City to the Imperial City in the Central Region.

"Wow, what a huge imperial city!"

Lin Momo and Ling'er were both surprised when they saw the glorious city.

"It's so prosperous here. It's so lively to see so many monks coming and going!"

Liu Ruqing was also a little surprised.

There are probably hundreds of millions of monks in this imperial city in the Central Region. It is indeed the largest city in the Central Region. It can even be said to be the largest city in the entire Holy Domain.

Everyone entered the city and started wandering around.

The two girls were very curious about everything they saw, especially when they saw some beautiful things, they couldn't move.

Soon, with Lin Nan's permission, Lin Momo and Ling'er bought hundreds of toys.

"Everyone, come and take a look, this is a sacred artifact from the Eastern Region. It's for sale at a cheap price!"

A middle-aged monk shouted loudly.

"Three thousand years of elixir can turn a mortal into an immortal instantly. It's cheap, only a hundred spiritual stones!"

An old man was also shouting loudly.

"Nine thousand years ago, the True Immortal and Powerful Immortal Treasure, although it was incomplete, only needed ten thousand spiritual stones!"

In an inconspicuous stall, a young monk in simple clothes was also setting up a stall.

However, there were many items in other people's stalls, but there was only a broken dagger in his stall.

"Is this the portable immortal treasure of the True Immortal Power nine thousand years ago?" A monk in the Mahayana period picked up the broken dagger on the ground and looked at it.

"Yes, this was once a long sword, but it was later broken into pieces, leaving only the hilt, so it looks like a dagger!" said the young man.

"You're not a liar, are you? Is this a fairy treasure?"

Another Mahayana monk also frowned, a little confused.

"That true immortal is my ancestor's immortal. How could I lie to you? But now that my family is in decline, I have no choice but to sell this broken immortal treasure!" The young man seemed a little sad, but his expression was extremely magnanimous.

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