Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1224 Lin Momo takes action! (Fourth update)

"It's impossible for this piece of crap to hold ten thousand spirit stones. So, I'll give you one hundred!"

Suddenly, the original Mahayana monk suddenly said.

Then, he casually took out a hundred spirit stones, threw them on the ground, picked up the broken sword and wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute, I really can't sell you a hundred spiritual stones!" said the young monk.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the Mahayana monk had already walked out of the crowd and was about to leave.


Seeing that the Mahayana monk only threw down a hundred spiritual stones and was about to take away his broken fairy sword, the young man was also anxious.

His figure quickly took a step forward and directly grabbed the Mahayana monk.

"Give me back my fairy sword!" the young monk begged.

"Let go!" The Mahayana monk became a little angry.

"Give me back the fairy sword!" the young monk still said.

"court death!"

The Mahayana monk's face was a little cold. He didn't expect that the young man in front of him was so difficult to deal with.


Then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw the Mahayana monk suddenly slap the young monk.

The young monk's whole body was slapped, and he immediately fell back, and his hands couldn't help but loosen.

The Mahayana monk raised his legs again and walked forward.


At this moment, a delicate voice suddenly shouted angrily.


The Mahayana monk turned around and saw a five or six-year-old girl looking at him angrily.

"Little baby, stop meddling in other people's business and go find your master!" The Mahayana monk shouted angrily, then turned his head and walked straight forward.

This female doll was Lin Momo. When she saw the young monk before, she felt familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

After all, she and Ling'er had visited too many places in the sanctuary before and met too many people.

Lin Momo just felt that she must have met this young monk somewhere.

That's why she stood up.

But seeing that the Mahayana monk was still so arrogant, she immediately stretched out her little hand.


A shadow shot out from her palm and directly hit the face of the Mahayana monk. The Mahayana monk suddenly staggered, then turned around and looked around in embarrassment.

When he saw Lin Momo's appearance, he seemed a little unbelievable.

Was that little girl slapped just now?

But in an instant, his expression turned extremely angry.

"Little doll, you are really looking for death!"

He, a Mahayana monk, was slapped by a five- or six-year-old girl. If he told this, he would probably lose his face.

"Put down the fairy sword and get out now, and I can spare your life!" Lin Momo said in an old-fashioned way.

Over the past few months, she and Ling'er had wandered around and learned some of the world's atmosphere.

Lin Nan and others on the side were standing in the distance, watching from afar, with a hint of smile in their eyes.

Only Ling'er walked up to Lin Momo, and the two porcelain bottle-like female dolls immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"Yes, it's you!"

At this time, the young monk also came over and said immediately when he saw Lin Momo and Ling'er.

"Who are you?"

Lin Momo was a little embarrassed, she had indeed forgotten about this young man, only a few impressions remained.

"I am Zhang Kui from Baiyang City. The last time I was bullied by a great monk in the Hedao stage, you helped me!" The young monk said immediately.


Lin Momo nodded, finally remembering it.

"So it's you, why are you being bullied again this time!" Ling'er on the side also remembered and asked quickly.

"Oh, it's a long story. Since we were separated from you last time, our family has been invaded by a group of monks from outside the territory. I am the only one left in the whole family..." The young man named Zhang Kui sighed.

Hearing Zhang Kui's words, Lin Momo and Ling'er also understood. It was estimated that the Zhang family had also been attacked by the powerful men of the Time God Dynasty.

"Haha, have you finished talking! Do you think I am a dead person!"

On the opposite side, the Mahayana monk was also a little angry.

At this time, Lin Momo, Ling'er and Zhang Kui had almost forgotten about him.

Hearing the words of the Mahayana monk, Zhang Kui's eyes showed a hint of anger, "Give me back my fairy sword!"

This is the only valuable thing in their Zhang family. If it is robbed, his life will be problematic in the future, let alone his cultivation.

"Boy, it seems that the slap just now didn't kill you, so you are very dissatisfied!" When the monk in the Mahayana stage heard Zhang Kui's words, his face suddenly became extremely cold.


He suddenly flipped his hand, holding the broken sword in his hand, and stabbed Zhang Kui.

Then, a ray of white light shot out from the fairy sword and arrived in front of Zhang Kui in an instant.

Zhang Kui's face turned a little pale.

Although the fairy sword is broken, it was once a fairy treasure after all. Now that the opponent is using it, the white light is also extremely powerful.

Zhang Kui had no doubt that as long as he was hit by the white light, he would probably die on the spot.

But at this moment, Lin Momo suddenly turned her hand, and a ray of light shot out, instantly hitting the white light of the Mahayana monk.

Only a muffled sound was heard, and the attack of the Mahayana monk was immediately dispersed.

Zhang Kui breathed a sigh of relief.

But his face was paler and his legs were trembling.

He is only in the Nascent Soul stage, but he is two realms away from the monks in the Mahayana stage, and his strength is vastly different.

"Little baby, I told you not to meddle in other people's business, but you just didn't listen. Anyway, I'll kill you first!" The Mahayana monk was furious when he saw that his attack was defeated.

Swish, swish, swish!

The immortal sword in the hands of the Mahayana monk stabbed wildly, and streams of white light swept towards Lin Momo like a waterfall.

"court death!"

Lin Momo also gave a sweet shout, and then clapped her little hand.


As a late-stage True Immortal, Lin Momo's strength was infinitely higher than that of the monks in the Mahayana stage.

The waterfall-like white light met the shadow of Lin Momo's palm and shattered instantly like an egg hitting a stone.

Then, the huge phantom of the hand pressed towards the Mahayana monk.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, the expression of the Mahayana monk also changed wildly.

He felt an extremely terrifying aura shrouding him, and there was a huge pressure from above, which almost made him tremble.

"What kind of power is this? Why does it feel more terrifying than a strong man in the Hedao stage!" The monk in the Mahayana stage roared in his heart.


The huge pressure finally came down, and the Mahayana monk was crushed to death on the spot and turned into a piece of meat pie.


Seeing this scene, the monks who were watching were stunned, and gasps of cold air could be heard one after another.

"This, how is this possible! This five- or six-year-old kid killed a Mahayana monk with one slap!"

"Am I dazzled? How is it possible!"

"What state is this little doll in? His strength is so high!"

Almost everyone couldn't believe their eyes and were shocked.

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