Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1230 I don’t know why? What a waste! (Second update)

Everyone in the Jiang family breathed a sigh of relief when they heard Lin Momo's words.

Although they will lose their cultivation and become mortals, they will finally survive. And in the future, their family can reproduce. As long as the family's skills are not lost, there will always be monks who can grow up.

But even so, they also knew that the Jiang family would probably be very sad in the Zhongzhou Imperial City in the future.

Whether they are monks who covet their family's resources or monks who have been oppressed by their family, they will never let them go easily.

Then, under the palm of the ancestor of the Jin family, all the cultivation levels of the Jiang family monks present were abolished.

Then, the ancestor of the Jin family led everyone from the Jiang family directly to the Jiang family's mansion.

Since Miss Lin Momo has ordered that the cultivation of the Jiang family be abolished, even the monks in the Jiang family's mansion cannot be exempted.

In Lin Momo's opinion, all this was just a farce and did not affect their continued play.

Zhang Kui on the side also looked shocked at this time. He didn't expect that the two true fairy children he knew had such terrifying strength and status.

Relying on his low status, he naturally did not dare to get too close to Lin Momo and Ling'er.

However, Lin Momo and Ling'er were not too arrogant and continued to chat with Zhang Kui for a few words before leaving.

Just these few words changed Zhang Kui's life.

In the future, when he encountered danger many times in the Imperial City of Zhongzhou, monks came to rescue him. It was all because at this moment, someone saw that he and Lin Momo knew each other.

Lin Momo and Ling'er returned to Liu Ruqing and said to Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, "Papa, Mom, let's continue playing!"

"Haha, okay, our daughter has grown up too!"

Lin Nan touched his daughter's hair lovingly.

"It's not all what you taught me. My daughter is a bit like you now!"

Liu Ruqing on the side glanced at Lin Nan, feeling a little sad.

Now the two daughters are only five or six years old, and they are already so decisive in killing. I don't know how majestic they will be in the future.

"There's nothing wrong with that!" After hearing Liu Ruqing's words, Lin Nan was very calm, and continued, "In the fairy world, the weak eat the strong, and the strong are respected. If Momo and Ling'er don't establish their authority today, won't everyone be the same in the future? You can bully them!”

"Okay, okay! You're right, you're right!" Liu Ruqing couldn't argue with Lin Nan, so she had no choice but not to argue with him.

"No way, I still listen to my wife!"

Lin Nan also held Liu Ruqing in his arms, rubbing his ears and temples together.

The family continues to play in the Imperial City of Zhongzhou. The second son of Huanggu and the seventh son of Jinxian were following behind from a distance.

Although Lin Nan was extremely powerful and did not need their protection at all, Lin Nan also brought them to Zhongzhou Imperial City this time just for everyone to relax at the end of the year and the beginning of the year.

And in just one night, the news of the Jiang family's destruction spread throughout the entire Zhongzhou Imperial City.

"Did you know that the Jiang family's behemoth collapsed!"

On the street, a monk said to the monk next to him.

"What? How could the Jiang family collapse? It was an ancient family, and there was a powerful true immortal in the family! Don't be ridiculous!" The monk next to him didn't believe it.

"It's not a joke, it's true. Just yesterday, the Jiang family offended a big shot, and all the monks in the family were abolished and became mortals!"


"If you don't believe me, go and see. The Jiang family's resources have probably been divided up by other big families now!"

Such discussions can be seen everywhere in the entire Zhongzhou Imperial City.

"Great, all the Jiang family members have lost their cultivation, and I can finally take revenge!" A monk said angrily when he heard the news.

At first, he was bullied by the Jiang family in Zhongzhou Imperial City.

"Jiang family, you too have today. The hatred of killing your father and annihilating the clan can finally be avenged! The sky has eyes!"

There were also monks who were hiding in the imperial city of Zhongzhou, thinking that their original hatred would never be avenged, but they didn't expect that when they woke up, they learned the news of the Jiang family's destruction.

This is a real pleasure.

For a time, many big families in Zhongzhou Imperial City rushed to where the Jiang family was and divided up the Jiang family's property.

You know, that is a huge resource.

If a middle-class family gets one ten thousandth of the Jiang family's cultivation resources, it can even become a high-class family within a few years.

And those other aristocratic families also came one after another at this time.

Although they didn't care much about the Jiang family's industry and resources, they were very curious about how the Jiang family fell.

After all, it was terrible that such a behemoth as the Jiang family was destroyed overnight. These aristocratic families were not much different from the Jiang family, and they were suddenly frightened.

Even some holy places came to Zhongzhou Imperial City and constantly sent disciples to investigate.

At this time, the entire Jiang family's mansion was filled with wailing.

"This is a sacred object left to me by the old lady. You can't steal it!" A member of the direct line of the Jiang family grabbed a long sword and refused to let the monks on the opposite side snatch it.

"Fuck you! Seek death!" The monk opposite was in the Mahayana stage, but the Jiang family member had his cultivation level abolished and became a mortal directly.

Under the monk's palm, the Jiang family members were unable to resist and were sent flying dozens of meters away, falling to the ground with blood flowing from their mouths.

In this way, the other party is still kind. Otherwise, if a monk in the Mahayana stage wants to kill a mortal, it will just be a matter of hands.

"No, my spirit stone!"

Another member of the Jiang family, the spiritual stone in the storage bag was snatched away by a monk who was only at the Nascent Soul stage.

When the Yuan Ying stage monk heard the Jiang family members' wails, he turned a deaf ear and rushed to other places.

For him now, time is a resource.

He was only at the Nascent Soul stage, so he had to come here early so that he could have a chance to snatch some belongings from the Jiang family. When other monks from Zhongzhou Imperial City arrived in large numbers, he would have no chance.

The same scene happened everywhere in the Jiang family.

After those big families, aristocratic families, and holy places made inquiries in Zhongzhou Imperial City, they did not find out anything about the reasons for the Jiang family's downfall.

After all, the monks who were watching yesterday had no idea what kind of existence Lin Momo's family was. In fact, they even knew about it, including the Time Divine Dynasty and the Hidden Family.

The ancestor of the Jin family immediately left the Zhongzhou Imperial City after abolishing the cultivation of all the Jiang family members.

With existences like Lin Momo and Ling'er staying in Zhongzhou Imperial City and lending him courage, he didn't dare to stay any longer.

If you accidentally make these two young ancestors unhappy, I am afraid that the Jin family will follow in the footsteps of the Jiang family.

Therefore, those aristocratic families and holy places are still a little confused at this time.

"What! I don't know why? It's just rubbish!"

An elder from the Holy Land looked at the disciple who came to report and shouted angrily.

"Go and inquire again. If you can't find out the reason, just bring it up and see me!"

The head of an aristocratic family was also furious because his clan members did not find out the reason for the Jiang family's destruction.

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