Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1231 Two troublemakers! (Third update)

The decline of the Jiang family quickly stabilized the entire Zhongzhou Imperial City.

After all, this is the beginning of the year, and all the monks are immersed in a cheerful atmosphere. Although the Jiang family is also an aristocratic family, there are dozens of aristocratic families in Zhongzhou Imperial City, as well as the Holy Land, and there are many that are more powerful than the Jiang family.

The Imperial City of Zhongzhou was one of the largest cities in the entire Holy Domain, with hundreds of millions of monks.

Lin Nan's family was once again wandering around the Zhongzhou Imperial City.

The second day.

Lin Momo and Ling'er were walking on the street when they suddenly saw groups of monks heading in a certain direction, and they were curious.

"Hey, where are they going?" Lin Momo asked.

"There might be something interesting, why don't we go over and have a look!" Ling'er said quickly.


Lin Nan also nodded.

Then, the family quickly arrived at the central square of Zhongzhou Imperial City.

"Everyone, today is the beginning of the year, and the annual Imperial City Auction is about to be held. If you want to enter the auction house, please hurry up!" A monk in the Hedao stage stood on a high platform and shouted to the monks in the square.

In front of him, there were millions of monks, all of them eagerly awaiting the auction to begin.

"The annual auction in Zhongzhou Imperial City?"

Lin Momo's eyes lit up when she heard the monk's words.

"Then we can go in and have a look! You know, we are the terminators of the auction, hehe!" Ling'er echoed from the side.

"Linger, are you too naughty?" Lin Momo said helplessly.

"Hehe! What's wrong? Am I right? No matter where there is an auction, if the two of us go there, something will happen!" Ling'er chuckled, as if he was afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

"When you say that, it seems like this! I can't wait, what big trouble will happen later!" Lin Momo also nodded.

"You two are enjoying getting into trouble now?"

Lin Fan and Liu Ruqing both rolled their eyes.

But soon, Lin Nan brought Liu Ruqing and her two daughters to the registration office.

"Everyone who wants to enter the auction must pay 10,000 spirit stones!"

A monk in charge of guarding the door, dressed in the clothes of an auction house employee, said to everyone.

Behind this auction in Zhongzhou Imperial City is the most powerful city lord in the entire imperial city, Emperor Yu.

Therefore, even monks in the Hedao stage are only responsible for maintaining order here.

When the monks heard what the staff said, they all frowned.

"Why has it increased again this year? Last year it was only 8,000, and this year it has become 10,000!" A monk made a bitter face. He only brought more than 10,000 spiritual stones. The entrance fee would be 10,000. Go in How to participate in the auction?

"Oh, it was only 6,000 the year before last, and 5,000 the year before that. The admission fee is really getting more expensive year by year, and I can't afford it."

Another monk in the Hedao stage shook his head and could only retreat.

However, although many monks withdrew, there were still countless monks who paid the admission fee and entered the auction house.

After all, ten thousand spirit stones may be an astronomical figure for ordinary monks. But among those monks in the Mahayana and Hedao stages, there are still many who can afford it.

What's more, there are many True Immortal monks present.

There will be many rare treasures in this annual Zhongzhou Imperial City auction, and even some True Immortal monks are a little greedy.

Lin Nan escaped from the 40,000 spirit stones very calmly, and the family quickly entered the auction house.

The seventh son of Jinxian and the second son of Huanggu stayed outside and wandered around the Zhongzhou Imperial City.

After Lin Nan's family entered the auction house, they found that the entire auction house was extremely large, probably as big as the entire Yaoguang City.

"Wow, I didn't expect it to be so big here." Lin Momo's eyes widened, very curious.

This was the first time she had seen such a large auction house, and it was a bit subversive.

"Hey, sister, look, there are words here!" Ling'er discovered that there were many doors in the auction house, and there were words on each door.

"Tianzi No. 1, Tianque Pavilion!"

"Tianzi No. 2, Ziyue Pavilion!"

"No. 1, Huajiang Pavilion!"

"Di Zi No. 2, Wushan Pavilion!"

"Herringbone number one,..."

Seeing so many doors, the two girls were a little confused.

"Papa, Mom, which one should we go to?" Lin Momo asked.

"Of course we go to Tianzi No. 1, Tianque Pavilion!" Lin Nan said directly without thinking.

The four people quickly arrived in front of Tianque Pavilion, but were stopped by a monk.

"This fellow Taoist must verify his qualifications to enter Tianzi No. 1 Tianque Pavilion." The monk said.

"Oh?" Lin Nan frowned.

You have already paid 10,000 spirit stones when you enter the auction house. Doesn't this show your qualifications?

"Tianque Pavilion is the highest-level venue of our Zhongzhou Imperial City auction house. You must have a net worth of more than one billion spiritual stones to enter. Please show me the spiritual stones!" The monk said neither humble nor arrogant.

"It's a joke! This...have you seen enough?" Lin Momo on the side suddenly laughed when she heard the monk's words.

Then, she turned her little hand and took out a small mountain directly from her purse. There was a spiritual vein on the mountain, which contained no less than ten billion spiritual stones.

"Yes, I'm sorry, the villain is short-sighted, please come in and treat me as a distinguished guest!"

The monk looked at the spirit stone that Lin Momo took out, and was stunned for a moment, then quickly said to the four of them.

As he spoke, he wiped his sweat.

Oh my god, I casually took out tens of billions of spiritual stones, and I still doubted her qualifications. This almost offended a major customer!

Lin Nan didn't care about the monk, and led Liu Ruqing and others directly into Tianque Pavilion.

After Lin Nan and others entered, many monks entered Tianque Pavilion.

Those who can enter Tianque Pavilion must be monks with a net worth of more than one billion spiritual stones, and there are many truly rich people among them. Even in the entire Zhongzhou Imperial City, they are ranked among the top.

Of course, the strength of a monk with so many spiritual stones will naturally not be too low.

There are tens of thousands of monks who entered Tianque Pavilion this time, but the ones with the lowest strength have all reached the early stage of Hedao, and most of them have reached the peak of Hedao stage.

As for the True Immortal cultivators, there are hundreds of them.

And those who don't have enough strength and financial resources can only enter other auctions.

In the entire auction venue, the rarity of the items auctioned is naturally different according to the level.

In Tianque Pavilion, only the rarest treasures in the entire auction house can be put up for auction.

Soon, the auction began.

At this time, a monk in charge of the auction came onto the stage.

"Dear guests, I am very glad that you can come to this annual auction of Zhongzhou Imperial City and enter the Tianzi No. 1 Tianque Pavilion with the highest specifications. I believe that today's auction will not disappoint everyone!" The host The monk made some opening remarks, and then the auction began.

"Today's first auction item, a medium-grade holy object, a Ziyao fan!"

As he said that, the presiding monk took out a wooden box with a folding fan inside. It was not clear what material it was made of, but there was a faint light surrounding it.

"The first item to be auctioned is a medium-grade holy object. This time it is indeed not in vain!"

A monk in the middle stage of Hedao's eyes lit up when he saw the Ziyao fan.

This is a sacred object, suitable for a Hedao-stage monk like him, and he also used fan-shaped magic weapons before, but the grade was a bit low.

This time it’s time to replace it!

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