Urban Super Emperor

Chapter 1233 It’s my turn to perform, don’t compete with me! (First update)

However, Lin Momo's actions also surprised many monks.

Spending one billion spirit stones to just take a picture of a low-grade fairy treasure, and she doesn't look distressed at all. This little girl is really rich!

Even some monks in the Hedao stage began to roll their eyes and have unknown intentions. But when they realized that Lin Momo was actually in the realm of true immortal, they were all stunned and quickly suppressed their thoughts.

"Little girl, it's not cost-effective for you to spend one billion spiritual stones to buy this purple ring!" A monk in the realm of true immortal said.

In his opinion, although Lin Momo was rich, this transaction must have been a loss.

"Hmph! I want you to take care of it!"

With an arrogant look on her face, Lin Momo paid the spirit stone and gave the purple ring directly to Ling'er.

"Sister, this is a little gift from my sister!"

"Thank you sister!"

Ling'er didn't hesitate, put it on her wrist directly, came to Lin Nan and Liu Ruqing, shook it and said, "Daddy, mommy, do you like it?"


Lin Nan patted Ling'er's little head and praised.

When the True Immortal monk saw this scene, he was a little stunned.

"This family is really..." The True Immortal monk was speechless.

Let your daughter spend a billion spiritual stones just to buy a good look? Incomprehensible.

And then, the auction continues.

"The following is the 236th lot, the middle-grade immortal treasure Tianheng Gourd." Soon, the 236th lot has arrived, "The starting price is one billion spiritual stones, and each increase must not be less than five Tens of millions of spiritual stones!”

After the monk in charge finished speaking, he took out the Tianheng gourd.

I saw in the hands of the presiding monk, a small gourd as green as jade, only as big as a palm, with nine-colored rays of light shining on it, which was mesmerizing at first sight.

"Wow, sister, this little gourd is very pretty. Now it's my turn to perform. You can't compete with me!"

Ling'er was also a little surprised when she saw Heng Gourd that day, and her little eyes were shining.

"Okay! Then just perform!" Lin Momo nodded.

"One billion spiritual stones!"

At the same time, a True Immortal monk started calling out the price.

"Two billion spiritual stones!"

"Fifteen billion!"

After a while, the price of Heng Gourd increased to 1.5 billion spiritual stones that day.

After all, this is a middle-grade immortal treasure, and it is almost impossible for ordinary true immortal monks to refine it.

Now that one can be found at auction, of course everyone will rush to snap it up.

"Two billion!"

When the female true immortal saw this Tianheng gourd, she was determined to get it, so she immediately increased the price by 500 million spiritual stones!

"Three billion!"

Ling'er bids for the first time.

"What! One billion spiritual stones were added all at once! This doesn't even make it possible for people to live!"

Before everyone could be shocked that the female true immortal increased the price by 500 million spirit stones, they were shocked when Ling'er suddenly increased the price by another 1 billion spirit stones.

"Thirty-one billion!"

A True Immortal monk was a little unwilling and increased the price by another 100 million.

"Three and a half billion!"

The female immortal seemed a little displeased and raised the price again.

At this time, in the entire auction house, there were not many monks who could bring out three to four billion.

At this time, there were less than ten monks in the True Immortal Realm still bidding.

"Thirty-six billion!"

"Thirty-eight billion!"

"Four billion!"

After a while, the price of Tianheng gourd had soared to 4 billion.

At this time, only the female monk and another True Immortal monk were left bidding. However, as the female monk shouted out the price of four billion spiritual stones, it seemed that the other True Immortal monk was a little dumbfounded.

The female monk also had a smile of victory on her face.

"five billion!"

But at this moment, suddenly, Ling'er called out the price for the second time.

"You! Little girl, do you have so many spiritual stones!"

The female monk's face was a little stiff, and she stared at Ling'er, seeming a little angry.

"Guess what?" Ling'er said in a milky voice.

"If you want to buy it, increase the price. If you don't buy it, the Tianheng gourd will be ours!" Lin Momo glanced at the female monk coldly.

"Fifty-five billion!"

The female immortal seemed to grit her teeth and make a difficult decision.

"Six billion!"

Before the female immortal could finish her words, Ling'er shouted again.

"Okay, okay, I'll count on you!" The female true immortal no longer bid, but there was anger in her eyes.

"Little girl is not simple!"

"Yes, these two little sisters have produced seven billion spiritual stones before and after!"

"This is so rich! She is like a little rich woman!"

At this time, Ling'er paid the spirit stone, which immediately made the other monks jealous.

"Sister, I give it to you!" Ling'er gave the Tianheng gourd directly to Lin Momo.

"Thank you sister!"

Lin Momo looked at the cute green gourd in her hand and was very happy.

"Hmph, little girl, I want to see how many spirit stones you have!" The female true immortal seemed a little unwilling.

Her net worth is tens of billions of spiritual stones. Although she is not the richest among the monks in the entire True Immortal Realm, she is still in the middle and upper class.

But now, in her opinion, Lin Momo and Ling'er have already spent 7 billion spirit stones, and even if they have more, they shouldn't be much.

"Oh? Is it better than a spiritual stone! Very good!"

After hearing the words of the female true immortal, Lin Momo and Ling'er smiled at each other and said lightly.

"Why, little girl, are you scared?" The female immortal said with a hint of contempt in her eyes when she heard Lin Momo's words.

"Is this... is this going to start a fight?"

“It looks like there’s going to be a good show!

The monks nearby also became interested when they saw this scene.

After all, it is a pleasing thing to see other people fighting for wealth, not to mention that this is a female true immortal fighting with two little girls, which is really rare to see.

"Afraid? I have never known how to write the word fear!" Lin Momo curled her lips, completely ignoring the female immortal.

Ling'er on the side also looked arrogant and glanced at the female immortal with eyes as if looking at a poor person.


The female True Immortal was immediately furious, but seeing that the other party was also a True Immortal cultivator, and this time it was an auction house in the Imperial City of Zhongzhou, it was not easy for her to get angry.

After a pause, the female immortal said again, "In that case, how about we make a bet?"

"How to bet?" A glimmer of light flashed in Ling'er's big eyes.

"Then it depends on who takes the most treasures. If the two of you together surpass me, then I lose. If you are not as good as me, you lose!" said the female true immortal.

"Okay, let's bet, but what's the stake?" Lin Momo nodded, showing no fear at all.

"The losing party must give all the treasures on his body to the other party! Including the ones taken this time!" The female immortal said bitterly.


Hearing the words of the female true immortal, the other monks took a deep breath.

This is too vicious.

Once you lose, you will lose everything! Not only the treasures on his body, but also all the treasures taken this time must be compensated to the other party. This is a bet of billions or even tens of billions!

Everyone looked at Lin Momo and Ling'er with a hint of worry.

After all, they had already spent seven billion spirit stones before, and you know, this was not included in this bet.

Only treasures that will be auctioned later will count.

"Okay, but I also want to tell you that I will take care of all the remaining treasures!"

Lin Momo showed no fear at all. She looked at the female monk and said calmly, her tone was full of domineering, and she didn't take the other person seriously at all.

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